Propgrid PropertiesToNames

BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/Propgrid PropertiesToNames

plash(Posted 2008) [#1]
After doing..
propgrid.PropertiesToNames(pnames, pprops)

both pnames and pprops are null. I previously filled the propgrid with properties and they show up in my frame, is this function just not implemented?

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#2]
That's quite likely, as there's a bit of the API still to implement - it's a big control !

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#3]
Ok.. I've changed the API a little, to make it more useful.
	Method NamesToProperties:wxPGProperty[](names:String[])

	Method PropertiesToNames:String[](properties:wxPGProperty[])

both require an array as param, and return one.

Also implemented GetPropertiesWithFlag() which can be used to retrieve an array of wxPGProperty.

example :
		Local props:wxPGProperty[] = pg.GetPropertiesWithFlag(0)

		Local names:String[] = pg.PropertiesToNames(props)
		DebugLog names.length
		For Local s:String = EachIn names
			DebugLog s

There are probably quite a lot of things still to do in there. Hopefully not so many of those three, which required a good chunk of C++ and calls back into BlitzMax...


plash(Posted 2008) [#4]
Another, propgrid.Disable() and Enable() do not grey/ungrey the propgrid.'

EDIT: Another.. if I create a category, and fill with properties, appending it to a propgrid does not show any of the category properties.

Local cat_gadget:wxPropertyCategory = wxPropertyCategory(New wxPropertyCategory.Create("category", wxPG_LABEL))

'..create a prop and add it to the category
Local prop:wxPGProperty = wxPGProperty(New(wxIntProperty.Create("propname", wxPG_LABEL, 0)))

'add the category to the propgrid

'nothing shows except the category and a plus sign (which does nothing)

EDIT: And again.. wxEVT_PG_CHANGED nor wxEVT_PG_CHANGING are being emitted when I change values on a property (connecting via the propgrid and using the propgrid id).

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#5]

		' nested categories
		Local cat_gadget:wxPropertyCategory = New wxPropertyCategory.Create("category", wxPG_LABEL)
		Local cat_gadget2:wxPropertyCategory = New wxPropertyCategory.Create("category2", wxPG_LABEL)
		'..create a prop and add it to the category
		Local prop1:wxPGProperty = wxPGProperty(New wxIntProperty.Create("propnameA", wxPG_LABEL, 0))
		pg.AppendIn(cat_gadget, prop1)
		pg.AppendIn(cat_gadget, cat_gadget2)

		pg.AppendIn(cat_gadget2, wxPGProperty(New wxIntProperty.Create("propnameB", wxPG_LABEL, 0)))

		'add the category to the propgrid


Brucey(Posted 2008) [#6]
Plash, I just added debuglog to the propgrid sample, for the Change and Changing events :
	Function OnPropertyGridChange( event:wxEvent )
DebugLog "Change!"
	End Function
	Function OnPropertyGridChanging( event:wxEvent )
DebugLog "Changing!"
	End Function

and it outputs

when I try to focus out of a property I've edited.

plash(Posted 2008) [#7]
Yay! svn working fine now..

except the events, here's my code (I never receive any DebugLog messages, obviously):
Type GadgetPropGrid Extends wxPropertyGrid 
 Const ID_PropGrid:Int = 23052

Connect(ID_PropGrid, wxEVT_PG_CHANGED, _OnPropertyGridChanged)
Connect(ID_PropGrid, wxEVT_PG_CHANGING, _OnPropertyGridChanging)

'The receiving methods..
Method OnPropertyGridChanging(event:wxPropertyGridEvent)
	DebugLog "prop changing"
End Method

Method OnPropertyGridChanged(event:wxPropertyGridEvent)
	DebugLog "prop changed"
End Method

'Functions to make things simpler (while being complicated :P)
Function _OnPropertyGridChanged(event:wxEvent)
End Function
Function _OnPropertyGridChanging(event:wxEvent)
End Function

I can't see why it wont work, I'll try the propgrid sample and post back.

EDIT: Get the debug messages just fine in the sample.. using enter and lost focus.

plash(Posted 2008) [#8]
Even connecting the events in my frame doesn't work (trying to copy the sample as much as possible).
Connect(GadgetPropGrid.ID_PropGrid, wxEVT_PG_CHANGED, GadgetPropGrid._OnPropertyGridChanged)
Connect(GadgetPropGrid.ID_PropGrid, wxEVT_PG_CHANGING, GadgetPropGrid._OnPropertyGridChanging)

Retimer(Posted 2008) [#9]
Would it change anything to connect via:

Method OnInit()
   Connect(ID_PropGrid, wxEVT_PG_CHANGED, OnPropertyGridChanged)
   Connect(ID_PropGrid, wxEVT_PG_CHANGING, OnPropertyGridChanging)
end Method

instead of:
Connect(GadgetPropGrid.ID_PropGrid, wxEVT_PG_CHANGED, GadgetPropGrid._OnPropertyGridChanged)
Connect(GadgetPropGrid.ID_PropGrid, wxEVT_PG_CHANGING, GadgetPropGrid._OnPropertyGridChanging)

Also, and more importantly:
Function _OnPropertyGridChanging(event:wxEvent)
End Function

Function _OnPropertyGridChanging(event:wxEvent)
End Function

event.sink -> event.parent?

No clue whether that will help, but it's how i've done it and I haven't run into event problems like that. If it's not that, the only thing I could see causing the events to not show up is that you are not creating the grid with the id of 23052.

You should have absolutely no problems if you use ConnectAny as well.

plash(Posted 2008) [#10]
Of course I was connecting the events in my OnInit method, I just wanted to keep things small in the post.
I just used the event.sink thing from what wxCodeGen outputs (copied and changed, as it uses function->method).

If it's not that, the only thing I could see causing the events to not show up is that you are not creating the grid with the id of 23052.
Ah.. that's it! I got my adaption of ideas mixed up, citing the obvious sometimes helps! Thanks :)

Retimer(Posted 2008) [#11]
Yeah, again wxmax is amazing, but it's so so so so easy to screw something simple like that up. I keep running into similar mistakes too =P

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#12]
I think with better, smaller examples focused on specific issues it will be easier to see what's going on, and therefore be harder to head off down the wrong road.

Btw, you should see the internals of the event handling stuff (that which glues the c++ with max)... makes my head spin. :-)