Get XP Username

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Get XP Username

maverick69(Posted 2005) [#1]
Is it possible or is there a command available to find out the name of current user that is logged into Windows XP and running your BlitzMax App?

kfprimm(Posted 2005) [#2]
this is a start

youll have to port it though....

BlitzSupport(Posted 2005) [#3]
This should do it...

' Function stuff...

Global GetUserName (buff:Byte Ptr, size:Byte Ptr)

adv32 = LoadLibraryA ("advapi32.dll")
If Not adv32 Notify "Can't open advapi32.dll!"; End

GetUserName = GetProcAddress (adv32, "GetUserNameA")
If Not GetUserName Notify "Can't find GetUserNameA function!"; End

' Test...

Local name:Byte [256]
Local size = 256

If GetUserName (name, Varptr (size))
	Print StringFromArray (name)

' Conversion to/from C strings...

Function ArrayFromString:Byte [] (source$)
	Local newarray:Byte [Len (source$)]
	MemCopy (newarray, source.ToCString (), Len (source$))
	Return newarray
End Function

Function StringFromArray$ (source:Byte [])
	Return String.FromCString (source)
End Function

xlsior(Posted 2005) [#4]
Or a one-liner:

Print getenv_("username") 

Windows automatically keeps a bunch of environment variables that can be read by any program. This includes username as mentioned above, but also other useful information such as:

- installation directory for windows ("windir")
- your personal directory ("userprofile")
- the location of your program file directory ("programfiles")
and a bunch of other info. To see the full list, open a DOS command prompt (cmd.exe), and simply type: set

FlameDuck(Posted 2005) [#5]
Got one that's cross-platform?

Sweenie(Posted 2005) [#6]
Got one that's cross-platform?

name$=Input("What's your name?")

Sorry... couldn't resist :)

DannyD(Posted 2005) [#7]
Cross platform...
system_ "who am i"

This will print the username under unix/Mac os.Parse out the other info.To ensure cross platform ability a comparison should do the job:

maverick69(Posted 2005) [#8]
@all thank you very much,

I tried the easiest solution

Print getenv_("username") 

and it works fine for me. If the getenv_("username") commands results an empty string I will prompt the user name via a requester. I hope this will keep my source cross platfrom compatible.