new Blitz Max IDE

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/new Blitz Max IDE

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#1]
Hello to everybody,
my name is Manel Ibáñez and I'm developing a new IDE for Blitz Max using the Microsoft .NET framework. It will be a very powerfull free-ware IDE for all users of Blitz Max.

Here you can see the first snapshots:

ps. I'm looking for beta-testers, if you're interested, please, let me know!


smilertoo(Posted 2005) [#2]
looks good

Drago(Posted 2005) [#3]
very pretty, and the auto complete function looks tasty. :)

rod54(Posted 2005) [#4]
Looks great... when do you think it will be released

GW(Posted 2005) [#5]
Will it support another method of quickly accessing project files other than the tabs at the top? please dear lord say yes!
every new ide that crops up just does the tabs for open file access and it sucks for large projects.

looks very nice btw!

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#6]
Can't wait to use it!
Thanks for sharing.

xlsior(Posted 2005) [#7]
Looking nice!

Do you also have the ability to re-arange the layout so the main IDE editing field appears on the left of the screen instead of the right?

{cYan|de}(Posted 2005) [#8]
cool wont release mine now,

Mathieu A(Posted 2005) [#9]
very nice

Booticus(Posted 2005) [#10]
Dang that looks great! I emailed you! Sign me up!!

Booticus(Posted 2005) [#11]

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#12]
Well, first of all:
The beta will be released in a couple of weeks (more or less).
It will be a very first beta, so it can have a lot of bugs.
And answering to questions:

Will it support another method of quickly accessing project files other than the tabs at the top?"

Yes, there's a tree at the left of screen with all files related to the project, sorted by dependence. Any time you click on one of this files, you can directly edit it.

"Do you also have the ability to re-arange the layout so the main IDE editing field appears on the left of the screen instead of the right?"

Yes. (i've just done it)

and {cYan|de}. Don't even think about NOT releasing yours!!!

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#13]
I will need help making all the help documentation. If anybody can lend a hand...

Picklesworth(Posted 2005) [#14]
Wow, code folding in a free IDE :)

I can't wait `till I buy BMax now... Good luck!

MrCredo(Posted 2005) [#15]
hm... another NET-ide :-(

what is about a cross-platform IDE for win/linux/mac that use wxGadgets?

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#16]
Hey MrCredo, you may see "mono" if you're interested on running .NET applications (such as BLIde) on Linux or Macintosh. It's an open source free implementation of the .NET development framework.

for more info:

BLIde at the moment can't be run on mono becouse of its iternal usage of windows speciffic APIs, and some missing features of the mono framework

MrCredo(Posted 2005) [#17]
hm... should i download 20 megs of net framework with my 56k-modem (this take 1+ hour) or should i download this mono... but whoops... mono don't run on win98... back to net... i don't know how compatible mono is... and here stay some licence problems - many patents have the evil microsoft...

Kernle 32DLL_2(Posted 2005) [#18]
will your IDE running on linux?

altitudems(Posted 2005) [#19]
Great work, I love how you are incorperating dependencies.
Keep it up!

If you want cross platform, take a look at the Eclipse IDE. You can download the plugin that brucey made for it here:
Also check his worklog for screens:
I use eclpise for everything now. Blitz3D, Max, C++, Java and others. It is an awesome IDE.
Here is the actual link to download Eclipse:

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2005) [#20]
Hey, Nice work...Looks a little complicated for my taste, But very well done. I'll be trying this one :)

Cyanide, one more from me, dont "not" release yours. There needs to be choice ;)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#21]
My IDE is only designed to work on windows. That's a fact. There are migration option to other platforms, but I will not spend my time on it, becouse I'm developing this IDE for my personal use. I only want to share it for free with everyone interested in using it. In the future, when it's finished, if anybody wants to make a mac or linux implementation of Blide, I will give him or her the source codes, and all the information needed. I'm not doing this for money.
I don't like MicroSoft, but it was the quickest way to develop an app like this, for me.

Thanks to everybody for their posts and interesest.

The Caffeine Kid(Posted 2005) [#22]
Hi Ziggy, looks excellent. Did you get my email. :)

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#23]
@The Caffeine Kid

MrCredo(Posted 2005) [#24]
Uiui... Is this a joke? 90MB of Eclipse - how should i download this with 56K?

hm... i think i wait better for this:

BlitzSupport(Posted 2005) [#25]
Looks great.

MrCredo, get a downloader such as NetTransport and set it to download overnight.

The Caffeine Kid(Posted 2005) [#26]
Waaa Ziggy. I was hoping it had got lost and that's why I hadn't had a reply. lol

Opcode(Posted 2005) [#27]
This one looks nice,well done.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#28]
The Caffeine Kid:
You haven't had a reply? I'm shure I have sent a mail to you...

Jay Kyburz(Posted 2005) [#29]
I downloaded Eclipse and found it to be bloated and slow. I want my IDE to open in the blink of an eye.

Why0Why(Posted 2005) [#30]
This looks great! Are you using VB or C#?

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#31]
It's written in mixed C# and VisualBasic

Curtastic(Posted 2005) [#32]
those screenshots look awesome

Local SpeedMax
Print speedmax
can it autocapitalize SpeedMax?
all other features mean nothing to me compared to this

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#33]
It's not capitalized, but highlited in green color.
All blitz keywords and highlighted in Blue
All module's keywords are higghlighted in red
and all user defined variables, funcs methods etc, are highlighted in green. No capitalization but you can see if you are writing right any variable becouse te color it has.

Why0Why(Posted 2005) [#34]
Im with Coorae, is autocapitalization something you could add?
I use this all the time in .NET. I use variables like SpeedMax all the time and it is nice to have it changed througout.

ziggy(Posted 2005) [#35]
I'll take a look to see what can be done with autocapitalization... but, It will be done in a second release (it's not an easy change).

GW(Posted 2005) [#36]
Auto capitalization is a version 2 thing. just get the beta out there. :)

Curtastic(Posted 2005) [#37]
cool dude
The best thing about not being case sensitive:
loadimage becomes LoadImage