Setcolor inner workings?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Setcolor inner workings?

Casaber(Posted 2015) [#1]
How do you draw images using original colors after you've used SETCOLOR? Iīm sure I have done this before but I guess I forgot everything. Itīs really odd. How DO you do it?

And whatīs the payload of changing ALPHA BLEND and COLOR alot?

Endive(Posted 2015) [#2]
1) you have to setcolor to 255,255,255 to reset it.

2) State changes like that can cause fairly substantial impact, they may not seem like much but they can really make the gfx card jump through hoops. A lot of people use batched draws-- change states, draw everything that needs that state, then change states again, draw everything that needs THAT state, etc.

Most likely though you won't notice the impact unless you have thousands of sprites all in different colors.

If you have particles that are lots of different colors, instead of allowing them to blend smoothly between colors, have them blend over 10 or 20 allowable colors. This can get your state changes down from many thousands to 20. There you probably would see a sizable impact depending on how many particles you have.

Casaber(Posted 2015) [#3]
Thanks !!

Iīm keen to get a feeling of what commands are slow and what are more zippy and works best on on most machines.
My original plan to find out commands that had an impact was use a old development machines (2010-2012) just
to have a good chance catching these kind of potential slowdowns but they seem really dirtcheap on them.

On these machines I Got 10K objects floating around using SETCOLOR SETALPHA SETROTATION without slowdowns (none worth mentioning anyways) when adding them.
I guess the plan to use old machines to be safe didnīt work out too well.

Endive(Posted 2015) [#4]
I was apparently wrong, it's negligible.

Graphics 640,480
Global timer%
timer = MilliSecs()
For i = 1 To 1000000
SetColor Rand(255),Rand(255),Rand(255)
Print "Setcolor time:" + String(MilliSecs()-timer)
timer = MilliSecs()
For i = 1 To 1000000
SetAlpha Rand(255)
Print "Setalpha time:" + String(MilliSecs()-timer)

dw817(Posted 2015) [#5]
The RANDOM is likely what's killing you, Endive. Try it without:

Graphics 640,480
Global timer%
timer = MilliSecs()
For i = 1 To 1000000
SetColor i,i,i
Print "Setcolor time:" + String(MilliSecs()-timer)
timer = MilliSecs()
For i = 1 To 1000000
SetAlpha i
Print "Setalpha time:" + String(MilliSecs()-timer)

Big difference, you will see that they are almost evenly matched. I suspect RAND() being called 3 times is where the longer process is taking place.

Endive(Posted 2015) [#6]
Wow, I did NOT know that rand() was processor intensive that way, though it's still sort of negligible. I get 30 milliseconds on 1 million rand calls.

Here's a modded lookup table version that's 3 times faster and another that is a hardcoded lookup table that takes ~1ms.

Global randarray[1000000]
Global timer%

Print "Rand() Function:"
timer = MilliSecs()

For i = 1 To 1000000
Print String(MilliSecs() - timer)

For i = 0 To 999999

Print "Rand() Function With Lookup:"
timer = MilliSecs()
For i = 0 To 999999
Print String(MilliSecs()-timer)

Function randfunc(i, in#)
Return randarray[i] Mod in
End Function

For i = 0 To 999999

Print "Fastest of All: Pre-generated random numbers"
timer = MilliSecs()
For i = 0 To 999999
Print String(MilliSecs()-timer)

Obviously a hardcoded rand() table has limitations associated with it but there are ways to get around them. I would think for particle systems it would be worth doing.

therevills(Posted 2015) [#7]
Check the fast rand from this post:

Endive(Posted 2015) [#8]
What do you think of table lookups?

I still say 30ms for a million calls is negligible but zero is better.

What if you gathered random noise from the mouse and used that to constantly repopulate the lookup table?

dw817(Posted 2015) [#9]
You know that is really genius what you did there. :)

I've always benchmarked computers by doing the random colored pixels technique. I never considered that computers today have SO much storage that you could easily 'build' an array of random values for it well ahead of time and then plug them in for your super fast graphics when ready.

