QT Now GPL on windows as well

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/QT Now GPL on windows as well

Roger(Posted 2005) [#1]
I noticed the other day that QT (Trolltechs Cross Platform GUI System for OSX/Windows/X11 is now dual licenced on windows as well as X11 (and mac OSX??)

This would now mean would it not that a QT wrapper could be created for BlitzMax that would be re-distributable if the following conditions where met

a) That the source (to the wrapper) was re-distributed
b) That any derived projects where
a) Not redistributed (think personal tools)
b) where redistribute (with source)
c) The author decided to sell program (with no source)
at which time they where obligated to purchase a QT

Granted QT is dear, and I have only used it with python, but is it worth either BRL or some other community minded person wrapping QT now. Granted it somewhat limits the re-distribution of derived programs commercially (unless you pony up for a licence) But it would give a very nice x platform GUI tool for people to create their own tools and or freeware.

Of course there is wxwindows (which I think is unemcumbered) but I have never used this so can not speak about its quality (the site has good references though).

QT with its signals/slots messaging and clean API would seem a nice fit for BlitzMax, does the GPLing of the windows platform make this viable, or is the dual licence too offputting.


N3m(Posted 2005) [#2]
I think it would be better to use a librarie wich is distributet under LGPL( or a similar lisence) like GTK+ wich is also avaible for Windows.

Dreamora(Posted 2005) [#3]
gtk+ on windows isn't a real usefull idea as installed nowhere ... no program beside GIMP even uses it ( at least if have not seen any other app )

N3m(Posted 2005) [#4]
of course it must be installed on windows, but qt is also not installed.
You could install it with your app and if you don't want to do that you could maybe also use a static linked version.

Chris C(Posted 2005) [#5]
no program beside GIMP even uses it

there are a number of apps just on sourceforge alone
that use gtk, apps like gaim have been using it for
x-platform compatability literally for years
even games like crossfire are using it

In linux at least its a joy to use...

you may find this site useful

bradford6(Posted 2005) [#6]
QT is expensive.

FlameDuck(Posted 2005) [#7]
And not particularly good.