Box2D set DrawDebugData Public ?

BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/Box2D set DrawDebugData Public ?

Armitage 1982(Posted 2009) [#1]
Would it be possible to officially set b2world::DrawDebugData() Public ?

I need it because I'm using a Fixed Rate Logic now and so my DoStep() is no more executed on every frame.
I manually change the module (already quite customized :) and it's working fine.

This request appears to be formalized since, but on latest SVN unfortunately :

It won't change anything at all out of the box but can help in various situation where doStep isn't called.

Could you please think about it ?

Armitage 1982(Posted 2009) [#2]
It seems that Box2D 2.1 is being fulfilled.
But I wonder if converting my project will be easy with all these new features... I guess not.