[DWLab] BlitzMax version development stopped

Archives Forums/General Discussion/[DWLab] BlitzMax version development stopped

Matt Merkulov(Posted 2013) [#1]
(framework description is in this topic)

New version of the framework is out - 1.5! What's new:
* Drawing and collision checking handlers are created, and also the system of their registration. Instead of shape type number there is handler object now.
* New shape types created - right-angled triangles, ray and raster.
* Sprite grouping system is created - templates. Now you can group sprites into the template and create a lot of simple sprites which will use template for drawing and collision checkings.
* Music playing system is added.
* maxmod2 and bah.box2d modules are added.
* XML project storing stucture is rebuilt, added UTF8 support and tile maps are now stored in separated binary file (now are loading much faster).

World editor changements:
* It's possible now to create line segments between the sprites via right mouse buton.
* "Physics" flag is added to the sprite,attaching it to Box2D object. Now it's possible to launch physical simulation for these sprites.
* New raster frame drawing method.
* Instead of crash if additional file is not found, editor now just warns you via message.
* World loading process is now displayed.

To migrate onto new version you should change some lines of code:


Type LTSpriteAndTileCollisionHandler:
Method HandleCollision( Sprite:LTSprite, TileMap:LTTileMap, TileX:Int, TileY:Int )
Method HandleCollision( Sprite:LTSprite, TileMap:LTTileMap, TileX:Int, TileY:Int, CollisionSprite:LTSprite )

Method Draw()
Method Draw( DrawingAlpha:Double = 1.0 )


Rixarn(Posted 2013) [#2]
Awesome Work! I thought you halted the dev of this. Glad to see it's growing bigger and better.

Matt Merkulov(Posted 2013) [#3]
Yes, there are 16 months of development due complexity of this release and lots of other projects.

Matt Merkulov(Posted 2013) [#4]
DWLab is completely moved to the Java. Now alpha of version 2.0 is available here.

Framework is fully converted, debugged and enchanced, only lacking some help pages, big examples and tutorials for now. At this moment only option is LWJGL-powered version (Windows/Linux/MacOS platforms), but I plan to add PlayN support to be able to compile DWLab applications on mobile platforms.

BlitzMax version development is stopped.

Armitage 1982(Posted 2013) [#5]
Oh !
It may be interesting to post some kind of post-mortem about that. Some things you were missing to complete your roadmap, why choosing Java, etc.

Rixarn(Posted 2013) [#6]
Yeah, I'm also curious as why you have moved your framework to Java, it's a great framework.

Rixarn(Posted 2013) [#7]
Wow, just played with your Framework's examples.exe ... That is a HUGE impressive examples galore!

Matt Merkulov(Posted 2013) [#8]
There's some entries in Issues page of the project which I plan to implement including new GUI system which fully replace MaxGUI, will be more convenient to use (with listeners and reaction methods) and will be fully integrated into world editor; editor's enchancements including Undo and Cope-Paste operations with tiles.

There are several reasons of moving to Java: more convenient syntax with interfaces and quite useful generics (I myself think Java syntax is the best of known languages, almost perfect); ability to compile on mobile platforms; absence of prospects of BlitzMax and its proprietariness.

skidracer(Posted 2013) [#9]
Good luck Matt, Java rocks! /FUD

GaryV(Posted 2013) [#10]
I can understand somebody moving on from BlitzMax, but Java would never be my choice. DWLab was one of the better addons for BlitzMax. Kudos for all of your hard work on it.

Happy Sammy(Posted 2013) [#11]
Good luck Matt.