Alpha version of BLIde a free IDE

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Alpha version of BLIde a free IDE

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#1]
Hey, I have published a first alpha version of BLIde. It's not an stable version, but if any one wants to take a look and help me finding bugs, I would be very greatful.
the BLIde webpage (to download the alpha release):
There's no documentation (yet). We're currently testing and finishing some little parts.
thanks to everybody

Why0Why(Posted 2005) [#2]
I am super impressed so far. Keep up the good work. Cartman and I are working on the docs.

Eikon(Posted 2005) [#3]
Looks really nice. It bombed out while trying to build keywords from the modules, though.

Perturbatio(Posted 2005) [#4]
It would be good if it didn't automatically change the file associations for bmx files, it should really ask you if you want to do this.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#5]
What does it mean 'it bombed out'??? (my english... you know....)

Perturbatio(Posted 2005) [#6]
I think he means crashed (or possibly froze)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#7]
You're right, I'll see what to do in the installer...

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#8]
Please, all of the people who is testing BLIde, report all bugs to supermanel*at*menta*dot*net. If you can also send a snapshot of the error message (details, if you get one) and explain a little bit when it did crash or whatever. Thanks a lot to everybody.


Eikon, are you building your own modules? Has anybody had the same problem as Eikon? and, Did you get the crash at start-up,when building module's keywords? If i could get a snapshot of the crash...

Eikon(Posted 2005) [#9]
OK, I sent you an email with screenshots of the issue.

Eikon, are you building your own modules?

I have used some custom modules, and built them in with makemods, yes. The crash happens on start-up.

JoJo(Posted 2005) [#10]
I didn't get the download. I signed up last night.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#11]
hotmail has a lot of problems with this issues, check your 'not wanted mail' folder.

Perturbatio(Posted 2005) [#12]
I have custom modules and it doesn't crash on startup.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#13]
I know, just with some 'custom made' modules it crashes, I'm tring to find why, but... it's being hard... aaarrrrgggggg

Uber Lieutenant(Posted 2005) [#14]
I've been using it. I'm not advanced so I'm only doing the casual code writting in it and it's a pretty good editor from what I've seen. I just wish I could customize the interface, but I know making a program customizable is difficult, so I'm not going to fuss about it.

Good work so far, though. Great work...

Cartman(Posted 2005) [#15]
Documentation writing is in full gear. We should have most of it done shortly. Please also provide information about documentation issue to the same bug reporting mechanism.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#16]
very nice ide but one thing i know its alpha but can you add a X button on the bottom windows like output, framework ect.

otherwise i really like it.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#17]
there's a new version, for those who have installed it, just click on tools/check for updates

nawi(Posted 2005) [#18]
Can you give us the direct link? The DL page is messed up for me

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#19]
aaaah, yes! of course
here you have it:

this link will work for the next weeks

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#20]
I gave it a try. It is just AWESOME!!!

Thank you so much for your work and generosity.


nawi(Posted 2005) [#21]
I cant seem to build my sources (normal .bmx).

The error I get is
"Error Building Application
bmk commandline error
makeapp Make application
makemods Make modules
cleanmods clean modules
listmods List modules
modstatus Module status
syncmods Synchronize modules
zapmod Zap module
unzapmod Unzap module
ranlibdir ranlib dirtree (MacOS)
docmods Create module docs
syncdocs Synchronize doc indexes
convertbb Convert .bb file to .bmx
-q Quiet mode
-v Verbose mode
-a Make all
-d Debug mode
-r Release mode
-k Kill source (danger!)
-o outputfile Specify output file
-f framework Specify framework

I specified the path for blitzmax to
It also didnt let me to choose the path to
where the bmk.exe etc are

SillyPutty(Posted 2005) [#22]
Awsome work, I really like :)

Will you have code completion for example when you create a type, it auto completes the end type keywords ?

Suco-X(Posted 2005) [#23]
Nice work. Looks great.
Looks a bit overloaded(Make some Windows Optional?). Ive saw some Bugs in Code Highlighting from Extended Types. Some Modules (TImage) are not included and the Functions of that Modules are not highlighted.
Mfg Suco, your Fan ;)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#24]
It seems you don't have BlitzMax version 1.05 or greater, so the console/GUI switch is not well received by the compiler, and that's the reason it crashes. Upgrade you BlitzMax core version to 1.05 beta and you'll get done :D

I know there are some bugs in higligting. Some modules not included in the higlighting or in the framework tree??? I'll take a look...

Uber Lieutenant(Posted 2005) [#25]
Um, when there's a new version available for download and it takes me to the download page, can I download the new version? That would be great, thanks.

nawi(Posted 2005) [#26]
ziggy_bcn, thanks it worked. I forgot I hadnt updated for while

Eikon(Posted 2005) [#27]
Your program is trying to read a .bmx directory as a bmx file. That is what was causing the crash when building keywords.

nawi(Posted 2005) [#28]
Bug report:

Field Test:Double

The word Double isint highlighted

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#29]
I've tried it and it is great. The only thing that disturb my impression, was the fact, that the highligthning works only for a few basic functions. So I've written a bit of code that extracts the function names and creates a new "STDKEYWORDS.TXT".

I know its not big stuff but it would probably help some people.

This code extract the Function names from Bmax 
and creates a new "STDKEYWORDS.TXT" to
add full highlightning in BLIde
End REM 

' change the path to your Blitzmax path
Commandfile_max$ = Requestdir("please choose your BMAX main folder","C:\Blitzmax\")
' change this to your Blide path 					
Commandfile_new$ = requestdir("please choose your Blide main folder","D:\Programme\The\BLIde\")	

open_max = readfile(Commandfile_max$+"\doc\bmxmods\commands.txt")
open = createfile(Commandfile_new$+"\STDKEYWORDS.TXT")
open_new = openfile(Commandfile_new$+"\STDKEYWORDS.TXT")
While Not Eof(open_max)
file:String = Readline(open_max)
n = (file.length - file.findlast("#"))-1
com$ = Right(file,n)
if com$ <> "()" then writeline(open_new,com$)


[edit:] Now opens a folder dialog to choose your folders

KamaShin(Posted 2005) [#30]
hmmm seems veryyyyy interesting, especially the auto-completion and "code hint" describing functions and it's parameters... But seeing the screenshots, I'll guess it's for windows only... no Mac version in sight??

