fonts in bmax

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/fonts in bmax

gellyware(Posted 2005) [#1]
What is the best way to display bitmap fonts in bmax?

any recommended programs?

MrCredo(Posted 2005) [#2]
bbmax use his own bitmap-engine. It convert Fonts to Images and use sprites to draw this. Your work is "only" to hack your own images into this engine. But i don't know how!

BBmax load a default font from a custom (monochrome) bitmap-file.

gellyware(Posted 2005) [#3]
Has anyone converted the fonText 2d .bb library to bmax?

gellyware(Posted 2005) [#4]
here is a very primative class for displaying a bitmap font using fontext. You only need to export the image itself, not the ini file. For this to work, you must check all the boxes under the characters tab EXCEPT 'full' and 'skip 0-32' , this can be changed to accomodate the full options and 0-32 by simply changing the asciiCount variable. Feel free to enhance this and post your findings here. Enjoy!

' TBitmapFont Bitmap font class
Type TBitmapFont

	Field font:TPixMap 			'the original bitmap font image is stored here
	Field tempPixMap:TPixMap 	'this is a temp pixmap to store each letter
	Field textSpacing:Int 		'this controls how far apart horizontally each letter is spaced
	Field ascii:TImage[512]		'stores ascii values
	' Load font
	Method load(url:Object, width:Int, height:Int, size:Int)
		'url    = link to image
		'width  = width of each cell
		'height = height of each cell
		'size   = size of the total image i.e. 512 for 512x512
		'load the bitmap font
		font = LoadPixmap(url) 
		If Not font Then RuntimeError ("Unable to load '"+URL.toString()+"'")	
		'set text spacing
		textSpacing = width
		'create a pixmap to store each letter
		tempPixMap =CreatePixmap(width, height,PF_RGB888)

		'fill ascii[] array with letters corresponding to ascii values 
		'since the space is the first cell on the font 
		'start with the space ascii value 32
		Local asciiCount = 32 
		For Local offsetY = 0 To Floor(size/height)-1
			For Local offsetX = 0 To Floor(size/width)-1 
				For Local x = 0 To width-1
					For Local y = 0 To height-1
						WritePixel(tempPixMap, x, y, ReadPixel(font, x+(offsetX*width),y+(offsetY*height)))
				ascii[asciiCount] = LoadImage(tempPixMap)
	' Draw text to the screen 
	Method text(text:String, x:Int, y:Int)
		' text = string to output
		' x    = x start location of text
		' y    = y start location of text 
		For Local i:Int= 0 To text.length-1
			Local tempText:String = Mid(text, i+1, 1)
			Local asciiVal:Int 	  = Asc(tempText)
			If ascii[asciiVal]
				DrawImage(ascii[asciiVal], x+(i*textSpacing), y)
	'set text spacing
	Method setTextSpacing(n:Int)
		textSpacing = n 

ozak(Posted 2005) [#5]
I got one too. Look at my sig for the link :)