Pull-Down Menus In Windows - Help me out here!

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Pull-Down Menus In Windows - Help me out here!

Tricky(Posted 2005) [#1]
I need you guys to take a look at my new plain text editor J-Text.

Download page

I made this plain texteditor, since I couldn't find a good one for the Mac, and on the Mac it runs perfectly. But in Windows, it doesn't. Everything works perfect in Windows except the pull-down menus. And I don't understand why. Espcially since it works on the Mac (which uses the same source files).

My question is, did I discover a bug in the Windows version of Blitz Max, or did I do something wrong (since example codes from the help documentation works).

I have not had a chance yet to test this out in Linux.

skidracer(Posted 2005) [#2]
It should be better documented but you need to call UpdateWindowMenu window like in the CreateMenu example program.

Tricky(Posted 2005) [#3]
Yup, I've also discovered that myself.
Thanks anyway, skidracer.

And better documentation is on the way.
My first concern was to get this all working.