Hide and show from List

BlitzMax Forums/MiniB3D Module/Hide and show from List

Barbapapa(Posted 2007) [#1]

could someone please explain me how I can use the command HideEntity and ShowEntity with Objects in a List.

I have... (stripped down)

	If KeyDown(KEY_NUMADD) 
		For Local i:Int = 0 To 99
			spClients:TClient = New TClient
			spCount = spClients.clientsCount() 
	End If

Type TClient

	Global list:TList = New TList

	Method New() 
		_sphere = CreateSphere(4) 
	End Method

End Type

in the main loop I want to do a Hide and Show before rendering.

I have tried for eachin, nada and so on...HideEntity(spClients._sphere) nada...

Must I go through ALL the objects? or is there a way to say 'all objects in list' ?

klepto2(Posted 2007) [#2]
For Local C:TCLient = EachIn TCLient.List
	If HideParameter = True Then

This should normally do it.
Hideparameter should be replaced with you determination how to hide and show the spheres.

Barbapapa(Posted 2007) [#3]
Ahh yes, I didn't quite grasp this concept yet. I had two errors with my eachin loop. First I had C:TEntity then C:Object and as second error I didn't think of the dot syntax.
Although it is all very logical, oh well

Thanks a lot!