The Caffeine Kid(Posted 2005) [#31]
Looks very very nice indeed! :)

nawi(Posted 2005) [#32]
KamaShin, its going to be only windows I guess.

ziggy_bcn, please add line numbers!

And when saving its annoying then the file is automatically browsed to the start of the file (I save often! :)

RetroRusty(Posted 2005) [#33]
This is a really nice IDE :)

I have found a little bug though. After you have compiled and run your code and quit back to the IDE, it moves to the top and not to the last bit of code you was working on.


ziggy(Posted 2005) [#34]
The re-positioning after a save or build it's going to be fixed in next release, very soon. :D

thanks, I think i've fixed it (at last!!!)

Uber Lieutenant:
This has been fixed in next release

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#35]

thanks for your code. It helped a lot :D, but the file generated, includes some jeywords related to modules, and modules are in a constant evolution. In addition, there are some keywords as 'framework' that are missed when you run your code. I would suggets to 'ADD' the keywords to STDKEYWORDS.TXT instead of overwritting the file.

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#36]

I will try to edit to this.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#37]
Hey! there's a new alpha release 0.0.3, it fixes:
-Repositioning of cursor after a save/run command
-Problems with some custom made modules

In addition:
-A preliminar version of the documentation is included.

to download this new release:

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#38]
So I've changed the Code a bit and it now adds only new functionnames, which aren't in the STDKEYWORDS.TXT.
I hope this will be much better than the last version.

This code extract the Function names from Bmax 
and creates a new "STDKEYWORDS.TXT" to
add full highlightning in BLIde
End REM 

Type temp
Field known:String
End Type

Local temp_list:TList=New TList

' change the path to your Blitzmax path
Commandfile_max$ = Requestdir("please choose your BMAX main folder","C:\Blitzmax\")
' change this to your Blide path 					
Commandfile_new$ = requestdir("please choose your Blide main folder","D:\Programme\The\BLIde\")	

open_max = readfile(Commandfile_max$+"\doc\bmxmods\commands.txt")
open = createfile(Commandfile_new$+"\STDKEYWORDSOLD.TXT")
open_old = openfile(Commandfile_new$+"\STDKEYWORDS.TXT")
open_new = openfile(Commandfile_new$+"\STDKEYWORDSOLD.TXT")

While Not Eof(open_old)
k:temp = New Temp
k.known = Readline(open_old)

For k:temp = eachin temp_list

While Not Eof(open_max)
file:String = Readline(open_max)
n = (file.length - file.findlast("#"))-1
com$ = Right(file,n)

For k:temp = eachin temp_list
if k.known = com$ and exist = 0 then 
	exist = 1
if com$ <> "()" and exist  = 0 then writeline(open_new,com$)
exist = 0



ziggy(Posted 2005) [#39]
Hey update 0.0.3 has been updated to 0.0.4, becouse of a bug detected when reading modules. Now, there are not missing types

nawi(Posted 2005) [#40]
Please give us hotkey for BUILD only! Becose 1 of my projects cant be run from the IDE (dont know why.. :/). But I can live with it becose I dont run it often

Btw I have couple feature requests
-List of functions (And pressing them it hops to that part of code), just like in Blitz3D ide etc

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#41]
Hot key for Build only is Ctrl + F5 :D

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#42]
Version 0.0.5 released, with some extra features. remeber to select the option 'check for BLIde updates"

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#43]
Nice work, spacially the function and Variables bar is great and just the thing I've been waiting for.
At least it works fine on my PC and no bugs until now.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#44]
It's great to know. the final beta version is very advanced :D

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#45]
And again, thank you very much.
This is great work!

I am impatient to see code folding implemented.
At the moment using '#Region ....'#End Region, only one region can be hide at the same time......

Keep up the good work!

Suco-X(Posted 2005) [#46]
Yeah. Great Job.
With the newest Version the Most Bugs ive seen are repaired. Some inconsistencies with Regions. Please check it.
I let it you know if i find new Bugs.
Mfg Suco

The Caffeine Kid(Posted 2005) [#47]
Yes its hard to get rid of a region once you have created it, if you don't need it anymore it seems.

Can you please let the program remember the last size and position of the window? This should be a simple thing? :)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#48]
It's a simple thing, but I'm finishing the color scheme customization, in order to let the user save all the layout preferences (size of windows, colors, and even things as username and password to sync mods)
I'm also working in an multi-level autocompletion for code, and this is driving me a little crazy, cause I've got to make an iterative analisis of all the extended types at start-up, etc etc etc...

nawi(Posted 2005) [#49]
Please dont save username and password, becose that will be teh security hole when ur sending files to friends etc :/ atleast make it option to disable it etc

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#50]
It will be optional, and never saved in a bmx or blide file, it will be saved, encripted, inside the windows registry of the current windows user.
Absolutely safe, and, anyway, you always can leave this information unfilled, and write it down everytime you want to syncmods.

nawi(Posted 2005) [#51]
good :) Already this has everything I need for IDE + more :D. Well, maybe option to disable some windows to get more space for code

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#52]
nawi: In next release, you can minimize all the panels. I'm improving autocompletion to let BLIde know all the types, globals, and functions defined localy in the bmx file you're editing. and I'm finishing the color customize dialog for the editor. After this, I will fix regions and release the first Beta.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#53]
Hey! New update (0.0.6 alpha)

-You can minimize and change the size of the pannels, and in next restart, the panels will remember their last size and location.

-You can costumize the colors of the editor

-Lots of improvements to the completion system (now it can recognize a lot of self-defined types, globals fiels, etc in the current bmx file).

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#54]
Very cool updates!
Still have some difficulties with regions though...


ziggy(Posted 2005) [#55]
Nenning, I know, and I know what to do to fix it... but it will take a lot of time, I hope in next update it will be finished

JoJo(Posted 2005) [#56]
Good Job!

Curtastic(Posted 2005) [#57]
I made a new application and chose my game's folder and it deleted my source code. All that was left was the line "Strict".

I never backed up my code, sigh.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#58]
Coorrea... Wao.... Did you select an existing BMX file when you created the NEW application? I mean, to create a new application in BLIde, you need to select a folder AND a filename. what did you put in the application name field?

