
BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/wxAui

Vertex(Posted 2008) [#1]

I want to use wxAui for a message client(left contact list, right top message list, right bottom message)...


Framework wx.wx
Import wx.wxApp
Import wx.wxFrame
Import wx.wxAui
Import wx.wxTextCtrl

Global Application : MyApplication

Application = New MyApplication

Type MyApplication Extends wxApp
	Field Frame : MyFrame
	Method OnInit:Int()
		Frame = New MyFrame
		Frame.Create(,, "wxAui Example")
		Return True
	End Method
End Type

Type MyFrame Extends wxFrame
	Field Manager : wxAuiManager
	Field Text1   : wxTextCtrl
	Field Text2   : wxTextCtrl
	Field Text3   : wxTextCtrl
	Method OnInit()
		Manager = New wxAuiManager.Create(Self)
		Text1 = New wxTextCtrl.Create(Self, wxID_ANY, "Pane 1 - sample text",,, 200, 150, wxNO_BORDER | wxTE_MULTILINE)
		Text2 = New wxTextCtrl.Create(Self, wxID_ANY, "Pane 2 - sample text",,, 200, 150, wxNO_BORDER | wxTE_MULTILINE)
		Text3 = New wxTextCtrl.Create(Self, wxID_ANY, "Pane 3 - sample text",,, 200, 150, wxNO_BORDER | wxTE_MULTILINE)
		Manager.AddPane(Text1, wxLEFT, "Pane number one")
		Manager.AddPane(Text2, wxRIGHT, "Pane number two")
		Manager.AddPane(Text3, wxRIGHT, "Pane number three")
	End Method
	Method Delete()
	End Method
End Type

But on resizing the width of the frame, between pane 1 and pane2/pane3 there are a big gap. How can I avoid this?

Is the x - button named in wxPaneInfo as pin button?(I want to hide this button)

cu olli