TNet - Getting Flushmem error

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/TNet - Getting Flushmem error

FBEpyon(Posted 2005) [#1]

Global NetPlayer:Int[1000]
Global LocalPlayer:Int

Function HOSTGAME:Int(port:Int)
	TNet_HostUDP port
	LocalPlayer = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(100,100)
End Function

Function JOINGAME:Int(ip:String,port:Int)
	TNet_JoinUDP ip,port
	LocalPlayer = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(Rand(320),Rand(240))
	For Local nn = 0 To TOTAL_PLAYERIDS
		NetPlayer[TNet.ID] = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(100,100,True,TNet.ID)
End Function

	If TNet_NewClient()
		NetPlayer[TNet.ID] = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(100,100,True,TNet.ID)
	End If
End Function

Function SENDDATA()
	For Player:TPlayer = EachIn PlayerList
		If Player.NetP = False
		ElseIf Player.NetP = True 
			If TNet_Receive(2)
				Player.PX = Int(TNet.Data)
			End If
		End If
End Function

Im having Problems sending info to the player.. I want to use strings only btw, so please if anyone has a suggestions let me know what im doing wrong
Player is the Type used in my PLayer Type code..

Tibit(Posted 2005) [#2]
The code looks fine. You get flushmem error? Or does it crash with flushmem?

You say you want to use strings only?

Instead of:
TNet_SendUDP( 2, Player.NX )
TNet_SendUDP( 2, ZInt(Player.NX) )

Instead of:
If TNet_Receive( 2 ) Player.PX = Int( TNetData )
If TNet_Receive( 2 ) Player.PX = XInt( TNetData )

Please explain more.

FBEpyon(Posted 2005) [#3]
I changed my code up a bit, but it still crashes at the Flushmem like your not clearing your types right in TNet, Im sure it has to do with the SendUDP command and Receive, but im not sure, were because it send the info for a bit then flushmem crashes like it gets over loaded...

Also you don't explain how to use ZInts(blah) very well I would use that command to send more than one thing thru client at once, but I don't understand this command

new code
Global NetPlayer:Int[1000]
Global LocalPlayer:Int

Function HOSTGAME:Int(port:Int)
	TNet_HostUDP port
	LocalPlayer = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(100,100)
End Function

Function JOINGAME:Int(ip:String,port:Int)
	TNet_JoinUDP ip,port
	LocalPlayer = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(Rand(320),Rand(240))
	For Local nn = 0 To TOTAL_PLAYERIDS
		NetPlayer[nn] = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(100,100,True,TNet.ID)
End Function

	If TNet_NewClient()
		NetPlayer[TNet.ID] = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(100,100,True,TNet.ID)
	End If
End Function
	For Player:TPlayer = EachIn PlayerList
	IF Player.NetP = False
		Player.NX = Player.PX
		Player.NY = Player.PY
		Player.NDirection = Player.Direction
		Player.NAction = Player.Action
	End If
End Function

	local data1,data2,data3
	If TNet_Receive(2)
		'If Player.IDNumber = TNet.ID
		data1 = Instr(TNet.Data,Left(TNet.Data,1))
		Print data1
		data2 = Instr(TNet.Data,",",data1)
		Print data2
		data3 = Float(Mid(TNet.Data,data1,data2))
		Print data3
		For Player:TPlayer = EachIn PlayerList
		If Player.NetP = True and Player.IDNumber = TNet.ID
			Player.PX = data3
		End If
	End If
End Function

FBEpyon(Posted 2005) [#4]
Const NEW_PLAYER = 1

Function HOSTGAME:Int(port:Int)
	TNet_HostUDP port
	LocalPlayer = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(100,100,False,TNetMy.Net_ID)
End Function

Function JOINGAME:Int(ip:String,port:Int)
	TNet_JoinUDP ip,port
	LocalPlayer = TPlayer.CREATEPLAYER(100,100,False,TNetMy.Net_ID)
End Function

	local data1,data2,data3
	If TNet_NewClient()
	End If
	If TNet_Receive(NEW_PLAYER)
	End If
	If TNet_Receive(INFO_PLAYER)
		For PLayer:TPlayer = EachIn PlayerList
			If Player.IDNumber = TNetID
				data1 = Instr(TNetData,Left(TNetData,1))
				DrawText data1,8,8
				data2 = Instr(TNetData,"|",data1)
				DrawText data2,8,24
				'Player.PX = Float(Mid(TNetData,data1,data2))
				'Player.PY = Float(Mid())
			End If
		DrawText "No Data",8,8
	End If
End Function

	local datasend:string
	For PLayer:TPlayer = EachIn PlayerList
		datasend = Player.NX+"|"+PLayer.NY
		If Player.IDNumber = TNetMy.Net_ID
		End If
End Function

This is the latest attemp, this system just crashes the host window

Tibit(Posted 2005) [#5]
Concerning the "flushmem error" I'll look into it. It does happen to me too, but I doubt it's my fault. I'll still take a look at it and see if I can figure it out.

Also you don't explain how to use ZInts(blah) very wel
Have you checked the command referense at I hope it is explains well, or I will change it for the better, I like feedback =)
I am going to write a tutorial on packing (a detailed one) but I haven't had time for it. It'll come.. in time..

Anyhow the point with my packing commands is to make your life simpler. So it would be pointless to use your own packing on top of it =)

Instead of: ( SEND )
datasend = Player.NX+"|"+PLayer.NY

datasend = ZInt(Player.NX)+ZInt(Player.NY)'Dynamic packing
TNetSendUDP( INFO_PLAYER,datasend )

Instead of: ( RECEIVE )
data1 = Instr(TNetData,Left(TNetData,1))
DrawText data1,8,8
data2 = Instr(TNetData,"|",data1)
DrawText data2,8,24
Player.PX = Float(Mid(TNetData,data1,data2))
Player.PY = Float(Mid())

Player.PX = XInt( TNetData )
Player.PY = XInt( TNetData )

Magic eh?

If you need floats use ZFloat() and XFloat(), If you need to pack several Strings use ZString() and XString().

The logic:
Z is for Zip I.E. Pack. X is for eXtract I.E. UnPack.

You can also use a similar command called ZInts, note the extra "s".

It works like this:

DataToSend$ = XInts([ X, Y , Dir , Speed , Acceleration, LastX, LastY, ID, Trigger1, Color])

All these numbers will be packed into the string, DataToSend$

Send this string in a message.

Unpack it like this:
If TNet_Receive(2)
NewData$ = TNetData$

Debuglog "Start Size of NewData: "+NewData.Length
X = ZInt( NewData$ ) 'First int
Y = ZInt( NewData$ ) 'Second Int
Dir = ZInt( NewData$ ) 'Third Int
Speed = ZInt( NewData$ ) 'You get he point
Acceleration = ZInt( NewData$ ) 'Fifth Int
LastX = ZInt( NewData$ )' And so on..
LastY = ZInt( NewData$ )
ID = ZInt( NewData$ )
Trigger1 = ZInt( NewData$ )
Color = ZInt( NewData$ )'Last Int
Debuglog "End Size of NewData: "+NewData.Length
'If you packed 10 Ints like I did in this example then NewData$ will be 0 in size!