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#59]
To load an existing application, just LOAD it, not create it as a NEW APPLICATION If you do that, you will overwrite your existing BMX file with a NEW BLANK ONE. in the next update, if you overwrite an existing file while creating a new one, you're prompted for permission. (to avoid the problem that have had Coorae).

Coorae I'm so sorry, remember you're testing an Alpha version.

The Caffeine Kid(Posted 2005) [#60]
OUCH! :(

Everyone please back up your code. Zip it copy it whatever.

Like Ziggy says this is still alpha software and accidents happen.

I managed to mess up all the colours in the colour editor. Is it possible to put a reset to defaults button in there for silly people like me? :) Thanks.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#61]
Yes, it has been done in next release. Anyway, you can delete a file in your BLIde installation path called eclsdef.dat. Doing that, you'll force BLIde to reset the default color scheme when restarting.

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#62]
Maybe you can add an option to have more than 1 Project open instead of creating different Instances of Blide.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#63]
Klepto2 This could be great, but difficult to make

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#64]
This Was just an Idea. If it is to difficult, I also can live without it.
For the moment I work on an Project where I have my main Project and some little projects where I try some functions I want to add in the main Project and it will be more comfortable to tab through the different files in the Blide as to search for them in the Taskbar.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#65]
Maybe it could be done in the future, by now, I preffer to put all the attention on bug fixing. Anyway, it's a good idea.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#66]
There's a new update (0.0.7 alpha)
This update includes:
-Creation of a CAB with all the files in the application's folder and subfolders. This file is created in standar ZIP format.

-Improved the customize editor colors dialog

-Some minor bugs fixed (spetialy in relation with self-defined types holding in autocompletion).

If you have updated BLIde and the program crash just at start-up. you've downloaded a broken version of the update. Download the update again and install it again.


Suco-X(Posted 2005) [#67]
I have downloaded the Update after your OK.
But after install i cant Start Blide. Errors.
Mfg Suco

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#68]
this could be the server takes a little minutes to update the file
you will have to uninstall BLIde and download the update again in some minutes.
(sorry, alpha issues...)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#69]
You can now donwnload a file called blide 007 THIS FILE IS SAFE TO DOWNLOAD

Suco-X(Posted 2005) [#70]
Ok. I have uninstalled Blide und Downloaded the Version again. Now it works.
Mfg Suco

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#71]
well, finaly, now it's safe to update to version 0.0.7 alpha

RetroRusty(Posted 2005) [#72]
I have just updated BLIde and I get this error when I run it.

Method not found: Void AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser.Navigate2(System.Object ByRef).

I downloaded and version 007 and they give me the same error. Can you please look at this as I can't use the IDE atm.


klepto2(Posted 2005) [#73]
Just delete your Blide folder and run setup again. And choose "repair". After that it should work. So it does by me.

gman(Posted 2005) [#74]
though i have not built anything yet it looks real promising. very nice interface features. once i get out of the C files i will give it a full whirl on the mod im working on. one thing... i cant seem to close any BMX code files. i click the X and nothing happens. if i use the window control box and select close they dont close. i checked the shortcuts and didnt see a shortcut for closing a code window.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#75]
Yes, you can't. You have to close all the application to close all the files. This may be arranged in coming versions. I have to leave them opened by now.

gman(Posted 2005) [#76]
gotcha. hence the meaning of "alpha" :) cant wait for the finished product. very good stuff.

Curtastic(Posted 2005) [#77]
I want my money back.

side note:
I just found a backup! I had added my blitzmax folder to my RTS backup a month ago!
I wasnt really mad anyways.

Coorrea... Wao.... Did you select an existing BMX file when you created the NEW application? I mean, to create a new application in BLIde, you need to select a folder AND a filename. what did you put in the application name field?

I typed in the name of my game, which happens to be the same name as the folder and the .bmx file. I never selected a blitzmax file.

I thought "new application" means make a project that you can add files to. like in VisualStudio. So I just chose the folder that my game is in

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#78]
I'm very very very happy to see you have not lost all the work. :D

Grisu(Posted 2005) [#79]
Why do you need an e-mail for download???

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#80]
You don't need an e-mail for download.

Just click the link mentioned by ziggy_bcn above.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#81]
The email was to know how many people was testing BLIde, but as I've seen lots of people doesn't feel confortable with it, I gave the direct link. This link is:

Xip(Posted 2005) [#82]
hmm, the thing that i dont like is tose rectangels on all the buttons ,its horrabel*sorry*, and also, i like to close all those windows i dont use on the bottom(not rezise and make them small), i want to remove them complitly if im not using them.

also, after compiled an projekt and exiting that application(and even if i dident got it to run, cus an error in source or whatever), and then pressing the blue button in the compiler settings window, it crached with an "unhandeld exeption".

well, other than that, this looks very nice m8 :)
i might even start using it if you loose the rektangels ;)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#83]
There are several things to improve in the look and feel of the IDE. things such as closing some editor windows, and the toolbox look. now I'm finishing the first BETA release. In addition, next release will support multiple international encoding formats.

RetroRusty(Posted 2005) [#84]
Are you going to have function folding? I think this IDE is really nice :)


ziggy(Posted 2005) [#85]
What do you mean function folding?

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#86]
ziggy you really got to fix up the face.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#87]
Sarge any suggestion? I would like very much to make it simplier, but I don't know how to enable all the functionality (panels, console, task list, local shortcuts, etc.) without making it look a little overloaded. I was thinking on converting some of the pannels to floating windows, but It may be worse... Realy don't know what to do.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#88]
ok my suggestion's are,

1. Real Toolbar

2. Put a X on every window so you can close them and add a view menu so you can show them again

3. Add BlitzMax help file instead of the BLide page

4. Local Shortcuts should be split into,
arrays, function, methods, locals, globals, ect

Bug : the autocomplete shows some strange things
example: are themselves automatically final.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#89]
ok my suggestion's are,

1. Real Toolbar

2. Put a X on every window so you can close them and add a view menu so you can show them again

3. Add BlitzMax help file instead of the BLide page

4. Local Shortcuts should be split into,
arrays, function, methods, locals, globals, ect

Bug : the autocomplete shows some strange things
example: are themselves automatically final.

but your doing good mate keep up the good work.

