wx.wxmax2D missing file?

BlitzMax Forums/OpenGL Module/wx.wxmax2D missing file?

MOBii(Posted 2016) [#1]
I testing the "C:\BlitzMax\mod\wx.mod\samples\glmax2d.bmx"

I change the code to use:
Type MyCanvas Extends wxWindow

and Not:
Type MyCanvas Extends wxGLCanvas
I have no file contain wxGLCanvas


Framework wx.wxApp
Import wx.wxFrame
Import brl.Blitz
Import wx.wxmax2D
Import wx.wxTimer
Import wx.wxPanel

New MyApp.run()

Type MyApp Extends wxApp
	Field Max2D:TWello
	Field panel:wxPanel  
	Field canvas:MyCanvas

	Method onInit:Int()

		Max2D = TWello(New TWello.Create(, 1, "Max2D", 100, 100, 800, 600, wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMINIMIZE_BOX | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX | wxCLOSE_BOX | wxCAPTION))
		panel = New wxPanel.Create(Max2D, 2, 10, 10, 500, 500)
		canvas = MyCanvas(New MyCanvas.CreateWin(panel, 3, 20, 20, 460, 460))
		Return True
	End Method
End Type

' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[TWello]---
Type TWello Extends wxFrame

	Method OnInit:Int()
	End Method
End Type
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Type MyCanvas Extends wxWindow

	Field timer:wxTimer

	Method OnInit:Int()
		timer = New wxTimer.Create(Self)

		ConnectAny(wxEVT_PAINT, OnPaint)
		ConnectAny(wxEVT_TIMER, OnTick)

	End Method

	Function OnPaint(event:wxEvent)

		Local canvas:MyCanvas = MyCanvas(event.parent)
		SetGraphics wxGraphics(canvas)
'		SetClsColor(255, 0, 0)

		SetColor(255, 0, 255)
		DrawRect(100,10, 10, 10)
		DrawLine(100, 30, 200, 30)

		SetColor(255, 0, 0)
		DrawRect(120,10, 10, 10)
		DrawLine(100, 40, 200, 40)

		SetColor(0, 255, 0)
		DrawRect(140,10, 10, 10)
		DrawLine(100, 50, 200, 50)

		SetColor(255, 0, 255)
		DrawRect(160,10, 10, 10)
		DrawLine(100, 60, 200, 60)

		SetColor(255, 0, 0)
		DrawText("Red", 10, 30)

		SetColor(0, 255, 0)
		DrawText("Green", 10, 50)

		SetColor(0, 0, 255)
		DrawText("Blue", 10, 70)
	End Function

	Function OnTick(event:wxEvent)
	End Function
End Type
This setup the surface
SetColor is working for DrawLine and DrawText
DrawRect wait a interation before change color
SetClsColor don't work at all
Cls set white background always

I probably get those error/problem when using:
Type MyCanvas Extends wxWindow

This is the original:"C:\BlitzMax\mod\wx.mod\samples\glmax2d.bmx"

I get this Error message:
Compile Error: Identifier 'CanvasGraphics2D' not found
Build Error: failed to compile (-1) C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/samples/glmax2d.bmx

on line: 76


Framework wx.wxApp
Import wx.wxFrame
Import brl.Blitz
Import brl.glmax2d
Import wx.wxmax2D
Import wx.wxGLCanvas
Import wx.wxTimer
Import wx.wxPanel

SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()

New MyApp.run()

Type MyApp Extends wxApp

	Field frame:MyFrame

	Method OnInit:Int()

		' Create the main application windowType MyFrame Extends wxFrame

		frame = MyFrame(New MyFrame.Create(,,"", , , 640, 480))
		' Show it and tell the application that it's our main window

		Return True
	End Method

End Type

Type MyFrame Extends wxFrame

	Field canvas:MyCanvas

	Method OnInit()

		canvas = MyCanvas(New MyCanvas.Create(Self, -1, GRAPHICS_BACKBUFFER|GRAPHICS_DEPTHBUFFER))
		ConnectAny(wxEVT_CLOSE, OnClose)
	End Method
	Function OnClose(event:wxEvent)
		MyFrame(event.parent).canvas.timer.Stop() ' we really need to stop the timer on Mac...
	End Function

End Type

Type MyCanvas Extends wxGLCanvas

	Field timer:wxTimer

	Method OnInit()
		timer = New wxTimer.Create(Self)

		ConnectAny(wxEVT_TIMER, OnTick)

	End Method

	Method OnPaint(event:wxPaintEvent)
	End Method

	Method Render()
		SetGraphics(CanvasGraphics2D(Self))			' <-------------------------- :: CanvasGraphics2D is Missing for me!

