Blend modes Extended

BlitzMax Forums/MiniB3D Module/Blend modes Extended

SLotman(Posted 2010) [#1]
I just did this out of fun - I took the "new" blend modes implemented on FastExt for Blitz3D, and added them to miniB3D. To do this you just need to:

Open and add at the end of the file:
' Fast Extension "hack"
Const FE_INVALPHA% = $010605
Const FE_INVCOLOR% = $010406
Const FE_INVCOLORADD% = $010402
Const FE_NOALPHA% = $000101

Then, open TMesh.bmx and on Update function you replace the whole "Select blend" part with this:

and that's it! Recompile and run the program below - the same from FastExt samples to see it working :)

You'll also need this image:

(which can also be found on the FastExt trial)

And this is the result:

Too bad I have no clue how to do the bump, reflection/refraction stuff - it would be great on miniB3D :)

Last edited 2010

Last edited 2010