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#90]
to 3 : Do you mean only the start page because the Blitzmax help is already there.
to the rest : I agree.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#91]
1. Real Toolbar
mmmm.... It takes more resources, that's why I didn't use it. Anyway, I'll take a look.

2.-Well, what you call windows, are not windows they are pannels and it's not easy to 'close' them becouse they're interacting with all the IDE. I'll do my best to arrange this.

3. Add BlitzMax help file instead of the BLide page
BlitzMax Help File is available in the Help section. Just click over HOME

4. Local Shortcuts should be split into,
arrays, function, methods, locals, globals, ect.
Local shortcuts are ordered respecting the source order. It makes it easier to find anything. By now, I won't change this.

Bug : the autocomplete shows some strange things
example: are themselves automatically final.

This bug is fixed for next release. It has something to do with multiline comments when reading modules at startup.

I've got enough by now... pfffff..... much work!

JoJo(Posted 2005) [#92]
Be careful that you don't go to deep in development because you might think about charging for it.
I mean look at protean. I don't think he would of did all that work for free.

I'm really happy with the way it is, with the exception of being able to do projects nicely.

I think its nice and simple.
I like that intellisense is there. And I like how the way the panels operate. It's good work for free.

Just make it stable and I will be happy I think.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#93]
Oh, what do you mean do projects nicely? I love the way it manages projects. What would you do to simply improve it?

and JoJo, Don't worry, BLIde is a free tool, and it will be free for ever. I wouldn't feel confortable selling it.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#94]
Ziggy i am currently using panels for my ide too they are easy to hide,show,reorganise if you need help with the look and feel give me a buzz.

JoJo(Posted 2005) [#95]

Oh, what do you mean do projects nicely? I love the way it manages projects. What would you do to simply improve it?

First, and I don't know if anyone mentioned this or not,
but I would prefer you call it 'New Project' or 'Load Project' etc, instead of 'New Application' and the like.
At first I thought it meant load a new file. But I'm used to it now.

Second, having said that, I didn't realize it had some project functionality, so I stand corrected. I misspoke. Sorry 'bout that.
However, I do have a problem with some functionality with the way the files are handled in the project.
Is there a way to delete a file from your project in the ide? I don't see a clear way how to do this. Am I missing something?

Third, I also don't like the fact that when I create a new file in my project, the file seems to get created at the root level of the project in the ide. But when I go look at it in explorer, it did in fact get created in the sub folder like I wanted, but it doesn't show up that way in the ide. Even when I reloaded it didn't get corrected.

In my project I have my main file and then I have a folder with some more files in it. The ide list them wrong.
It is displaying like I have some files listed in a sub folder when I don't.

It suppose to list it like this:

Instead it's like this

Non Project related:
Could you add a way to close a tab individually?

Besides that I still think its good work. And .net has gotten me spoiled so forgive my ranting.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#96]
The way files are handled in applications is related to the way files are included in the application. It has no relation on where the files are stored. This is called a 'dependency' tree. If the main bmx file, needs a secondary bmx file to be compiled, the secondary bmx file will appear as a child of the main bmx file in the tree. You can't delete any child file from the tree becouse the main bmx file wouldn't compile. You can only delete from the tree the undependant files. Undependant files are files that are not needed for the project to compile. For example, if you've added a bmp file manualy to the tree (in order to preview and edit it because you're using this file in the application) you can free delete it. This is, for me, the ideal way to work with applications.

In your example file3.bmx is needed by file2.bmx to compile, and file2.bmx is needed by your main bmx file. Your main bmx file doesn't include file3.bmx. File3.bmx and file4.bmx are included by file2.bmx

In the future the 'project' word will be used to manage a collection of applications. That's why I'm not using this word (yet). By now, you can only generate a single EXE file from an application. In the future, you will be able to build and run several EXE files in a single session of BLIde. Everyone of this EXE files will be an APPLICATION, and the collection of EXEs will be a project. It's the same as 'project' and 'solution' in the .NET framework.

To delete a file from the application tree:
a) If it's a dependency file (included, imported or incbin), you have to stop including this file, and reload tree. This way, the file is not longer used by the application and it's not included in the tree.

b) If it's a undependant file (not included, imported or incbin) you can freely delete it by pressing the trash can button.

SillyPutty(Posted 2005) [#97]
Hi Ziggy

is there a new release yet ? What was the date of the last release ?

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#98]
Deux: No, current version is 0.0.7 alpha

the next release is delaying a little because there's a lot of work rebuilding some parts of the layout, and we're finishing the documentation. In addition, I've had some problems with my computer this morning and I'm doing everything possible to get a back-up of Blide (last back-up was version 0.0.6 and I don't want to redo all bugfixing).
The multilanguage support is finished, the 'close' button is working on some tabs, and regions are working well by now. I'll let you know any new release.

SillyPutty(Posted 2005) [#99]
awsome, I really like your IDE :)

one question I asked which you never answered.

Is there code completion for say, if I type in

type MyType, will the ide auto complete end type etc... ?

Also, do you have contexts ?

For instance, if I create a class with methods and fields. Do you have a window which shows you the context you are referring to ? That is, which shows you the class/type broken down into methods and fields ?

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#100]

1.- Is there code completion for say, if I type in type MyType, will the ide auto complete end type etc... ?

Not yet, thinking how to do it.

2.- Also, do you have contexts ?
Yes, but context are limited to the currently editing bmx file. When you use a TYPE declared in a MODULE or in the current BMX file, you get a autocompletion box, with all functions, fiels, methods of the type (including the extended ones). This has to be improved to let BLIde know all context of the application, not only modules and current bmx file.
There's no window with this information, this information appears atutomaticaly while you're coding.


Qcat(Posted 2005) [#101]
Hi Ziggy

I have just been trying out your IDE out and I must say I am very inpreased. If it continues to develop. It is likely to become my default blitzmax ide

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#102]
Hi Ziggy

I have a great problem with your IDE. The reason is the way
Incbin files are handeled. I have a code with about 2000 incbin commands and you can guess what your Ide is doing:
it needs a lot of memory ( nearly 600 megs)
it needs nearly unlimited time to load the project.