		SetClsColor(255, 0, 0)
		SetColor(0, 0, 0)


	End Method

	Function OnTick(event:wxEvent)
	End Function
	Method drawClock()

		Local x:Int = 200, y:Int = 200
		Local radius:Int = 100
		' clock ticks
		For Local i:Int = 0 Until 12
			Local inset:Double = 0
			If i Mod 3 = 0 Then
				inset = 0.2 * radius
				inset = 0.1 * radius
			End If
			DrawLine x + (radius - inset) * Cos(i * 30), y + (radius - inset) * Sin(i * 30), ..
				x + radius * Cos(i * 30), y + radius * Sin (i * 30)
			' draw numbers
			inset = 0.3 * radius
			Local t:Int = (i + 2) Mod 12 + 1
			DrawText romanNumerals(t), x + (radius - inset) * Cos(i * 30) - 7, y + (radius - inset) * Sin(i * 30) - 6

		' clock hands
		Local hours:Int = CurrentTime()[0..2].toInt() Mod 12
		Local minutes:Int = CurrentTime()[3..5].toInt()
		Local seconds:Int = CurrentTime()[6..8].toInt()
		' hour hand:
		' the hour hand is rotated 30 degrees  per hour + 1/2 a degree per minute

		DrawLine x, y, x + radius / 2 * Sin(30 * hours + minutes / 2.0), ..
				   y + radius / 2 * -Cos(30 * hours + minutes / 2.0)
		' minute hand:
		' the minute hand is rotated 6 degrees per minute + 1/10 a degree per second
		DrawLine x, y, x + radius * 0.75 * Sin(6 * minutes + seconds / 10.0), ..
				   y + radius * 0.75 * -Cos(6 * minutes + seconds / 10.0)
		' seconds hand:
		' the second hand is rotated 6 degrees per second
		SetColor(255, 0, 0)

		DrawLine x, y, x + radius * 0.7 * Sin(6 * seconds), ..
				   y + radius * 0.7 * -Cos(6 * seconds)

	End Method

	Method romanNumerals:String(value:Int)
		Local rn:String = ""
		While value > 9
			rn:+ "X"
			value:- 10
		If value > 8 Then
			rn:+ "IX"
			value:- 9
		End If
		If value > 4 Then
			rn:+ "V"
			value:- 5
		End If
		If value > 3 Then
			rn:+ "IV"
			value:- 4
		End If
		While value > 0
			rn:+ "I"
			value:- 1
		Return rn
	End Method

End Type
Someone have a
Import wx.wxmax2D
Import wx.wxGLCanvas

Example for me that is working?

What file I need to update to get: CanvasGraphics2D

Henri(Posted 2016) [#2]

you need to comment out 'Import brl.glmax2d'' and add 'Import wx.wxglmax2D' on top.


MOBii(Posted 2016) [#3]
Thank thee Henri with all my heart!

I don't have wx.wxglmax2D
So I download:

wx.wxglmax2D is still Not included

wx.mod only include:

Any idea, where I can download wx.wxglmax2D?

I suppose wx.wxMax2D and wx.wxglmax2D is different?

