Bresenham's line algorithm

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Bresenham's line algorithm

Tachyon(Posted 2005) [#1]
Anyone familiar with this? It's a basic algorithm to plot pixels in a straight line between to points, and it's the basis for how all modern computers perform a DrawLine function.

I found this code in an article on Wikipedia but it's written in C, of which I admit I am wholly ignorant on, and as such I am confused on how to convert some of the lines. Anyone want to do a BlitzMax conversion?

function line(x0, x1, y0, y1)
     boolean steep := abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0)
     if steep then
         swap(x0, y0)
         swap(x1, y1)
     int deltax := abs(x1 - x0)
     int deltay := abs(y1 - y0)
     int error := 0
     int deltaerr := deltay
     int x := x0
     int y := y0
     if x0 < x1 then xstep := 1 else xstep := -1
     if y0 < y1 then ystep := 1 else ystep := -1
     if steep then plot(y,x) else plot(x,y)
     while x != x1
         x := x + xstep
         error := error + deltaerr
         if 2×error > deltax
             y := y + ystep
             error := error - deltax
         if steep then plot(y,x) else plot(x,y)

EOF(Posted 2005) [#2]
This example uses a modified LockedLine routine from a Blitz3D example (skidracers I think ?)

' Bresenham Line example (Draws to pixmap)

Const sw=640 , sh=480

Graphics sw,sh,0,NOSYNC

For Local n=1 To 100
	BLine pix,Rand(sw),Rand(sh),Rand(sw),Rand(sh),Rand(16777216)

DrawPixmap pix,0,0
Flip ; WaitKey

Function BLine(pm:TPixmap,x1#,y1#,x2#,y2#,rgb)
	Local steps , xI#
	x2:-x1 ; y2:-y1
	If Abs(x2)>Abs(y2) steps = Abs(x2) Else steps = Abs(y2)
	xI = x2 / steps ; y2:/steps
	For x2 = 1 To steps
 		WritePixel pm,x1,y1,rgb
		x1:+xI ; y1:+y2
End Function

Mystik(Posted 2005) [#3]
Heres one Shaggy made earlier in Blitz3d :) It lets you step through the line a pixel at a time.


ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2005) [#4]
If I recall, bresenham's line routine is really very easy. There are also bresenhams routines which are very similar, for drawing circles and ovals.

I might be remembering wrong, but basically I think you figure out the difference between the start and end X coords, call that XDiff, then figure out the difference between the start and and Y coords, call that YDiff.

Then, for as long as those numbers are divisible by two without it becoming a decimal, you divide both by two to make them as small as possible.

Then you just do a simple loop where you count from 0 to the bigger of the two differences, adding the smaller difference to the counter each time. When the value is more than the the bigger difference, you `wrap it around` by subtracting the bigger difference and keeping the remainder as the next counter value.

If you plot that as you go, from 0 to the biggest difference (ie in X or in Y), you end up basically plotting one pixel for every row or column and then you jump to the next adjacent row/column when there is a wraparound of the counter.

I hope I got that right and explained it okay. It's basically to do with wrapping an integer counter around based on X2-X1 and Y2-Y1. It's all simple integer additions/subtractions, nothing else, no floating point, and for integer math it is fast. It also lets you have control over how every single pixel is drawn, individually - dotted lines, color changes, clipping, etc.

There is a more complex version that draws circles and ovals but I don't quite understand it.

Nowadays, though, there is possibly a good argument for saying that f
floating-point math is as fast as integer math. The `lockedline` routin that jb posted is a floating point algorithm and has nothing to do with bresenhams.

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2005) [#5]
Bresenham's doesn't have anything to do with using floats and it doesn't have anything to do with having separate xsteps and ysteps detached from the loopcounter. It's meant to be really straightforward. Once you've set up the initial values, the main loop is basically stepping through one of the directions one pixel at a time, and then occasionally when there is counter overflow, stepping one pixel in the other direction. There is nothing more to it. I think that original program is cheating and is not `pure` bresenhams.

Here is some code which portrays the basic bresenhams algorithm, but it only draws when x2>x1 and y2>y1, it doesn't have the swappping and absolutes etc as seen in the one above. Easily adapted though. Also it is ENTIRELY integer math, not sneaky use of floats anywhere, which is how bresenhams is supposed to be used. If you're gunna use floats in it you might as well make an entire float routine which is really easy.

