2D particles engine

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/2D particles engine

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#1]
Here's a 2D particles engine module for win32.
Some parameters missing, but I'm still working on it.
PartEngine Beta 0.5

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2005) [#2]
How come only for win32?

Perturbatio(Posted 2005) [#3]
[ERROR]: c:\blitzmaxbeta101\bin\ld: cannot find c:/blitzmaxbeta101/mod/ftbass.mod/ftbass.mod/ftbass.a

N(Posted 2005) [#4]
ftbass: It's not a module if it isn't classified as one in the source code.

Pert: You have to build it after classifying it as a module (putting 'Module ftbass.ftparticle' at the top of the file then sticking it in a folder that represents the module structure).

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#5]
@AngelDaniel :
I built it on Windows, and didn't test it on other OS.
I think I have to built it again for Linux, and Mac.

@Noel Cower :
In the source code, there is :
Module ftbass.partengine

ModuleInfo "Name: PartEngine"
ModuleInfo "Description: Moteur de particules 2D"
ModuleInfo "Auteur: ftbass"

Import BRL.LinkedList
Import BRL.System
Import BRL.Random
Import BRL.Max2D

so I think it's classified as a module.

It works fine on my PC, and another one too...

Does it work anywhere else than on these 2 PC ??? Or maybe can anyone tell me what is missing ?


N(Posted 2005) [#6]
Hm, seems mine didn't download entirely. Weird, but you are right- it is there (well, it is after downloading it a second time).

My apologies.

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#7]
np :)

RGR(Posted 2005) [#8]
Doesn't work here - I get a Compile Error: "Identifier 'TEmetteur' not found" when BMax is trying to compile it.
Tried it with Demo and with Tutorial7
There is no .bmx file in the ftbass.mod folder - just another folder "partengine.mod" with 2 files (partengine.a and partengine.i) and a .bmx folder - is that right?

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#9]
I get the same error as RaGR ok here are the files in the "PartEngine.mod"

1. Folder = .bmx
2. File = partengine.a
3. File = partengine.i

you cannot compile it or import it because you have missing files.

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#10]
Oh and can you create a english version.

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#11]
Oops... sorry I am really late :/
here is a version of the module built with BlitzMax 1.06.
I hope this will solve problems.

PartEngine Beta 0.6

Some parameters missing, but still working on it :)

Please let me know if it works (or not).
some friends of mine tested it, and there was no matter.

Many thanks :)

RGR(Posted 2005) [#12]
Works now - possibly it was okay before, too

But I made the mistake to put ftbass.mod into the pub.mod folder (had somehow in mind that there are Blitz Research Mods - brl.mod and public mods - pub.mod - so I expected your module has to go into the public one...)

Okay now I have copied it direct into the mod folder and its okay

Thank you

KamaShin(Posted 2005) [#13]
"Identifier 'TEmetteur' not found" (tested it on a Mac)

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#14]
Just tried it very nice. You still have a problem with the mods the compiler is trying to find Debug version while you have the Release version.

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#15]
@Kamashin : this module was compiled with Windows, so it can't work on Mac.
I'll try to find a way to compile it on Mac.

@Sarge : here's a new version correctly built (I hope :))

PartEngine Beta 0.6

Thanks for feed back :)

Diordna(Posted 2005) [#16]
Send me the source and I'll see what I can do, ftbass. Just tell me what you did to compile yours (I have no experience with modules); it probably just requires me doing the same thing on the Mac, unless it's in C++ or something.

Actually, you really should just distribute the source. It would be easier on everyone that way.

KamaShin(Posted 2005) [#17]
if it's just about compiling, I could do it if I had the source... But I guess you don't want to make the source public... (d ailleurs t es francais non??? vu ke toute la doc et les commentaires du .bmx de test sont en francais :)
hop, un compatriote :) )

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#18]
Well... I decided to post the source code of PartEngine.
You can do whatever you want of it. Just share your improvements if you're doing some.
And please let me know if you use this engine in some prod ;)

see ya :)

ps: a wysiwyg editor coming as soon as the BlitzMax release is available :)

RGR(Posted 2005) [#19]
Nice idea, ftbass
I have made a quick change to the Demo and your Tutorial.
Try this and add it if you think it looks better, too
Edited I was not shure what would be the better solution: Globals or Typefields
If BotShips (random / not steered by user) are on screen maybe Typefields would be better.