When I build the drawClock() example: "C:\BlitzMax\mod\wx.mod\samples\glmax2d.bmx"
Compile Error: Identifier 'GLMax2DDriver' not found
Build Error: failed to compile (-1) C:/BlitzMax/MOBii/Test/a29 Henri.bmx

Code at the Error:
Framework wx.wxApp
Import wx.wxFrame
Import brl.Blitz

'Import brl.glmax2d
'Import wx.wxglmax2D

Import wx.wxMax2D
'Import brl.Graphics

Import wx.wxGLCanvas
Import wx.wxTimer
Import wx.wxPanel


New MyApp.run()
GLMax2DDriver() and CanvasGraphics2D is probably in wx.wxglmax2D

I got Munch example that look very interesting:
"Okay, I adapted my previous example for your code. It still uses the same rendering "engine" from minib3d but now draws in 2d perspective. Needs spark.png." -Munch

But I am not sure hes example can be implemented on a wxWindow surface?

Henri(Posted 2016) [#4]
I didn't remember that wxglmax2d was removed from repo in newer revisions. I'm guessing you should be using brl.glmax2d instead.

See this thread for info


MOBii(Posted 2016) [#5]

I get this Error from Brucey's code:
C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/wx.mod/../lib/win32/libwxmsw31u_gl.a(gllib_glcanvas.o):glcanvas.cpp:(.text+0x7aa): undefined reference to `_imp__wglGetCurrentDC@0'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/wx.mod/../lib/win32/libwxmsw31u_gl.a(gllib_glcmn.o):glcmn.cpp:(.text+0x43c): undefined reference to `_imp__glVertex3f@12'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/wx.mod/../lib/win32/libwxmsw31u_gl.a(gllib_glcmn.o):glcmn.cpp:(.text+0x46c): undefined reference to `_imp__glNormal3f@12'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/wx.mod/../lib/win32/libwxmsw31u_gl.a(gllib_glcmn.o):glcmn.cpp:(.text+0x4a4): undefined reference to `_imp__glColor4f@16'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/wx.mod/../lib/win32/libwxmsw31u_gl.a(gllib_glcmn.o):glcmn.cpp:(.text+0x4cc): undefined reference to `_imp__glColor3f@12'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/wx.mod/../lib/win32/libwxmsw31u_gl.a(gllib_glcmn.o):glcmn.cpp:(.text+0x593): undefined reference to `_imp__glGetBooleanv@8'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/wx.mod/../lib/win32/libwxmsw31u_gl.a(gllib_glcmn.o):glcmn.cpp:(.text+0xdb4): undefined reference to `_imp__glColor3f@12'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/wx.mod/wx.mod/../lib/win32/libwxmsw31u_gl.a(gllib_glcmn.o):glcmn.cpp:(.text+0xfbf): undefined reference to `_imp__glIndexi@4'
Build Error: Failed to link C:/BlitzMax/MOBii/Test/a33.debug.exe
is those .o files made when I build the modules?

Derron "Try the following:"

Framework wx.wxApp
Import wx.wxFrame
Import wx.wxmax2D
Import wx.wxTimer
Import wx.wxPanel
Import wx.wxRadioBox

New MyApp.run()

Type MyApp Extends wxApp

	Field frame:MyFrame

	Method OnInit:Int()

		' Create the main application windowType MyFrame Extends wxFrame

		frame = MyFrame(New MyFrame.Create(,,"", , , 640, 480))
		' Show it and tell the application that it's our main window

		Return True
	End Method

End Type

Type MyFrame Extends wxFrame

	Field canvas:MyCanvas

	Method OnInit:Int()
		Local mainSizer:wxBoxSizer = New wxBoxSizer.Create(wxVERTICAL)
		canvas = MyCanvas(New MyCanvas.CreateWin(Self))
		Local panel:wxPanel = New wxPanel.Create(Self, - 1)
		Local effecttypes:String[] = ["Point", "Area", "Line", "Ellipse"]
		Local ep_effect_type:wxRadioBox = New wxRadioBox.Create(panel, wxID_HIGHEST + 1, "Effect Type",,, ,, effecttypes)
		mainSizer.Add(canvas,1, wxALL | wxEXPAND)
		mainSizer.Add(panel,0,wxAll | wxExpand)

		ConnectAny(wxEVT_CLOSE, OnClose)
	End Method

	Function OnClose(event:wxEvent)
		MyFrame(event.parent).canvas.timer.Stop() ' we really need to stop the timer on Mac...
		'not in your code
		'wxWindow(event.parent).Destroy() ' remove the frame