Further interesting that you can CODE in C in BlitzMAX. First time I've seen this - yep it's a brand new day for me. :)

This benchmark however seems to run the same speed with the same results using the FASTRAND method.

Local i,j,typ
Graphics 640,480

' 0=default RAND
' 1=new FASTRAND

  For j=0 To 639
    For i=0 To 479
      If typ
        SetColor fastrand(0,255),fastrand(0,255),fastrand(0,255)
        SetColor Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255)
      Plot j,i
Until KeyDown(32)

Extern "C"
	Function crndseed:Int(val:Int) = "srand"
	Function _crand:Int () = "rand"
End Extern

Function FastRand:Int (start:Int, ende:Int)
	Return _crand() Mod (ende-start+1) + start

... running this WITHOUT debug, however, I can see that FastRand is a sneak bit faster than standard Rand.

It's strange ... you would think BlitzMAX would be using FASTRAND for their default as the screens which appear on both appear to be identically and equally scrambled.

I'll use FastRand from now on for final production. Thanks therevills and Ziggy !

Here's a challenge. Is there a fastpixel routine ? I know you can LOCK pixels with a TPIXMAP and plot but WHAT IF you could bypass all that and just plot as-fast-as-possible to the current screen using a C or machine-language routine ?

Endive(Posted 2015) [#10]
You know that is really genius what you did there. :)

Oh yeah, I'm really Donald Knuth over here.

I've always benchmarked computers by doing the random colored pixels technique. I never considered that computers today have SO much storage that you could easily 'build' an array of random values for it well ahead of time and then plug them in for your super fast graphics when ready.

Lookup tables have always been amazing and today they are more useful than ever. You can also build memoizing objects that wrap a function and every time they calculate a value, they store that value in a lookup table.

That could be useful for such things as procedural world generation. When you come to an area of the map that has not been generated, the memoizer generates an area around it, probably by the quad partitioning plasma method, and stores it in the lookup table.

I've always benchmarked computers by doing the random colored pixels technique.

I'm skeptical as to whether that is a good general benchmark, though I suppose it measures fill rate and a few other things. You might learn how to code Mersenne Twister and use that for your RNG-- that way you know you are not using some bizarro version of Rand(). Mersenne twister will also work for your string hashing question in the other thread.

dw817(Posted 2015) [#11]

Procedural World Generation ... Quad Partitioning Plasma ... Mersenne Twister ...

You went right over my head, Endive ... :)

Endive(Posted 2015) [#12]
Better look 'em up, you'll learn a lot. All three are really easy to code and the first two would most likely be very useful for your current RPG program.

If you have any questions, ask me.

dw817(Posted 2015) [#13]
Any BlitzMAX examples for all 3 ? That would help most of all. I could decipher what's going on in there and better understand it, Endive.

And ... it's not a RPG I'm making but a RPG Maker. Wow, if it was just a RPG game I would've been done years ago. I wish it was that simple. It's much more complex than that.

The TMAP type variable makes this possible now.

Endive(Posted 2015) [#14]

I'm convinced that you will be able to implement the first two very easily.

Procedural terrain generation will be great for an RPG maker.

Endive(Posted 2015) [#15]
I did go ahead and code up a quickie procedural terrain generator for you just so you can see how it works. You would want to define specific growth behaviors for each type of terrain to make it more realistic-- deserts can't spread through water, trees can't spread onto desert, etc.

Global terrain[64,48]
Graphics 640,480

' Set up a bunch of seeds of terrains in random places.
' Terrains will expand outward from these seeds.
For i = 1 To 20
terrain[Rand(61)+1, Rand(45)+1]=1
terrain[Rand(61)+1, Rand(45)+1]=2
terrain[Rand(61)+1, Rand(45)+1]=3
terrain[Rand(61)+1, Rand(45)+1]=4
While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)
' Choose a random square to expand from...
x = Rand(62)
y = Rand(46)