Some Lines added in DemoPartEngine05.bmx
' Type TJoueur hérité du type TVaisseau
Type TJoueur Extends TVaisseau

	Method Update()
		RelativeFlag=1	'This Line for Demo usage - could be made a Functionparameter
		RelativeX=0		'To place the particles relative to the ship movement
		If KeyDown(KEY_LEFT) And X >= -10 Then
			X = X - 3 * Vitesse
			If RelativeFlag<>0 RelativeX = -3*Vitesse
		If KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) And X <= (LARGEUR - 112) Then
			X = X + 3 * Vitesse
			If RelativeFlag<>0 RelativeX = 3*Vitesse
		If KeyHit(KEY_UP) And Not(KeyDown(KEY_DOWN))
			DirV = "haut"
			NumImage = 11
			Timer = MilliSecs()
		End If
		If KeyDown(KEY_UP)
			If Y >= -40 Then
				Y = Y - 3 * Vitesse
				If RelativeFlag<>0 RelativeY= -3 * Vitesse
			End If
			If (Timer + Tempo < MilliSecs()) And (NumImage < 21) Then
				NumImage = NumImage + 1
				Timer = MilliSecs()
			End If
		If KeyHit(KEY_DOWN) And Not(KeyDown(KEY_UP))
			DirV = "bas"
			NumImage = 0
			Timer = MilliSecs()
		End If
		If KeyDown(KEY_DOWN)
			If Y <= 680 Then
				Y = Y + 3 * Vitesse
				If RelativeFlag<>0 RelativeY = 3*Vitesse
			End If
			If (Timer + Tempo < MilliSecs()) And (NumImage < 10) Then
				NumImage = NumImage + 1
				Timer = MilliSecs()
			End If
		If Not(KeyDown(KEY_DOWN) Or KeyDown(KEY_UP))
			Select DirV
				Case "haut"
					If (Timer + Tempo < MilliSecs()) And (NumImage > 11) Then
						NumImage = NumImage - 1
						Timer = MilliSecs()
					ElseIf NumImage = 11 Then
						DirV = "null"
					End If
				Case "bas"
					If (Timer + Tempo < MilliSecs()) And (NumImage > 0) Then
						NumImage = NumImage - 1
						Timer = MilliSecs()
					ElseIf NumImage = 0 Then
						DirV = "null"
					End If
			End Select
		End If
	End Method
End Type

This at top of "former Module" now an IncludeFile "ftbass_ParticleEngine.bmx" (makes quicker changes possible)
Global RelativeFlag, RelativeX , RelativeY

And change the 2 Lines in
Type TParticule

	' Mise à jour des particules
	Method Update()
		dx = dx + accX
		dy = dy + accY
		x = x + dx + RelativeX		'Line changed
		y = y + dy + RelativeY		'Line changed
		echelleX :+ dEchelleX
		echelleY :+ dEchelleY

In the Tutorial instead of too many Ifs
Function NumImage:Int(Char:String)
	If ( Char >= "a" And Char <= "z" ) Or ( Char >= "A" And Char <= "Z" ) Return (Asc(char) & 95)-65
	If ( Char >= "0" And Char <= "9" ) Return Asc(Char)-16
	Local Posit=Instr("'.,-!?",Char)
	If Posit>0 Return Posit+25
	If char=" " Return 42
End Function

Hope you can use it :-)

KamaShin(Posted 2005) [#20]
j ai compilé ton mod pour Mac et j ai le plaisir d annoncer ke ca marche impec :)
donc si t'as un mail a me filer, j peux t envoyer le mod compilé en version debug et release...
le 1er test tourne dans les 20 fps et le second dans les 30 (1 ou 2 emetteurs ca change rien), mais bon... j ai une vieille brouette comme machine :)

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#21]
Thx for suggestions. I'll try that later :)

The code is now available, so I don't think I have to distribute the modules. Peoples who want to use this code
can make a module theirself, of simpler, use it as an include.

ps: Kamashin, this is the official forum, so I think we have to try to speak english (even if my english is really
bad)... If you want to speak french, you can vist the french community at www.blitz3dfr.com you'll be welcome :)

KamaShin(Posted 2005) [#22]
lol... I guess you re right :) no need for distributing the mod if anyone can compile it... Anyway, it does work fine on Mac :)

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#23]
version 0.6.1 of PartEngine now available

- Bug fixed in the LIGHTBLEND mode rendering
- Can now create less than 1 particle per frame

Filax(Posted 2005) [#24]
Cool :)

drnmr(Posted 2005) [#25]

tonyg(Posted 2005) [#26]

drnmr(Posted 2005) [#27]
ftbass-is there a english mode to your site?

ftbass(Posted 2005) [#28]
no sorry, there is no english mod for the moment. It's a quite confidential site actually.
Do you want to have some informations about a precise subject ?