	End Function

End Type

Type MyCanvas Extends wxWindow

	Field timer:wxTimer
	Field cw:Int
	Field ch:Int

	Method OnInit:Int()
		timer = New wxTimer.Create(Self)

		ConnectAny(wxEVT_PAINT, OnPaint)
		ConnectAny(wxEVT_TIMER, OnTick)
		connectany(wxEVT_SIZE, OnSize)

	End Method

	Function OnPaint(event:wxEvent)
		Local canvas:MyCanvas = MyCanvas(event.parent)
	End Function
	Method Paint()
	End Method
	Function OnSize(Event:wxEvent)
		Local w:Int, h:Int
		MyCanvas(event.parent).GetSize(w, h)
		MyCanvas(event.parent).cw = w
		MyCanvas(event.parent).ch = h
	End Function

	Method Render()
		SetGraphics wxGraphics(self)
		SetVirtualResolution(cw, ch)
		SetViewport(0, 0, cw, ch)

		SetClsColor(0, 0, 255)					' Background colod should be Blue

		SetColor(0, 0, 255)						' all this rect is red?
		DrawRect(50,50, 10, 10)
		SetColor(0, 255, 0)
		DrawRect(70,50, 10, 10)
		SetColor(255, 0, 0)
		DrawRect(90,50, 10, 10)
		SetColor(255, 0, 255)
		DrawRect(110,50, 10, 10)

	End Method

	Function OnTick(event:wxEvent)
	End Function
	Method drawClock()

		Local x:Int = 200, y:Int = 200
		Local radius:Int = 100
		' clock ticks
		For Local i:Int = 0 Until 12
			Local inset:Double = 0
			If i Mod 3 = 0 Then
				inset = 0.2 * radius
				inset = 0.1 * radius
			End If
			DrawLine x + (radius - inset) * Cos(i * 30), y + (radius - inset) * Sin(i * 30), ..
				x + radius * Cos(i * 30), y + radius * Sin (i * 30)
			' draw numbers
			inset = 0.3 * radius
			Local t:Int = (i + 2) Mod 12 + 1
			DrawText romanNumerals(t), x + (radius - inset) * Cos(i * 30) - 7, y + (radius - inset) * Sin(i * 30) - 6

		' clock hands
		Local hours:Int = CurrentTime()[0..2].toInt() Mod 12
		Local minutes:Int = CurrentTime()[3..5].toInt()
		Local seconds:Int = CurrentTime()[6..8].toInt()
		' hour hand:
		' the hour hand is rotated 30 degrees  per hour + 1/2 a degree per minute

		DrawLine x, y, x + radius / 2 * Sin(30 * hours + minutes / 2.0), ..
				   y + radius / 2 * -Cos(30 * hours + minutes / 2.0)
		' minute hand:
		' the minute hand is rotated 6 degrees per minute + 1/10 a degree per second
		DrawLine x, y, x + radius * 0.75 * Sin(6 * minutes + seconds / 10.0), ..
				   y + radius * 0.75 * -Cos(6 * minutes + seconds / 10.0)
		' seconds hand:
		' the second hand is rotated 6 degrees per second
		SetColor(255, 0, 0)

		DrawLine x, y, x + radius * 0.7 * Sin(6 * seconds), ..
				   y + radius * 0.7 * -Cos(6 * seconds)

	End Method

	Method romanNumerals:String(value:Int)
		Local rn:String = ""
		While value > 9
			rn:+ "X"
			value:- 10
		If value > 8 Then
			rn:+ "IX"
			value:- 9
		End If
		If value > 4 Then
			rn:+ "V"
			value:- 5
		End If
		If value > 3 Then
			rn:+ "IV"
			value:- 4
		End If
		While value > 0
			rn:+ "I"
			value:- 1
		Return rn
	End Method

End Type
This has the same Error as test original bmx: all the rect I added become red
And I set SetClsColor(0, 0, 255) to blue, but the background still is white!

if someone build this does background get blue and the squares get different background color?
Or is the background White with red boxes?