need help with types!

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/need help with types!

Caton(Posted 2016) [#1]
Global nofgi=3'number of icons to display
Global img:TImage

Function SetupMainWindow()
Local x:Int
For x=1 To nofgi
Local gi:gameicon = New gameicon
End Function

Function UpdateMainWindow()
If KeyHit(2) Then nofgi=nofgi+1
Local For gi:gameicon = EachIn gameicon
If img Then DrawImage img,0,111
End Function

Midimaster(Posted 2016) [#2]
At first you have to define the type and its fields:
Type GameIcon
     Field img:Timage, IconNum%
End Type

Then you have to understand that all elements of the type are individual variables. so this will not work:
Local gi:gameicon = New gameicon

Always when you create a new GameIcon its IconNum is 0

so you better would do it like this:

You keep the 3 images independent they have to be a field of the type variable:

there is a difference betwenn BlitzBasic and BlitzMax. In BlitzMax you need to create a list to store each member of the type:
Global GiList:TList= New TList
For x=1 To nofgi
     Local gi:GameIcon = New GameIcon
     GiList.Addlast gi

In your last function I do not know exactly, what you planned to do. Do you want to display one of the images, depending on KeyHit()?

In BlitzMAX KeyHit() uses CONSTANTS to define the key
If KeyHit(KEY_2)

you forgot to reset nofgi back to 1. In your code it would become 4:
	If KeyHit(KEY_2) Then nofgi=nofgi+1
	If nofgi>3 Then nofgi=1

Here is the complete corrected code:

Type GameIcon
     Field Img:TImage, IconNum:Int
End Type

Global nofgi:Int=3'number of icons to display
Global GiList:TList= New TList

Function SetupMainWindow()
	For Local x:Int=1 To nofgi
		Local gi:GameIcon = New GameIcon
End Function

Function UpdateMainWindow()
	If KeyHit(KEY_2) Then nofgi=nofgi+1
	If nofgi>3 Then nofgi=1
	For Local gi:GameIcon = EachIn GiList
		If gi.Img Then DrawImage gi.Img,0,111
End Function