wxColour - Getting details from a named colour

BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/wxColour - Getting details from a named colour

kenshin(Posted 2009) [#1]
Local tp:wxColour = New wxColour.Create( 0, 0, 0 )
tp.SetAsNamedColour( "GREY" )
Print tp.Red()
Print tp.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX )

I'm trying to retrieve the component r,g,b values from the "GREY" named colour, but am getting back nothing.

I tried this as well:
Local tp:wxColour = New wxColour.CreateNamedColour( "GREY" )
Print tp.Red()
print tp.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX )

Still nothing...
What am I doing wrong here?

DavidDC(Posted 2009) [#2]
Hmmm. This works - but there's not a wxGrey() defined so I guess that's no help!
        Local tp:wxColour = wxRED()
	Print tp.Red()
	Print tp.Green()
	Print tp.Blue()

[edit] but there is a wxLIGHT_GREY()!

kenshin(Posted 2009) [#3]
Thanks for the help. The wxRED() works as you said, but when I tried the wxLIGHT_GREY() instead of wxRED() that returns 0's.

Theoretically this should work as I use the following line in my program:
	AuiManager.GetArtProvider().SetColour( wxAUI_DOCKART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR, New wxColour.CreateNamedColour( "LIGHT GREY" ) )

and this sets the colour to "LIGHT GREY" correctly. I can't seem to get the r,g,b values of this "LIGHT GREY" though, no matter what I try. I'm probably screeching at the monitor and pounding the keyboard with bananas again though.

DavidDC(Posted 2009) [#4]
Really? When I do this:
Print wxLIGHT_GREY().Red()	
Print wxLIGHT_GREY().Green()	
Print wxLIGHT_GREY().Blue()

I get:

Brucey(Posted 2009) [#5]
This works :
Framework wx.wxApp
Import BRL.StandardIO
New MyApp.Run()
Type MyApp Extends wxApp

	Method OnInit:Int()
		Local tp:wxColour = New wxColour.CreateNamedColour( "GREY" )
		Print "ok : " + tp.IsOK()
		Print tp.Red()
		Print tp.Green()
		Print tp.Blue()
		Return False
	End Method

End Type

This doesn't :

Framework wx.wxApp
Import BRL.StandardIO

Local tp:wxColour = New wxColour.CreateNamedColour( "GREY" )
Print "ok : " + tp.IsOK()

Print tp.Red()
Print tp.Green()
Print tp.Blue()

wxWidgets requires to be initialised properly, which is usually done through the wxApp instance.

It's a bit like how, under-the-hood, BlitzMax kicks off with it's own internal initialization routines - which you don't usually see unless you are hacking with the modules.

kenshin(Posted 2009) [#6]
Okay, thx Brucey. That works. I understand now.

Thanks for all the help DavidDC.

I gotta get another coffee.

Brucey(Posted 2009) [#7]
When wxApp OnInit() returns True, you are actually running inside wxWidget's main-loop.
At this point, your wxMax application is completely event-driven.

There is a sample for running your on main-loop, which requires more management on your end (like ensuring events are passed through etc).

kenshin(Posted 2009) [#8]
I am using the wxApp OnInit() in my program, but I was doing this test at the beginning outside of that loop.

I'll remember next time.