Please add a function that Incbin files are not loaded because i think it is not very useful in case that there could be also Images or other stuff stored in that files.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#103]
incbin files are not loaded, just referenced in the dependencies tree. If you don't want to load any incbin file, just dont click over it in the tree.
and the time to load the project... how long is it? I would like to test it, in order to make some optimizations, It doesn't take much time becouse of the incbin files. It may take lot of time becouse of the number of bmx, c, c++ and ams files you are using, and their sizes. Anyway, it should load in a reasonable time.
Is there any possibility to send me your code? (I don't care about the incbin media, just the bmx files). I will use it only for testing porpouses, and I will delete it after all the tests have been done.
Ah, and one more thing, why do you say nearly 600 megs? Remember media files are not loaded into the ide, just referenced in the tree (the tree contains their names, but the files are not loaded until you open them by clicking in the file name, at the dependencies tree).

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#104]
OK I have send you a piece of Code where the problem occures.
To answer your questions:
loading time : not tested exactly(I had ended the process of Blide after 5 hours)
There are no other *.bmx in my Project, it is completly standalone.
I think the problem is that files loaded with Incbin and having the extension .bmx they will load directly to the Project.

The 600megs where mentioned by the taskmanager for the memusage of Blide after letting Blide trying to load the
project about 5 hours.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#105]
It's very strange. I tested your file and it works ok on my computer. This would have some relation with one of the bmx files you are includding. I can't reproduce the error here with this information.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#106]
@Klepo2: Your application is loading more than 1000 bmx files, and this is more than BLIde can hold (by now). I've made some improvements and limited the inclusion of IncBin files. In addition, there was a memory bug when incbin files of unknown type. It has been fixed for next release. Anyway, I would encourage people who are makeing projects with more tan 200-300 bmx files, to make part of their application in separated modules. I think it's a good thing to do.

My computer is again working, Erik and Keith are finishing the documentation, I think monday or so the next release will be available. I have done some deep changes to the engine, so new bugs may appear. In the other hand, all features are finished and, when the next release is well tested, I will launch the first BETA.

Why0Why(Posted 2005) [#107]
Thanks for all of the hard work! I'm looking forward to the next release.

The Caffeine Kid(Posted 2005) [#108]
Is the next release still on schedule for yesterday? :D

Just teasing but I hope this is still coming, it's a great IDE. :)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#109]
I'm waiting for Cartman and WhyOWhy to finish the documentation section. They have it very advanced so I think it will be released in few days.
The new features and bugfixing are:

knowledge of all types, functions, methods and globals defined in other included BMX files.

Better treatment of IncBin files (not localy loaded untill they are needed).

Public/Private support when reading module's keywords.

Intelligent processor consumer. BLIde now only usses FREE avaiable processor time while an application is running.

Faster and smaller processor StdOut redirection for console output.

Added default (all known media types) when includding a file to the current application dependecies tree.

Declarations QuickInfo remains in the bottom pannel of the editor window, in order to see last declaration information when coding parameters.

Region boxes now are propperly colored when changing the default color scheme.

Prompt for permission if overwriting a file when you're creatting a new application (thanks to coorae).

"Loading application" window remains at the top of the IDE while loading an application.

Only the main BMX file is opened by default when loading an application. All other files are just includded in the application explorer, unless they're includded twice in the dependencies tree.

Code auto-completion engine (code folding). A little basic, but I'll improve it.

Better treatment of extended types.

New organization of the menus (more logical).

Finished documentation of all features.

Fixed regions treatment (there were some cosmetic bugs when collapsing regions).

Enabling the closing of code windows.

Fixing some bugs on c++ support.

Improving general look and feel.

Some minor memory bugs fixed.

Support for the windows default encoding for bmx files (it now supports unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16, and several international formats).

Added some buttons to the toolbox.

Added a 'Save as default blank file' feature.

Added a feature to move up and down an item in the Tasks lists.

Integration of absolutely new help html system.

There's a 'close' button in some of the pannels of the IDE

As you can see, there are a lot of changes, so new bugs may apper (anyway, this version has been tested for days in an intensive way).
I will post here when the next release is finished and downloadable for everyone.

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#110]
Wow, that sounds great!
Thanks again for your dedication in this project.

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#111]
That doesn't sound great, it sounds nearly unbelievable ;)

To be serious:
Thank you Ziggy for that (in my Opinion) great IDE. It makes work with Bmax much easier.

dynaman(Posted 2005) [#112]
This does sound great. When you get this released it ought to go right on top of the next newsletter.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#113]

The first BETA version is out.
you can download directly by choosing 'check for blide updates' in your "Tools" menu.

This version has a lot of changes and new features, so new bugs may appear. (I hope it doesn't happen 'cause this version has been deeply tested, but you know...)

If you don't have any previous version of BLIde installed, you can get the beta here:

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#114]
The new release (0.1.0 beta) uses a new help system written in mixed Flash and Js. Some antivirus programs can throw alerts about this script, because the script is reading the help files to make 'search' actions. Ignore the alerts if they apper at start-up. You can take a look at the script at the HTML folder of BLIde installation path, if you want to be sure it's safe. All the scripts used by BLIde are made in JavaScript, and are open source and safe to use.

By the way, if you find any bugs in this new version, mail me at supermanel*at*menta*dot*net


Xip(Posted 2005) [#115]
well, the toolbar is nicer, but i dont like the flash helpfile part, its to "flashy" and plastic, people (most of them) whant it simple and usefull and not so graphical and flashy(and oh i hate those plastic-5-min-in-photoshop stuff).

i dont se the point of having advansed flash effekts in the help file, it was alot nicer before.
clean and simple, that is the way ;)

on the toolbar, i think you can make it look alot bether if you add Deviders there.

oh an yeas, i found a bunsh of bugs with in the fiew minnits i was trying it(hehe sorry m8)
i created a new file, and was trying to open/load a nother file in one of my projekts, it complaind, asked if i wanted to save it, and i said NO, and then it still stoped? it dident open the new file i asked for, it akted like i pressed cansel or somting.
i tryed it several times, klicking "no, i dont want to save" and it always stoped, Not opening the new file.
the weay it is now, i can NEVER close a projekt and not saving... this is not good.
i often close projekts without saving it, if i screw somting up that i cant fix with undo.

also, im not entierly shure how, but i opend the colorsheme.bmx file 2 times(yeas, 2 tabs), but i can only close one of them, the other one wont close.

but i think you shod skip the flash part, its not very nice, sorry, only giving you my honest opinion.
ther is a reason why most other editors dont have flash in them ;)

other than that, i think this is starting to shape up very nicely :)
well done m8 :)

happy coding!:)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#116]

oh an yeas, i found a bunsh of bugs with in the fiew minnits i was trying it(hehe sorry m8)
i created a new file, and was trying to open/load a nother file in one of my projekts, it complaind, asked if i wanted to save it, and i said NO, and then it still stoped? it dident open the new file i asked for, it akted like i pressed cansel or somting.
i tryed it several times, klicking "no, i dont want to save" and it always stoped, Not opening the new file.

