Singleton type question

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Singleton type question

Ravl(Posted 2012) [#1]

I understand a Singleton class/type is a global and common one, right?

If yes I would like to ask you if this is a good practice:

Type TSingleton
	'#Region Constructors
		Global instance:TSingleton
		Method New()
			If instance Throw "Cannot create multiple instances of Singleton Type"
		Function Create:TSingleton()
			Return Self.GetInstance()
		End Function
		Function GetInstance:TSingleton()
			If Not instance
				instance = New TSingleton
				Return instance
				Return instance
	Global theValue:Int

Import "tsingleton.bmx"

Type TSecond
	Method modTheX(tmpValue:Int)
		TSingleton.theValue = tmpValue
	End Method
End Type

Import "tsingleton.bmx"
Import "tsecond.bmx"

Global myTs:TSingleton
Global mySecond:TSecond

myTs = New TSingleton

myTs.theValue = 10

mySecond = New TSecond
Print myTs.theValue

TSingleton.theValue = 122
Print myTs.theValue

I mean I want to have some kind of Global class/type and access the values from it, from my other classes..

also, is there a tutorial or document which explain the singleton use?

Last edited 2012

Derron(Posted 2012) [#2]
		Function Create:TSingleton()
			Return Self.GetInstance()
		End Function

Self is only possible in instances -> methods.

So you should use "TSingleTon.GetInstance()" there.
As you declared "instance" as a global, you can use it within the classes functions as "instance" instead of "TSingleTon.instance" (you already did that).

		Function GetInstance:TSingleton()
			If Not instance
				instance = New TSingleton
				Return instance
				Return instance

You make your life harder than needed

		Function GetInstance:TSingleton()
			If Not instance then instance = New TSingleton
			Return instance

If you return "instance" in all cases, no need to write it multiple times.

Other classes can change "theValue" directly as it is accessible (TSingleTon.theValue).
There is still no need to use "Method modTheX" as it doesn't use instance-specific values. So you could also use a function instead of a method.
So you are able to avoid "mySecond = New TSecond" as you then achieve the same with "TSecond.modTheX(200)".
