Catch all: ConnectAny(-1, CatchAll)

BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/Catch all: ConnectAny(-1, CatchAll)

MOBii(Posted 2014) [#1]
Is it possible somehow catch all activity's with:
ConnectAny(-1, MOBii_OnMOBii)
I try catch keyboard even if a button is focused

If I can catch all EventType Then I don't need to look for them ^^

MOBii(Posted 2014) [#2]
Variables from wx.mod:\wx.mod\consts.bmx
	Function MOBii_OnMOBii(_event:wxEvent)
	End Function

	Method MOBii_DoMOBii(_event:wxEvent)
		Local K:wxKeyEvent = wxKeyEvent(_event)
		Local M:wxMouseEvent  = wxMouseEvent(_event)
		Local C:wxCommandEvent = wxCommandEvent(_event)
		Local D:wxInitDialogEvent = wxInitDialogEvent(_event)
'		Local S:wxSheetEvent = wxSheetEvent(_event)
		Local U:wxUpdateUIEvent = wxUpdateUIEvent(_event)
		Print "_event ID: " + _event.getID() + " Type: " + _event.eventType
		If K Then Print "wxKeyEvent ID: " + K.getID() + " Type: " + K.eventType
		If M Then Print "wxMouseEvent ID: " + M.getID() + " Type: " + M.eventType
		If C Then Print "wxCommandEvent ID: " + C.getID() + " Type: " + C.eventType
		If D Then Print "wxInitDialogEvent ID: " + D.getID() + " Type: " + D.eventType
'		If S Then Print "wxSheetEvent ID: " + S.getID() + " Type: " + S.eventType
		If U Then Print "wxUpdateUIEvent ID: " + U.getID() + " Type: " + U.eventType
	End Method
Some Testing:
ConnectAny(wxEVT_XXXXXXX, MOBii_OnMOBii)
This is Working:
wxEVT_MOUSE_EVENTS is Working but is same as: wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL
_event ID: -32000 Type: 115
wxMouseEvent ID: -32000 Type: 115

Origin_Keyboard: (Only Enter, Space and some other key generate Type: 1 Only)
_event ID: 1 Type: 1
wxCommandEvent ID: 1 Type: 1

Not Working:

My thinking it's no point try convert If no _event Then NO event!
I want to create something that can catch the keys from the keyboard
Problem is that I want to get the key even if a wxScintilla has the focus
(I want a Global GetKey that give me all the key from the Application)

MOBii(Posted 2014) [#3]
Local K:wxKeyEvent = wxKeyEvent(_event)
If K Then Print "KeyCode: " + K.GetKeyCode()
Problem is still howto: Connect