OOP Question

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/OOP Question

RJJ(Posted 2005) [#1]
Given the a TGadget object as the field to a type. Is it possible get type which contains that field so that a method can be called automatically?

Type My
Field test:TGadget
Method Update()
End Method
End Type

local MyObj:my=New my

If ( EventSource()=MyObj.Test )
End If
I want the above To be automatic
Something like EventSource().Update

RJJ(Posted 2005) [#2]
Is this in anyway possible?

Dreamora(Posted 2005) [#3]
If you replace My with an actual object, then this is how it works at the moment.
But if you let it be My (the type itself), you can't access field / method, only globa l/ const / function.

RJJ(Posted 2005) [#4]
Sorry, I did mean the my was the object and I have updated the code in the first post accordingly (hopefully).

The idea is that that "my" is a type that includes a label, text box and slider with methods to update the text based on the slider position and update the slider position based on the text input. The GUI will be a collection of these (around 30). The case statement looking at each text box and slider is huge and I thought there must be a better way to do this.

If the eventsource() is MyObj.Test (i.e. the slider) can I find MyObj so that I can call the MYObj method to update the associated text box?


Diablo(Posted 2005) [#5]
why dont you just create a list

Type My
	Field test:TGadget
	Method Update()
	End Method
End Type

Local MyObjList:Tlist = CreateList()

Local mytestobj:my = CreateMyObj()

For Local myobj:my = EachIn MyObjList
	If ( EventSource()=MyObj.Test )
	End If

Function CreateMyObj:My()
	Local myobj:my = New my
	MyObjList.addlast myobj
	Return myobj
End Function

somthing like that should work

Dreamora(Posted 2005) [#6]
RJJ: if you add a field / global x that can be raised then yes, thats correct working source.

RJJ(Posted 2005) [#7]
Diablo: Thanks the list is a good solution.

Dreamora: The issue isn't really the syntax. What I want to know is whether given the field test you can derive its object so that you can call the method update for that that instance.
