Loading a model for use.

BlitzMax Forums/OpenGL Module/Loading a model for use.

Ryan Burnside(Posted 2007) [#1]
Hello again,

Ive created a model in AutoCAD. The files saved are .dwg. However AutoCAD can export into .3ds files to. I also really like anim8or but it sometimes saves bad .3ds files when they originate in AutoCAD.

Up untill my need for more complex shapes I have just designed my own primatives using gl lists. I would like to load my creations for use and then be able to draw them with their textures.

My questions:

-Do I have to compleatly parse my files into my program to use them?

-Do I need a library to load and draw these models?

-What is the best format to save models into that will be used in OpenGL?

LAB[au](Posted 2007) [#2]
1.Yes (or see 2).
2.No but it's easier.
3.The one that suits your needs and your working path.

It would be a good idea to check minib3d module, especially the extended klepto's version which can load .3ds, so you see how it's made.