JSON Serialisation & Deserialisation

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/JSON Serialisation & Deserialisation

Banshee(Posted 2014) [#1]

I wrote this class which I thought others might find useful so I decided to post it.

The class is designed to be extended off of, and allows the child to serialise itself to JSON or to rebuild it's data content from JSON.

It will not serialise method calls as it is specifically designed for storing data and I've only tested it with String, Integers and Arrays of Integers which is all that I need - although I think it will probably do Arrays of Strings without modification - for anything else you'll need to add support yourself.


	Method getJSON$()
		Local json$
		Local id:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForObject( self )
		For Local fld:TField = EachIn id.EnumFields()
			Local fieldName$ = Chr( 34 ) + fld.Name() + Chr( 34 ) + ":"
			Local elementName$ = fld.TypeId().Name()
			If( Right( elementName , 2 ) = "[]" )
				json :+ fieldName + "["
				Local arrayObject: object= fld.get( Self )
				Local arrayId:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForObject( arrayObject )
				Local length% = fld.typeId().ArrayLength( fld.get( Self ) , 0 )
				For Local i% = 0 To length - 1
					Local arrayElement:Object = arrayId.getArrayElement( arrayObject , i )
					json :+ arrayElement.toString() + ","
				json = Left( json , Len( json ) - 1 ) + "],"
				Select elementName
					Case "String"
						json :+ fieldName + Chr(34) + fld.getString$( Self ) + Chr(34) + ","
					Case "Int"
						json :+ fieldName + fld.getInt( Self ) + ","
						DebugLog( fld.Name() +" is of unprocessed type " + fld.typeId().Name() )
				End Select
		Return "{" + Left( json , Len( json ) - 1 ) + "}"

	End Method
	Method setJSON( json$ )
		json = Left( Right( json , Len( json ) - 1 ) , Len( json ) - 1 ) + ","
		Local comma% = Instr( json , "," )
		Local square% = Instr( json , "[" )
		If square < comma Then comma = Instr( json , "]" , square ) + 1
		Local id:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForObject( Self )
		While( comma > 0 )

			Local this$ = Left( json , comma )
			Local colon% = Instr( this , ":" )
			Local cmd$ = Mid( this , 2 , colon - 3 )
			Local param$ = Mid( this , colon + 1 , Len( this ) - ( colon + 1 ) )
			Local paramInt% = 0
			Local fld:TField = id.findField( cmd )
			If( Left( param, 1 ) = "[" And Right( param, 1 ) = "]" )
				Local arrayObject: Object= fld.get( Self )
				Local arrayId:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForObject( arrayObject )
				Local length% = fld.typeId().ArrayLength( fld.get( Self ) , 0 )
				Local paramArray$[1]
				Local aparam$ = Mid( param , 2 , Len( param ) - 2 )
				For Local i% = 0 To length - 1
					Local acomma% = Instr( aparam , "," )
					paramArray[0] = Left( aparam , acomma - 1 )
					aparam = Right( aparam , Len( aparam ) - acomma )
					arrayId.setArrayElement( arrayObject , i , paramArray[0] )

				If( Left( param , 1 ) = Chr(34) And Right( param , 1 ) = Chr( 34 ) )
					param = Mid( param , 2 , Len( param ) - 2 )
					If fld Then fld.setString( Self , param )
					paramInt = Int( param )
					If fld Then fld.setInt( Self , paramInt )
			If Not fld And Len( cmd ) > 1 Then DebugLog( "Could not find field " + cmd )
			json = Right( json , Len( json ) - comma )
			comma = Instr( json , "," ) 
			square = Instr( json , "[" )
			If square < comma Then comma = Instr( json , "]" , square ) + 1

	End method
End Type

And here's my test program showing sample usage.
Type TPlayer Extends JSON
	Field prefix$
	Field name$
	Field surname$
	Field suffix$
	Field race $, class$
	Field gender% , level% , face% , hair%
	Field strength% , strengthPercentile% , dexterity% , constitution% , inteligence% , wisdom% , charisma%
	Field thaco% , ac% , hp% , weaponDice%

	Field equipment%[20]

End Type

Local player:TPlayer = New TPlayer
player.prefix = "Miss"
player.name = "Becky"
player.surname = "Rose"
player.suffix = "Programmer"
player.race = "Human"
player.class = "Class"
player.gender = 0
player.level = 20
player.face = 0
player.hair = 0
player.strength = 8
player.dexterity = 12
player.constitution = 12
player.inteligence = 17
player.wisdom = 15
player.charisma = 9
player.thaco = 10
player.ac = 10
player.hp = 69
player.weaponDice = 8
player.equipment[0] = 1
player.equipment[1] = 2
player.equipment[2] = 3
player.equipment[3] = 4

Local test$ = player.getJSON()
DebugLog( test )

player = New TPlayer
player.setJSON( test )
DebugLog( player.getJSON() )

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2014) [#2]
Thanks for sharing, Banshee. This could save me quite a bit of code.

Banshee(Posted 2014) [#3]
You're very welcome. I'm also finding it REALLY handy in Debuglog :D

Richard Betson(Posted 2014) [#4]
Very timely for me :) Thanks.