T.Ed world loader (EPR file loader)

BlitzMax Forums/MiniB3D Module/T.Ed world loader (EPR file loader)

Dabhand(Posted 2010) [#1]
I wrote a world loader for Max/Mini3D that handles loading scenes from Dans T.Ed ( http://www.d-grafix.com/?page=ted )

For anyone that doesnt know:-

Basically, you design your landscape/world in that, when you export the scene, one of the files is an EPR file, this contains all the data for the sources, instances and their properties (position, scale etc etc)

This is used in the loader to get all your guff where they should be.

Here is the download (With example)


Example to see how easy it is to load a whole scene with terrain/props:-

'MaxEPRLoader Example
'Written by Michael Denathorn 2010

Import sidesign.minib3d
Include "MaxEPRLoader_Public.bmx"

Graphics3D 800, 600, 16

Local camera:TCamera = TCamera.CreateCamera()
Local water:TMesh = CreateCube()

Ted_Maps_Dir:String = "media/maps/"
Ted_Skies_Dir:String = "media/skies/"
Ted_Props_Dir:String = "media/props/"
Ted_Process_AmbientLight = True
Ted_Process_Cam = True
Ted_Process_Fog = True
Ted_Process_SunLight = True
Ted_Process_Terrain = True
Ted_Process_Water = True
Ted_Trn_File_Extension:String = ".b3d"

Load_World("testscape", camera, water)

	If MouseDown(1) Then TurnEntity camera, 0, 0.2, 0
	If MouseDown(2) Then TurnEntity camera, 0, -0.2, 0
	PositionEntity Ted_Skybox, EntityX(camera), EntityY(camera), EntityZ(camera)
	UpdateWorld ()
Until KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)


There are a couple of notes in the MaxEPRLoader_Public.bmx file which you should read.

Please bare in mind that the loader is a nigh-on carbon copy of his original Blitz3D loader located here (http://www.d-grafix.com/?page=ted#DOWN), so, if you need a reference or anything, that should be the first place you should look.

And on that note, the code released is available 'as is', which means I wont be supporting it, basically, I want to make my own game see! :D

Also, if you have any queries about T.Ed, Dans always kicking around (Here and at BlitzMonkeys), so, I'm sure if you give him a nudge he'll help you out! :)



Last edited 2011