' ... but only if it's not empty
If terrain(x,y) > 0 
	newterr = terrain(x,y)  ' ok, if it's not empty, what does it contain?
							' newterr is the type of terrain we are going to expand outward
	dir  = Rand(4)
	Select dir
		' we choose a direction up right down left
		' then nx and ny are assigned to a neighbor of our random square
		Case 1
			nx = x; ny = y-1
			terrain[nx, ny]=newterr			
		Case 2
			nx = x+1; ny = y
			terrain[nx, y]=newterr
		Case 3
			nx = x; ny = y+1
			terrain[nx, ny]=newterr
		Case 4
			nx = x-1; ny = y
			terrain[nx, ny]=newterr
	End Select
		Select newterr
			' set the appropriate color
			Case 1
				SetColor 0,255,0
			Case 2
				SetColor 0,0,255
			Case 3
				SetColor 165,42,42
			Case 4
				SetColor 255,235,205
		End Select
	' we do this so we aren't flipping every frame
	If numupdates < 100
		numupdates = numupdates+1
		numupdates = 0

dw817(Posted 2015) [#16]
Ohh ! This is PLAGUE ! :)

MY Dad wrote a program just like this years ago in Turbo Pascal.

Me ? I wrote one in GFA very similar where I used 4-icons. (0)=None, 1=Bunny, 2=Fox, 3=Grass.

Where the bunnies ate the grass, the foxes ate the bunnies, the blank ate the foxes, and the grass ate the blank.

It was a perfect bit of motion very similar to what you have here. I - can't think of any reason why I would need this in my engine though.

My engine will be tile-based, maps will be 50x50 in size. No - what would REALLY be helpful is to find source code that generates the following kind of random map.

It's trickier to build than it looks.

Endive(Posted 2015) [#17]
I - can't think of any reason why I would need this in my engine though.

Do you want dynamically generated worlds that are different every time?

It's trickier to build than it looks.

Actually no, for that type of map you divide the dungeon into N squares, put a room somewhere near the center of each square, then connect each room to its neighbors.

dw817(Posted 2015) [#18]
BTW, here is a plasma program I wrote. It doesn't entirely match the normal type but it is a type of plasma, a flower-type is the best way to describe it. I used this method years ago as a type of 'paint' technique.
' Fuzzy Plasma Generator by David W (dw817) 12-29-15
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
Local i,j,k,l,c,c2,r,x,y,z,pic:TPixmap
Graphics 640,480
For i=0 To 479-95 Step 96
  For j=0 To 639-95 Step 96
    WritePixel pic,j+Rand(0,95),i+Rand(0,95),1
  For z=0 To 9999
  c=ReadPixel(pic,x,y)Mod 256
  If c=255 Then c=254
  If c
    For i=-1 To 1
      For j=-1 To 1
        If ReadPixel(pic,x+j,y+i)=0
          WritePixel pic,x+j,y+i,c2
  DrawPixmap pic,0,0
Until KeyDown(32)

Endive(Posted 2015) [#19]
Perty. They call that an aggregate fractal.

dw817(Posted 2015) [#20]
Has someone written code for diamond fractal ? (As Wikipedia shows it) Answering your previous:

Do you want dynamically generated worlds that are different every time?

It's an interesting idea, one I played with years ago. I even went as far as making a weird name generator and had critters based on descriptions rather than names.

Winged, Crawling, Creeping, Flying, Slithering, Sliding, Oozing, Horned
Horror, Fury, Beast

So you could randomly have attack you a, "Horned Fury."

Name generation was done via vowels, "AEIOU" and consonants were, "BDFGHJKLMNPRSTVWY" and no repeats, so a CVCCVC would be:

"Geprin" "Fasdor" "Tudjoy"

I also used random vector generation to build images of these creatures.

I developed completely random items with names VCCV CVCCVC and VCVVC.

But - that's not the way this is going to go. No, S2 years ago was just a nice and very workable RPG Maker. It was well received.

Today will be S3. Just a few simple WIZARDS to help with maps.

The map above would be a possible WIZARD generated map. I already have the code to build a maze (posted in this forum). It's the catacomb technique I haven't written.

Endive(Posted 2015) [#21]
Look into Markov chains :)

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dw817(Posted 2015) [#22]

W h a t ?