minib3d small improvements on source

BlitzMax Forums/MiniB3D Module/minib3d small improvements on source

ziggy(Posted 2008) [#1]
Hello. I've been taking a look to the minib3d source code using BLIde and the code analizer helps me find some possible improvements.

On the file TMesh.bmx
1.- Function CreateCylinder. Line 540.
There's a local defined called vpos that is assigned a 1.0 value. This variable is never used, so it could be removed as it can be a little bit confusing.

2.- Method FlipMesh. Line 903
There's a local defined Local v1=surf.tris[i1]. This local is never used. I'm not sure if removing this will make the code any faster, but the fact that there's a variable getting a value for nothing makes the code looks a little bit confusin (IMHO).

3.- Method Update. Line 1709
There a local array created that is also never used. Local no_mat#[]=[0.0,0.0] not sure what it was there for before, but now it does nothing but creating an array instance of 4 elements and release it becouse it's never again used in the code.

4.- Method Update. Line 1528
There's a string created Local name$=Self.EntityName$() that is also never used. This string calls a method. If the method is needed to do something, it would be enought to call Self.Entityname$() without having to assing the value somewhere.

In the file TModel
1.- Function LoadAnimB3d. On the line 251 we surprisingly have this code:
For Local i=1 To node_level

The variable tab$ is not used really anywhere else, so this loop does nothing but slow down the model loading. Also the declaration of the variable Tab at line 548 could be removed.

2.- In the same function, line 249, we have this code:
				Local info$=""
				If tag$="NODE" And parent_ent<>Null Then info$=" (parent= "$+")"

The variable info is not really used anywhere else. I supose it was there for debug purposes, but now it only adds unnecesary work to the LoadAnimB3D function. I would comment it.

3.- In the same function, line 639 you declare a local ix=0 that is never used.

4.- In the same function, line 498 we have this code:
If v_flags & 1 Then v_sz=v_sz+12
If v_flags & 2 Then v_sz=v_sz+16

but the variable v_sz is never checked or referenced again, so it is storing a counter to do nothing.

5.- In the same function, on line 112 you declare a local called tr_sz. This variable is only used on line 562 this way:

It is not used to do anything but storing a 12. confusing and unnecesary.

6.- In the same function, starting at line 127 to line 140, all this variables:
Local tr_x#
Local tr_y#
Local tr_z#
Local tr_nx#
Local tr_ny#
Local tr_nz#
Local tr_r#
Local tr_g#
Local tr_b#
Local tr_u#
Local tr_v#
Local tr_w#
Local tr_a#
Local tr_no
are declared (so allocated) but never used in the code. the same applies for variable tr_vid at line 123.

7.- In the same function, line 598 you use a variable called a_flags that is never used again.
I would replace:
ReadInt(file) 'Read flags
and remove the a_flags declaration on line 143

8.- In the same function, line 600 you use a variable called a_fps that is never used again.
I would replace:
ReadFloat(file) 'Read fps
and remove the a_fps declaration on line 145

that's all I can see now. Hope this information is usefull as I'm starting to test miniB3D and I'm finding it great.
Thanks for the great work done!

simonh(Posted 2008) [#2]
Hmmm, I don't think these small bits of useless code will have any impact on MiniB3D's performance, but I guess it's kinda interesting to know all the same. Thanks.

ziggy(Posted 2008) [#3]
@Simonh: The idea of this post was not to bost minib3d performance even more, just a small note to make maintenance of the module easier. I think miniB3D is just incredibly awesome as it is. :D

You've done a brilliant GREAT work.