Converting a matrix back to euler angles?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Converting a matrix back to euler angles?

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#1]
I've wrote a function that's supposed to do that, but it only works if the rotation matrix was generated while rotated on one axis only.

i.e 45,0,0 converted into a rotation matrix is corrected converted back to 45,0,0, but I use something like 45,24,45 it'll be returned as some funky angle and as a result doesn't match the initial values at all.

any ideas?

here's the code

Type Matrix
	Method New()
		Mat=New Double[16]
	End Method
	Method Delete()
	'	Release Mat
	End Method
	Method Identity()
		Local Index:Int
		Mat[ 0 ] = 1
		For Index=1 To 15
			Mat[ Index ]=0
	End Method
	Method Pitch( nPitch:Double )
		mat[5]=Cos( nPitch )
		mat[6]=-Sin( nPitch )
		mat[9]=Sin( nPitch )
	    mat[10]=Cos( nPitch )
	End Method
	Method Yaw( nYaw:Double )
		mat[0]=Cos( nYaw )
		mat[2]=Sin( nYaw )
		mat[8]=-Sin( nYaw )
		Mat[10]=Cos( nYaw )
	End Method
	Method Roll( nRoll:Double )
		mat[0]=Cos( nRoll )
		mat[1]=-Sin( nRoll )
		mat[4]=Sin( nRoll )
		mat[5]=Cos( nRoll )
	End Method
	Method Position( nX:Double,nY:Double,nZ:Double )
		mat[0] = 1
		mat[3] = nX
		mat[5] = 1
		mat[7] = nY
		mat[11] = nZ
		mat[15] = 1
	End Method
	Method Copy( IN:Matrix)
	   Local Index:Int,Val:Double
	   For Index=0 To 15
	End Method
	Method getrotate() 

	If mat[4] > 0.998 
		Local heading! = ATan2(mat[2],mat[10])
		Local attitude! = Pi/2
		Local bank! = 0

	If (mat[4] < -0.998) '// singularity at south pole
		Local heading! = ATan2(mat[2],mat[10])
		Local attitude! = Pi/2;
		Local bank! = 0;

	Local heading! = ATan2(-mat[8],mat[0]);
	Local bank! = ATan2(-mat[6],mat[5])
	Local attitude! = ASin(mat[4])

	End Method
	Method Rotate( nPitch:Double,nYaw:Double,nRoll:Double )
	   Local A!,B!,C!,D!,E!,F!,AD!,BD!
	   A   = Cos( npitch)
   	   B   = Sin( npitch)
   	   C       = Cos(nyaw)
   	   D       = Sin(nyaw)
   	   E       = Cos(nroll)
       F       = Sin(nroll)
	   AD      =   A * D
   	   BD      =   B * D
	   mat[0]  =   C * E
	   mat[1]  =  -C * F
	   mat[2]  =   D
	   mat[4]  =  BD * E + A * F
	   mat[5]  = -BD * F + A * E
	   mat[6]  =  -B * C
	   mat[8]  = -AD * E + B * F
	   mat[9]  =  AD * F + B * E
	   mat[10] =   A * C
'   	   mat[3]  =  mat[7] = mat[11] = mat[12] = mat[13] = mat[14] = 0
  	   mat[15] =  1
'	mat[12]=100
'	mat[13]=0
	End Method
	Method Rotateo( nPitch:Double,nYaw:Double,nRoll:Double,X:Double=0,Y:Double=0,Z:Double=0 )
		Local Temp:Matrix = New Matrix
		Self.Pitch( nPitch )
		Temp.Copy( Self )
		Self.Yaw( nYaw ) 
		Temp.Multiply( Self )
		Self.Roll( nRoll )
		Temp.Multiply( Self )
		Self.Position( X,Y,Z )
		Temp.Multiply( Self )
		Self.Copy( Temp )
	End Method
	Method TForm_Point( X:Double,Y:Double,Z:Double )
		Method TransformVec:Vector( i:Vector )
		Local r:Vector = New Vector
		Local w# = 1.0/( m30 + m31 + m32 + m33 )
		r.x = ( ( m00*i.x ) + ( m01*i.y ) + ( m02*i.z ) + m03 ) * w
		r.y = ( ( m10*i.x ) + ( m11*i.y ) + ( m12*i.z ) + m13 ) * w
		r.z = ( ( m20*i.x ) + ( m21*i.y ) + ( m22*i.z ) + m23 ) * w
		Return r
		End Rem
		tFormX = (mat[0] * X) + (mat[1] * Y) + (mat[2] * Z) + mat[3]
		tFormY = (mat[4] * X) + (mat[5] * Y) + (mat[6] * Z) + mat[7]
		tFormZ = (mat[8] * X) + (mat[9] * Y) + (Mat[10] * Z) + mat[11]
	End Method
	Method TForm_Point2D( X:Double,Y:Double )
		Local Z=0
		tFormX = (mat[0] * X) + (mat[1] * Y) + (mat[2] * Z) + mat[3]
		tFormY = (mat[4] * X) + (mat[5] * Y) + (mat[6] * Z) + mat[7]
	End Method
	Method Multiply( With:Matrix )
		Local Temp:Matrix = New Matrix
		Local M:Int,m1:Int,m2:Int
		For m=0 To 3
			For m1=0 To 3
				Temp.Mat[ m1*4+m]=0
				For m2=0 To 3
					Temp.Mat[ m1*4+m]:+With.Mat[m2*4+m]*Mat[m1*4+m2]
	   Local Index:Int,Val:Double 
	   For Val:Double =EachIn Temp.mat
	   'Release Temp
	End Method
	Method Debug( PrintFunc:Int(Out:String) )
		Local mi
		Local lin:String
		For Local m=0 To 3
		For Local J=0 To 3
			If mi<16
			lin=lin+(m)+"-"+(j)+" : "+Mat[mi]+"  "
			DebugLog lin
	End Method
	Field Realpitch!,realyaw!,realroll!
	Field Mat:Double[]
	Field tFormX:Double,tFormY:Double,tFormZ:Double,tW:Double
End Type


