Extend IGlass Window Problems

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Extend IGlass Window Problems

Arowx(Posted 2005) [#1]
Hi Filax and All,

I've been working a bit with IGlass and I'm attempting to create a simple tilemap editor (I know, not another one!). However I'm attempting to Extend IGlass's basic window to create a simple tile selection window:

' This is a class that combines the IGlass elements to create a window that 
' allows the selection of tiles.

Include "../IGlass PC 1.5.1/IGL_Classe/Inc_IGlass.bmx"

Type TileWindow Extends IGL_Window
	Field tilesWidth:Int = 0 
	Field tilesHeight:Int = 0
	Field tileSize:Int = 0
	Field numTiles:Int = 0
	Field tiledImages:TImage
	Field sbarTexture:IGL_Scrollbar
	Method CreateIt:TileWindow(Caption:String,Px:Int,Py:Int,Tx:Int,Ty:Int, images:TImage, TileSize:Int, NumTiles:Int )
		Self.tileSize = TileSize
		Self.numTiles = NumTiles
		tiledImages = images
		tilesWidth = Tx / tileSize
		tilesHeight = Ty / tileSize
		BLock:Byte=True 	'Can be locked in place
		BMinimize:Byte=True 'Can be minimized
		BClose:Byte=True 	'Can be closed
		ClassType:Int=IGL_NormalWindow 'Is a normal window
		Super.Create(Caption,Px,Py,Tx,Ty,BLock, BMinimize, BClose, ClassType)
		sbarTx:Int = 8
		sbarPx:Int = sbarTx - 8
		sbarTexture = IGL_Scrollbar.Create(Super,"",sbarPx,0,sbarTx,Ty,0.0,0.0,Float(NumTiles),1)
		Return Self
	End Method
	Method Refresh()
		'Draw array of textures on texture window
		Local posx:Int = Px+5
		Local posy:Int = Py+25
		Local index:Int = sbarTexture.Value
		For Local x:Int = 0 To tilesWidth-1
			For Local y:Int = 0 To tilesHeight-1
				DrawImage( tiledImages, posx, posy, index )
				index:Mod numTiles
			posy = Py+tileSize
	End Method

End Type

'Test Harness

Graphics 640, 480, 0


' Build an editor window e.g. list of textures and scroll bar!
Global wndTexture:TileWindow
Global tileImage:TImage = LoadAnimImage("spiral.png", 32, 32, 0, 100, FILTEREDIMAGE|MASKEDIMAGE)
'CreateIt:TileWindow(Caption:String,Px:Int,Py:Int,Tx:Int,Ty:Int, images:TImage, TileSize:Int, NumTiles:Int )
wndTexture= New TileWindow.CreateIt("Textures",10,10,135,395,tileImage,32,100)
' Why does field not surface in child

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)

'End Rem

However I'm unable to get the new window to refresh without directly calling it's refresh method. I'm at a loss at the moment as this is basic OO stuff (althoght I've probably missed something;o)!

So how do I extend a window and it's Refresh method to create my own windows?



Filax(Posted 2005) [#2]
It's not very easy because the Window widget is the BASE of all
widget :) but write me a detailled email with your request, i'll see what
can i do for you :) maybe a new control creation is possible :)

Maybe a canvas system is possible :) But for the moment blitzmax
have not a "camera viewport like command" but maybe it's possible to
pass by an image ? It is really a problem to use screen for build
map with tile (don't forget that IGlass can pas control directly on
the screen ! :) ?

See ya :)

Muttley(Posted 2005) [#3]
BlitzMax does have viewport commands currently:

SetViewport( x, y, width, height )


GetViewport( x Var, y Var, width Var, height Var )


Filax(Posted 2005) [#4]
Yes i know :) i use them massively under Iglass, but it's only a
drawing part of the screen. not a really drawing viewport like
setcamera viewport like blitz3D.

Arowx(Posted 2005) [#5]
Hi I've resolved the problem!

I changed the IGL_Window Create Function in IGlass to use a Setup Method that does all the work. So now I can create a TileWindow that includes images and works within Filax's refresh framework!

Now I just have to tidy up the layout and I can try and get the map editor to work.

Filax(Posted 2005) [#6]
Iglass + object power + your creativity = no problem :)

Grisu(Posted 2005) [#7]
Ahm when done merx, could u post an easy example?

I'm still trying to find an easy way for displaying and changeing and title map within a window....

Arowx(Posted 2005) [#8]
Here's an example, it's still a work in progress.

Remember you need to make the changes I mentiond previously to IGlass's IGL_Window class before this will work!

' This is a class that combines the IGlass elements to create a window that
' allows the selection of tiles.

Include "../IGlass_1.5.2/IGL_Classe/Inc_IGlass.bmx"

Type TileWindow Extends IGL_Window

Field tilesWidth:Int = 0
Field tilesHeight:Int = 0
Field tileSize:Int = 0
Field numTiles:Int = 0
Field tiledImages:TImage
Field sbarTexture:IGL_Scrollbar

Function CreateIt:TileWindow(Caption:String, Px:Int, Py:Int, Tx:Int, Ty:Int)
Local NewWindow:TileWindow

NewWindow=New TileWindow
BLock:Byte=True 'Can be locked in place
BMinimize:Byte=True 'Can be minimized
BClose:Byte=True 'Can be closed
ClassType:Int=IGL_NormalWindow 'Is a normal window
NewWindow.Setup(Caption,Px,Py,Tx,Ty,BLock, BMinimize, BClose, ClassType)
Return NewWindow
End Function

Method SetImages(images:TImage, TileSize:Int, NumTiles:Int )

Self.tileSize = TileSize
Self.numTiles = NumTiles

tiledImages = images

tilesWidth = Tx / tileSize
tilesHeight = Ty / tileSize

sbarTx:Int = 16
sbarPx:Int = sbarTx - 16

sbarTexture = IGL_Scrollbar.Create(Super,"",sbarPx,0,sbarTx,Ty-2,0.0,0.0,Float(NumTiles),1,True)

End Method

Method Refresh()
DebugLog("TileWindow Refresh"+sbarTexture.Value)

'Draw array of textures on texture window
Local posx:Int = Px+16
Local posy:Int = Py+22

Local index:Int = sbarTexture.Value

index:Mod numTiles

For Local x:Int = 0 To tilesWidth-1
For Local y:Int = 0 To tilesHeight-1
DrawImage( tiledImages, posx, posy, index )
index:Mod numTiles
posy = Py+22

End Method

End Type

'Test Harness

Graphics 640, 480, 0


' Build an editor window e.g. list of textures and scroll bar!
Global wndTexture:TileWindow
Global tileImage:TImage = LoadAnimImage("C:\spiral.png", 32, 32, 0, 100, FILTEREDIMAGE|MASKEDIMAGE)
'CreateIt:TileWindow(Caption:String,Px:Int,Py:Int,Tx:Int,Ty:Int, images:TImage, TileSize:Int, NumTiles:Int )
wndTexture= New TileWindow.CreateIt("Textures",10,10,145,415)
' Why does field not surface in child

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)

'End Rem

Scott Shaver(Posted 2005) [#9]
If you need any further code example you can look at


It's an editor I build with iGlass that includes a tile selection window.