You where not LOADING a file, you where LOADING a new APPLICATION. BLIde can just edit ONE application at the same time. This application can have as many BMX files as you want.

To make it clear:
In BLIde an application is a main BMX file, it's dependant files, and it's undependat files added 'by hand'. In other words, a BLIde application generates single EXE file, so all files needed to generate this EXE conform the BLIde application.

To add an existing file to the current application:

When you're edditing the application, Include, import or IncBin the file in the source code by using the commands: Import, Include or IncBin and press over the button 'Reload tree'.

Select file/Add existing file to the application

To add a new file to an existing application:

Press over the button 'Add a new file' and you will be able to create a new blank file in the dependencies tree. This button is alocated in the bottom of the dependencies tree panel.

Select File/Create a new file in the application

About the flash help: It will be a non-flash system available in next release. I'm finishing a preferences dialog that let's you enable/disable code folding, autocompletion, quickhelp, and Flash help. but it will be on next release.

Xip(Posted 2005) [#117]
i Know alredy that blide only can handle one doc at a time,that was NOT my point...

you dont seemt to anderstand me, You MUST save the last Application(or call it whatever you want) on closing before openig a nother projekt....

THAT is what i said, and that is not very good.
i wish people whod try and read my text more before complaning on me.
i used the wrong word doh, i dident ment file, but still, the way i explained it....

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#118]
Ok, you're right :) I was not complaining, just I thougt you where doing what I said in my post.
I will make some changes in this dialog on next release, enabling a NO and a CANCEL button. Anyway, I thought you were talking about a bug (crash or whatever).

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#119]
Very Good this new Version. Espacially the new handling of incbin files. (Now it needs only a few seconds to load the app). Also the increased console speed is great :).

1 bug i have found , but only appears 1 time maybe just pressed 2 links on the menu. If I have pressed the 'Show Framwork Panel' also the Task Panel appears. But as said it
was maybe my fault, because it was not reproduceable.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#120]
klepto2, I'll take a look, anyway, if you find this bug again, let me know.

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#121]
Very good version. I like the new look and feel of the IDE.
It is not too flashy for my liking.

altitudems(Posted 2005) [#122]
Great job. Looks like you put a ton of effort into this.
Thank you for just giving away your time like this. I'm sure it would be very easy to sell a product like this. The graphics do seem 'flashy' but thats not a bad thing at all.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#123]
Thnx a lot altitudems,
Yes i've put a lot of effort in this, but i would do it anyway for my personal use, that's the main reason why I don't want to sell BLIde as a comercial product. I think all software should be free of use, or, at last, sold in a reasonable price (as BlitzMax). It is spetialy important for me in indie developments. That's the main reason why I will never make BLIde a comercial product.

Suco-X(Posted 2005) [#124]
The New Version is great. I like to work with Blide.
Mfg Suco

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#125]
Hi ziggy_bcn,

I think I found a bug with regions.

If you try to fold your code placed in several regions, starting with the bottom of the page and moving your way up then it will not work properly.

However, if you start with the top of the page, moving your way down, it works like a charm.

Dreamora(Posted 2005) [#126]
can only second that :)

with the fixed problems in the application explorer its really great to use :)

SillyPutty(Posted 2005) [#127]
man, this ide is getting very close to protean, awsome !!!

I found an issue though. When debugging, the big step and step in buttons are switched, ie functionality wise.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#128]
Deux, you're right. I'll fix it

SillyPutty(Posted 2005) [#129]
cool :)

great job so far, I am overly impressed !!

Picklesworth(Posted 2005) [#130]
What do you mean overly?
How can someone possibly be too impressed over such a nice looking ide that's actually free? :)

It's funny... It's always little toys like this that usually give me the final extra persuasion to buy something.

SillyPutty(Posted 2005) [#131]
lets just say that it is right up there with protean.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#132]
New update available.
version 0.1.1 beta


Improved code folding (new engine)

Console now allows user-input

Added 'cancel' button to some dialogs

Knowledge of the type-fields of global variables inside modules

Optimized 'get module's keywords' process

Display of modules being downloaded when syncmods

New StandardIOStream communication system with running applications (faster and smaller)
(this system will allow the creation of plug-ins for BLIde with blitzmax or any other programing language lice c++, c#, BB+, visual, etc... Now I'm working on a plug-in SDK for BLIde, written in and for BlitzMax)

Fixed bug when running BLIde in an absolutely fresh installation of blitzMax (no modules present).

Filax(Posted 2005) [#133]
I want to be beta tester for your powerfull IDE but i have register 3
time my email adress and ?? nothing received to
download it ? it is normal ? or you don't like me :)))) lol

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#134]
use this link:

You doesn't need an email anymore to download.

Filax(Posted 2005) [#135]
Thanks :)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#136]
@filax: It's automated, so you should get the email... there can be something releated to spam filters in your mailserver (hotmail has some problems at this point).

EVERYBODY: another thing, is the INTERNET / CHECK FOR BLIDE UPDATES option giving you a crash or a warning when you click it?

Filax(Posted 2005) [#137]
Hi ziggy :)

I have test your IDE t's a great and nice piece of code ! but I find it
rather slow with the loading ? it is normal ?

my config is Athlon 3 Ghz and 1 GO ram.

But great job !

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#138]
Filax can you give me your email address i want you to test something.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#139]
@filax: Thanks! Did you manage to download the installer? where you using hotmail or something like that with an anti-spam filter?
In addition, I would like to know if it is slow when loading the first application, or slow in general. I mean, start blide, load application --> it can be a little slow becouse all resources related to the editor are stored in memory, but if then you close the application and load it again, ut may be faster.
anyway, how much time are we talking about? (aprox) It should load in a few seconds (not more than 10 or 20 in worst cases).
How many files is your project loading?

