ODE for blitzmax

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/ODE for blitzmax

TommyBear(Posted 2005) [#1]
Hi Guys,

I've finally got some time to work on an ODE adaption for BlitzMax so I'm cleaning up the code now and will be releasing something soon. I realise that there is a version of ODE for BMX written by somebody else, but I think that the more implementations that exist, the better.

So the ODE module will be given to the community in the spirit of the LUA and ZIP module I wrote. That is, I'll release a core module that contains the full source and interface. I'll then release a ODEEngine module that will simplify ODE to simple function calls also with full source.

So if Mark chooses to include it in the main public distribution he can do so.



Perturbatio(Posted 2005) [#2]
cool, thanks :)

gman(Posted 2005) [#3]
this may save me some time :) cant wait to see it TB!

Stuart Morgan(Posted 2005) [#4]
I am very excited by this. Cant wait!!

SillyPutty(Posted 2005) [#5]
how intuitive is it ?

is it integrated into scripts ?

TommyBear(Posted 2005) [#6]
The first version will be just the core, plain and simple it will be an untouched (or touch as minimal) interface to ODE. It will include a set of samples that show ODE being used for 2D physics as a start. I believe we should start with the basics first in 2D, so people can get their head around it. People seem to be allergic to ODE, mostly because of complicated examples and bad docs etc.

For 3D stuff, you could probably look at the work Chris Camacho has done... in fact the code used in his samples *should* work with the ode module I write. Having said that I want to eventually include some 3D samples.

Then I will build the ODE Engine. This will be a super simple version of ODE in the form of a wrapper for the ODE core, to get physics into games quick and easy. Hopefully people will find it useful...

Chris C(Posted 2005) [#7]
I have susspended work on odemax for the time being...

Mark has a ode module in progress and I want to wait for the 3d engine anyhow

ode behaves badly with trimesh's the only collision thats really usable is trimesh/sphere

trimesh/box and trimesh/trimesh have very bad problems with edge collisions

I think coldlet may well solve some of the problems but I havent been able to get my head round making the two work together.

anyone think they could get to two working together?

@tommybear feel free to adapt any of the examples for your own wrapper but be warned buggy.bmx is well... buggy!

TommyBear(Posted 2005) [#8]
Well if mark is currently working on a module, perhaps I should stop with what I'm working on and wait for him to finish first.... hmmmm

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#9]
Can't wait. Please release this before mark does his. Will be very handy.

teamonkey(Posted 2005) [#10]
Yeah there's a couple of interesting issues with ODE in Max, because you have to change a lot of member fields in C structs which isn't supported by Max.

Most of the problems seem to stem from ODE's collision detection. The "best" implementation would be one that completely replaces OPCODE, IMO.

There's a few fully funcitonal Max-ODE wrapper floating around though. The one Chris C and I worked on wrapped the entire ODE 0.5 feature set and I think Mark's was feature complete too. Both were very raw implementations though.