How to do this in bmax? and million more Q. likely

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/How to do this in bmax? and million more Q. likely

Galdy(Posted 2012) [#1]
I get "Expression of type 'Int' cannot be indexed" when i run the following code that worked in b3d. This was nifty way to get a batch of images loaded in b3d

For i=1 To 20
NumberList[i] = LoadImage ("C:DungeonCrawlGameMap editorBmpNumbersNumber" + Str[i] + ".bmp")

GfK(Posted 2012) [#2]
You need to declare the array first, and also, it must be of type TImage if you're loading Images into it.

Also, arrays are 0-based in Blitzmax (I can't remember about Blitz3D), so declaring an array with 20 elements, they will be numbered 0-19.


Global NumberList:TImage[20]

For Local i:Int = 0 To 19  ' variable 'i' will now be local to this For/Next loop only
NumberList[i] = LoadImage ("C:DungeonCrawlGameMap editorBmpNumbersNumber" + String(i) + ".bmp")

Also, put "Strict" right at the top of your code. This forces you to declare all variables before using them - may seem like an inconvenience but it makes debugging a hell of a lot easier later.

Last edited 2012

Galdy(Posted 2012) [#3]
Ok. I skipped posting the array declaration, but i shouldn't have since you ended up pointing out the TImage type issue that I wasn't aware of. Thanks for the tips and time to answer these questions and many more to come as I learn blitzmax.

Galdy(Posted 2012) [#4]
hmm, still not working. I get an "Identifier 'Str' not found."

Global NumberList:TImage[20]

For i = 0 To 19
NumberList[i] = LoadImage ("C:DungeonCrawlGameMap editorBmpNumbersNumber" + Str[i] + ".bmp")

therevills(Posted 2012) [#5]
Gfk was casting to an Int to a String, you copied his code wrong... although you don't need to cast:

NumberList[i] = LoadImage ("C:DungeonCrawlGameMap editorBmpNumbersNumber" + i + ".bmp")

Also that path looks wrong too... where are your images?

C:DungeonCrawlGameMap editorBmpNumbersNumber????

maybe it should be:
or something....

Last edited 2012

Last edited 2012

Galdy(Posted 2012) [#6]
Oops. You are right. lol. The forward slash for the path were deleted when i posted. Not sure why.

Last edited 2012

therevills(Posted 2012) [#7]
Yeah the slashes are being removed...

Brucey(Posted 2012) [#8]
And try putting the word SuperStrict at the top of your source. It will help you. Really! :-)