'Bresenham lines in BlitzMax
Graphics 640,480,0

Local x1,y1,x2,y2,xdiff,ydiff,xdiff2,ydiff2,counter,x,y:Int
	If (x1=x2) And (y1=y2)	'Avoid infinite loop
		SetColor Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255)
		Plot x1,y1
		xdiff=x2-x1	'Distances between start and end
		xdiff2=xdiff	'Backup
		While (xdiff & $FFFFFFFE=xdiff) And (ydiff & $FFFFFFFE=ydiff)	'If dividing by 2 still gives integers
			xdiff:/2	'Okay to make smaller
		If xdiff>ydiff	'If doing a line that is wider than tall
			For x=x1 To x1+(xdiff2-1) Step 1		'Move 1 pixel in X each loop
				SetColor Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255)
				Plot x,y
				If counter>xdiff
					y:+1		'Only move in Y when there is overflow
		Else		'Doing a line that is taller than wide
			For y:Int=y1 To y1+(ydiff2-1) Step 1		'Move 1 pixel in Y each loop
				SetColor Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255)
				Plot x,y
				If counter>ydiff
					x:+1		'Only move in X when there is overflow
Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2005) [#6]
I think the floating point version is simpler, not sure if it's as fast or not.

Please note I just typed this into the message, this is entirely untested, but it's something along these lines.

'Floating point line-draw in BlitzMax
Graphics 640,480,0

Local x1,y1,x2,y2,xdiff,ydiff,xstep,ystep:Float
Local pixels,x,y:Int
   If xdiff>ydiff
      If xdiff>0 Then xstep=1 else xstep=-1
      if ydiff<0 then ystep=-ystep
      If ydiff>0 Then ystep=1 else ystep=-1
      if xdiff<0 then xstep=-xstep
   For local counter:Int=0 to pixels-1
      Plot x1,y1
Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2005) [#7]
Ok, scrap the above code. Here is a simple conversion of the original program (the original one posted by Tachyon), converted to BlitzMax. It is indeed a proper Bresenham routine, using only integer math. I like they way it handles all the different drawing directions.

It's also good in that is, visually, seems to be handling also the problem of how/when/where the `steps` on the line are produced, so that the step at the beginning of the line is the same length as the step at the end. Usually you'd get one pixel plotted, then another string of pixels immediately offset.

I happened to need a linedraw routine for my own project so it was worth converting. Thanks Tachyon for sharing.

'Bresenham linedraw in BlitzMax, adapted from C code

Graphics 640,480,0
Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)

Function Line(X1:Int,Y1:Int,X2:Int,Y2:Int)
	'Draws a line of individual pixels from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2 at any angle
 	Local Steep:Int=Abs(Y2-Y1) > Abs(X2-X1)			'Boolean
	If Steep
		Local Temp:Int=X1; X1=Y1; Y1=Temp		'Swap X1,Y1
		Temp=X2; X2=Y2; Y2=Temp		'Swap X2,Y2
	Local DeltaX:Int=Abs(X2-X1)		'X Difference
	Local DeltaY:Int=Abs(Y2-Y1)		'Y Difference
	Local Error:Int=0		'Overflow counter
	Local DeltaError:Int=DeltaY		'Counter adder
	Local X:Int=X1		'Start at X1,Y1
	Local Y:Int=Y1		
	Local XStep:Int
	Local YStep:Int
	If X1<X2 Then XStep=1 Else XStep=-1	'Direction
	If Y1<Y2 Then YStep=1 Else YStep=-1	'Direction
	If Steep Then Plot(Y,X) Else Plot(X,Y)		'Draw
	While X<>X2
		X:+XStep		'Move in X
		Error:+DeltaError		'Add to counter
		If (Error Shl 1)>DeltaX		'Would it overflow?
			Y:+YStep		'Move in Y
			Error=Error-DeltaX		'Overflow/wrap the counter
		If Steep Then Plot(Y,X) Else Plot(X,Y)		'Draw
End Function

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2005) [#8]
I put this in the code archives for good measure