local mat:matrix = new matrix
mat.rotate( 45,0,0 )
mat.debug( debuglog ) 

mat.rotate( mat.realroll,mat.realyaw,mat.realpitch ) 'pitch/roll needs to be reversed, function outputs it in the wrong order.

mat.debug( debuglog )
'As you can this generates the same matrix, so conversation was correct.


mat.debug( debuglog )
mat.rotate( mat.realroll,mat.realyaw,mat.realpitch )
mat.debug( debuglog )

'generates incorrect angles(In getrotate) and as a result the matrices don't match. 

fredborg(Posted 2005) [#2]
Looky looky:

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#3]
Aye, though I'm sure a matrix class wrote with DX in mind will have or at the very least not produce matrices compatible directly with openGL.
(Just an assumption based on matrixes tutorials I've read over the last few days.)

I really wish mark would convert the above into bmax for us...It's a bit..complex..

REDi(Posted 2005) [#4]
Pulled this out of my entity code, may be it will help, or give you some ideas...

It's not perfect, it flips 180 half way round, but its the best I've managed so far.

Chris C(Posted 2005) [#5]
i seem to remember doing a eular to matrix and back in odemax feel free to rip the routine out of that if you like

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2005) [#6]
Antony, Remember that in Eular there are many ways to show the same orientation.

Best way to check is to actually do the rotation and see if it *looks* the same. :)

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#7]
Thanks papa, I'll give it a whirl. This is the last thing standing between me and a public release of vivid2.0 (Want a nice user base built up the time it goes on sale of course :) )

Chris, I'll take a look at yours too. I already have odemax as I was thinking about using it for physics in v2.

Cyngus, yeah I thought that might be the case, but when I tried the cube(in a little demo I did) started doing the lambada or something very similar. Definitely wasn't rotating properly :)

Mrs robinson, please stop calling me. It was great, but I'm just not the commitment kind of guy.

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2005) [#8]

Mrs robinson, please stop calling me. It was great, but I'm just not the commitment kind of guy.

if i Knew you, I'd be worried....

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#9]
I was just poking fun at myself for replying to so many people in one post. No need to worry. I think :)

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2005) [#10]
SO many people? hah. Then i worry about myself.

I'm only answernig every post here as theres no work for a few mins...

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#11]
Just killing time till curb your enthusiasm finises downloading myself. (Enjoy your work sucker! :) )

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2005) [#12]
"Just killing time till curb your enthusiasm finises downloading myself.". Whaaa?

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#13]
You're not one of those "Downloading stuff is wrong" people are you? :) It's a good show, and I'll be damned if I'm relying on BBC's stupid scheduling to see repeats. They only repeat garden variety shows...

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2005) [#14]
Oh... youre:

Just killing time till "Curb Your Enthusiasm" finishes downloading.

Okay then. Now i understand. :)

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#15]
Well yeah, if you want to use proper english, that's what I'm doing. :)

97% done...time to roll one. (puts on star trek opening monolouge for ambience)

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2005) [#16]
Just using enough english to make it readable- My written english isnt good enough to actually complain about someone elses :)

*stops spamming thread*

REDi(Posted 2005) [#17]
Well this works better...

But now I've noticed a tiny problem with rolling... Doh
Having any luck Antony?

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#18]
Thanks Papa. (Papa get a grisham? - AD fans only.)

Tbh I've not done any maths related coding on vivid2.0 for the last few days. Been busy coding shader/visualizer stuff. But that's all coming together :)

I'll post any code here I get that works 100% for you in return btw.

LarsG(Posted 2005) [#19]
97% done...time to roll one. (puts on star trek opening monolouge for ambience)

.. weren't you off the stuff?

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#20]
What are you, my sponser? Go get me a vodka double.