Filax(Posted 2005) [#140]
Hi ziggy :)

I talk in general but i think that the problem is the use of the microsoft
framework, i find (in general) that the apps using the .NET framework
run slow (Protean is a very good software ! but i don't use it because
it's very slow !) i think that you have the same problem ?

And the question is : do you really need .net framework ?

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#141]
Ziggy why dont i just send you my ide code and you use the face of it because i really like everything else but that IMOA. There is also a code editor which is very fast to load big files.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#142]
Applications using the .NET framwork are not slower than others don't using it. there are a lot of realtime audio and video processing applications written under the .NET framwork, and the MSIL code is compiled in a few seconds just at startup, so the rest, is faster enought.

Whats "IMOA"?
Saerge you IDE is very nice looking! clean, simple, I like it... :) Anyway, it's not as easy as changing the editor control from one to another!!!! My editor control has a lot of methods and properties, collections, etc. that are currently being used in a very 'dedicated' way, so I would have to recode all this and, at the end, I would have the same editor control... :) I'm optimizing loading time, as much as I can, but take in cosideration that loading may not take more than 10 or 20 secs. (I think this is not slow, if we cosider that all types, extended types, functions etc used in ANY of the files in the application are being related and stored in a sort of run-time database).

I would like to know if it takes more tan 10-20 secs per application.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#143]
Yea i undestand what your saying it will be a pain converting everything.

IMOA = in my onist opinion

keep up the good work.

SillyPutty(Posted 2005) [#144]
In My Honest Opinion = IMHO :)

Sarge, that IDE looks pretty cool ! :)

boomboommax(Posted 2005) [#145]
sarge needs to pay me for stealing my codez:P well not quite ;)

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#146]
You wihs cYanide 100% my code and my style.
thanks Deux

cYanide jk thanks for the style mate i loved you ide look too much.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#147]
Sarge, I would like to know if you're developing in the .NET and, if so, which tab control are you using? is it a custom made control? I love the way it looks...

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#148]
Yea ziggy im using but i was creating that in SharpDevelop now im going to redo it in Micrsoft Visual C# 2005 it seem to have much nicer controls.

If you download SharpDevelop it has a dll called MagicLibrary.dll

[edit] there is also nice controls which im going to use for the new ide same one that protean uses called SandBar and SandDock

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#149]
Ziggy, I have one little request and I think it should be easy to integrate. If we make a debug Version of our App it would be good if the App is renamed like in the original IDE.
Release : MyApp.exe
Debug : MyApp.Debug.exe

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#150]
Ziggy if you have any problems getting or using them i will do the interface for you ide or send you code.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#151]
This will be done in next release.

Thanks, I'll take a look to this controls. They look awesome, but.. it will be a lot of work...

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#152]
Ziggy if your ide is in send me the code and i will complete the interface for you because i would rather use your one then create a new one. It will 1hour of less

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#153]
It's mixed C# and visual, and I can't send you the source becouse some parts of the editor control are copyrigted to a third party company (quantum whale), and I have a license to use and modify the code, but not to lend it. (it's not open source, if it were, BLIde would be open source too). Anyway, I'll take a look to that controls, and I'll see if it's too much work or not. In fact, the layout is fully written in Anyway it's good to know you want to lend a hand. If I get permission, I'll send you the sources.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#154]
Ok no problem's Ziggy, if it goes planned it would be a plesure working with you.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#155]
@Sarge: I've been trying the controls you suggested to build a new layout system. I have to say that controls are awesome, so BLIde will use them. I'm migrating all the source to this new layout system, wich is being a little complicated, because I have to create a new derived editor control, so next update will delay a little, but it will pay the pain.
Meanwhile, I've seen current version is quite stable, by now, I've just found a minor cosmetic bug on the loading application progress window, wich has no effect on acurate performance.

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#156]
One also cosmetic bug: If you have the console tab open only then the first half of the first letters in a row are cut of.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#157]
@klepto2: I've just seen it :) This is fixed for next release.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#158]
Ziggy i am glad you like them and happy to hear your going to use them.

because I have to create a new derived editor control ?
Why is that

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#159]
The editor control I'm using comunicates with all other editor controls in the IDE, using windows messages (events etc.) this way, all code in the application is holded the way it should be in any currently editing BMX file (defined types in included bmx files, etc). I have to change all this to make it work in a sort of collection of objects instead of windows. I have to convert the 'editor window' to an 'editor control' and redefine most of its events, in order to let the new editor control be placed in a document container of the sanddock interface, and in order to let every editor control comunicate with all other editor controls in the IDE.
this way, BLIde will use a less resources, better memory management, and it will work faster, and the way SandDock documentation says it should.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#160]
Uh i thought you were going to remove the editor control then relace the same one on the sanddock. Because that would be simple the code already has your old editor properties,code so if you go to the properties you just reclick the ones that were created for the old control and they will work with the new one.

Remember if you need help im here.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#161]
some of the funcionality is not really related to the editor control, but to the editor form. The form no longer exists, so the control has to get some of the functionality from the old windows system. It's not really as complicated as it seems, but I have to create a new editor control with inherits the original one, and adds all the editor form properties and methods. Some of them will have to be recoded (I'm thinking about things like counting editor windows, sorting them, getting the window handle, etc. all of this will be changed to work without a parent window.) I'll take a look later and I'll see how much complicated it is. The theory sais it's simple, but you know...

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#162]
New (deep) BLIde update available.

This is the list of features/bugfixing:

version 0.2.0 BETA released

New print options

Absolutely new layout system, inspired by the docking system of Microsoft Office

Improved loading time of applications

Fixed bug that was 'cutting' the margins of the console when an application was running, in some Windows versions

Fixed a memory hole bug, that was making BLIde use more memory than necesary

XML support for 'preferences' external files

New Plug-in engine (invisible by now)

New menu system (iconized for easy navigation)

Enabled closing and moving of absolutely all pannels

This update adds an absolute new layout system, and a new editor control, so it may be a little buggy (it seems towork ok at my computer, but you know...)

this update has been possible thanks to the info reported by sarge :) thxs

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#163]
Ziggy there is a problem with your ide

Start the ide = "The layout information provided could not be interpreted."

then the tabcontrol is not docked to the client it is very small then when you close the program i get another error

Close the ide = "File already open"

hope you fix and this is looking very nice thank you for the update.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#164]
Sarge please, delete the following files from your installation path, and try launching BLIde again:



This files contain all the layout desing from the previous session of BLIde. It seems this files are corrupted.
Deleting them, you'll force BLIde to create this files again when closing BLIde.
Tell me if you continue getting the same error, after doing this.

