wxFrame stop autofitting to the Frame

BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/wxFrame stop autofitting to the Frame

MOBii(Posted 2016) [#1]
Normally this code works, but when I start the application as a Stand Alone somehow CMDSplitter don't get updated!
CMDSplitter = New MySplitterWindow.Create(_parent, _id,,,,, wxSP_3D | wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE | wxCLIP_CHILDREN)
CMDSplitter should have the same size as the viewportsize

Method onInit()
	ConnectAny(wxEVT_SIZE, OnUpdateWindow)
End Method

Function OnUpdateWindow(_event:wxEvent)
	_event.Skip(True)			' If I remove this Skip, it Stop update the CMDSplitter Always!
End Function

This didn't Work!
So I was trying to set CMDSplitter manually in OnUpdateWindow
But my problem is if I use the wxFrame GetSize(_w, _h)
the application can have menu and or toolbar and/or windows 8/10 border
When autoSize CMDSplitter manually it start flickering so I stop try solve it that way..

PS: I am updating the post for my testing my debug progress...

MOBii(Posted 2016) [#2]
If I update CMDSplitter.SetSize in OnUpdateWindow it don't update correctly
If I stop mouse dragging the windows it randomly set the size of CMDSplitter When I let the mouse go
(It look like I need to make a delay to set the size of CMDSplitter, but that is going to create the updating more flickering than necessary!)

So I am back to try solve this automatically with: wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE

If I add in OnUpdateWindow:
echo "style: " + CMDSplitter.GetWindowStyle()
I get the same result when it's working and Not
style: 4719488
So the WindowStyle is the same,
and the Parent is the same!