OpenGL Commands

BlitzMax Forums/OpenGL Module/OpenGL Commands

Haramanai(Posted 2006) [#1]
At first I thought to create a little program that will add the documents of each command in the OpenGL.Bmx from Chapter 5 of the Blue Book but I lost my way thru the html file.
So I created the minimum program to high light the OpenGL commands

By the way I have done this thing you will have to save the file in the same directory that contains the OpenGL.Bmx witch is if the main directory of BlitzMax is C:\BlitzMax the directory C:\BlitzMax\mod\pub.mod\opengl.mod
This will create the files:
after that delete or rename the opengl.bmx
and rename the newopengl.bmx to opengl.bmx
Build the module, docmods and you are done.

I thing that if someone find a way around the html file that I had posted and create an app to pass all the information inside the opengl.bmx that will be great.

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2006) [#2]
I think it would be a great idea to have every OpenGL command not only hilighting properly but also with integrated doc help detailing every command, what it does, how to use it, syntax, related commands, etc, like in the blue book. I think this should come as standard with BlitzMax, since OpenGL is an integrated part of the system.