IS anybody getting the same problem as Sarge?

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#165]
Ziggy it works now thanks, Thank you for this free tool its really looking very nice now keep up the good work.

GregBUG(Posted 2005) [#166]
Hi Ziggy!

Your Blide Looks really nice and now i'm working on my project with your fantastic IDE.
Good Work! Thanks !!!

ps: one suggestion...
in the menu file why don't you add the function to reload the last applications opened?



Why0Why(Posted 2005) [#167]
Looking good, as usual!

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#168]
It's planned for next release, but before this, I have to fix a bug on the debugger...

I'm working on:

-Recent Applications in the File menu

-Preferences window (check for updates at start-up, sync mods at startup, etc etc.)

-Plug-in Engine

-Plug-in SDK for BlitzMax and VisualBasic .NET

and after all this:

RetroRusty(Posted 2005) [#169]
Everytime I run or quit BLIde I get this error.

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentException: The layout information provided could not be interpreted.
at TD.SandDock.SandDockManager.SetLayout(String layout)
at TheFactoryBlitzIde.MainForm.MainForm_Activated(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnActivated(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.set_Active(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmActivate(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Do you know why i'm getting this?


Nennig(Posted 2005) [#170]
Yep, so do I.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#171]
Please, delete the following files from your installation path, and try launching BLIde again:



This files contain all the layout desing from the previous session of BLIde. It seems this files are corrupted, or not legible propperly for some strange reason.
Deleting them, you'll force BLIde to create this files again when closing BLIde.
Tell me if you continue getting the same error, after doing this. this is fixed in next release (I hope it'll be available today or tomorrow).

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#172]
A new update with this bug, and a debug bug fixed is released. Current version 2.1.0 (this version should have this Bugs fixed)

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#173]
Hello ziggy,

I get the error again if BLide is closed and I double click on a .bmx file to open your IDE.


ziggy(Posted 2005) [#174]
And do you get the error when starting BLIde from the start / programs menu?

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#175]
No, only when double clicking on a .bmx file.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#176]
mmm, it may be that BLIde is trying to open the file twice. You shouldn't get any problem of performance if you select the option 'continue' in the error dialog, while I'm fixing this bug. I hope I will have it fixed tomorrow or so.

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#177]
Hi ziggy,

You are right, by clicking on "continue", I can use BLide without any problems.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#178]
New version available (much more stable).
New features:

Recent files in the open menu.

New window on start-up, selecting a recent file, a new file, or open an existing file

auto-check for updates at startup (configurable to turn this off)

Fixed Bug introduced in version 0.2.0 that was causing some crashes of BLIde at startup.

This is the last beta version. So, please, report any bug to supermanel*at*menta*dot*net Afeter some weeks, the first release will be available as a free download in the BLIde page.

GregBUG(Posted 2005) [#179]
Wow ziggy! you ide rulez!
every version is getting better and better!

excellent work!!

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#180]
Very good new Design. But it seems that the right click options are gone with latest Version.

JoJo(Posted 2005) [#181]
Excellent Work!

However, is there anyway to put the scrollbar on the right in the code window? Or can you make it an option whether to have it on the right or left! It feels like I'm trying to do things with my left hand when I'm right handed.

But besides that, the ide is very nice. Thank you!

I'm kinda pissed off because I wish I would have waited for Blide instead of paying for Protean.

Protean is nice but development has been halted due to studies.

Which I'm not mad at the author because he has to have a life too - its just that I paid money for a product that is not finished and it is buggy; and I can't use it.

But anyway excellent work. Looks like I will be using this one instead.

MikeHart(Posted 2005) [#182]
I'm kinda pissed off because I wish I would have waited for Blide instead of paying for Protean.

Well, I feel sorry for you.

btw. nice IDE.

One suggestion, at the very first start it seems to try to contact the internet. Well, I for one down like this stuff. Gives me that feeling that someone is spying my computer. I would shut it off at least at the start and ask the user to activate it.


Sarge(Posted 2005) [#183]
I belive there is a option for this

auto-check for updates at startup (configurable to turn this off)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#184]
@MikeHart: When the program starts, it connects to the internet to check for updates. You can disable this in the Tools / Options / Check for BLIde updates at start up.

The dafault value for th option is TRUE (I mean the first time won't ask your permission, this cuold be changed, but anyway, you can disable it you don't feel confortable with it).

BLIde has no SPYWARE!!!! (I hate it!!!!!)

It should be easy to put the pannel at the right side of the editor, and the left mouse menu is being rebuilt, it will be back on a next release.

GW(Posted 2005) [#185]
Looking good!
However its still not possible to change the font and font size right?
Any plans to add that?

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#186]
It's not possible, by now. It will be in the future.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#187]
There's a bug affecting people making a fresh installation of BLIde. It'll be fixed on next update.
This bug makes BLIde crash when you attempt to create a NEW application. To solve this bug:

1.- Create a plain and void text file in your BLIde installation path.

2.- rename the file to the filename: defaultapp.bmx

That's it. :)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#188]
Let's see if somebody can lend a hand...
The hosting of the BLIde website has reached its limit, and I need a place to store the 'old versions archive' of BLIde. As BLIde is free software, I hope someone could take in consideration to lend some FTP space to store the old versions archive of BLIde, in order to let users download earlier versions, for free.
If someone can lend a hand, let me know. Thanks :)

klepto2(Posted 2005) [#189]
Sorry I couldn't help you, but I have one suggestion:

As this tread has become very large please open a new thread.
1. The Topic isn't actual anymore
2. i.e: I'm a Modem user and it really needs a long time to load this thread.


GregBUG(Posted 2005) [#190]
i think i can host your files on my site space... (
let me know...

my email is gregbug@...

BerndWill(Posted 2005) [#191]
try as well

DannyD(Posted 2005) [#192]
Is this project dead ?

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#193]
Not. but the website has moved to

The last thread about BLIde is: