Best way to stop sprites from merging?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Best way to stop sprites from merging?

TomShep(Posted 2011) [#1]
I have a sprite spawn rate, then I guess what is a typical move towards player function (e.g. if enemy.x < player.x etc)

However once a number have appeared on the screen they begin to occupy the same space. What is the best way of preventing this (for a total beginner!)

Im guessing at a sort of start of
if imagescollide(image, image.x, image.y, 0, image, image.x, image.y 0)

but then i am unsure how to approach what goes next?

Any help would be most appreciated


ima747(Posted 2011) [#2]
You can either wait till there's nothing in it's spawn place, or find a new place.

a) Don't spawn the next one until the first one is clear of the spawn point. Optionally have more spawn points for faster spawning since this limits the possible spawn rate.

b) If the spawn point is occupied, spawn at a location relative to it, i.e. 1 sprite width to the left/right/top/bottom, etc. Bear in mind this requires free space around the spawn points for them to spawn into.

Bear in mind if they all move at the same rate towards the same destination they're largely going to move as a big mass unless there are objects etc. that break up their path... this could be good or bad depending on what you want :0)

TomShep(Posted 2011) [#3]
Sorry I should have mentioned that the sprite spawn pointa are random so they already kind of spawn away from each other - the problem is that once there are a few on the screen and the player has moved around a bit, the sprites occupy the same single space - I was wondering if there was a way to prevent this from happening.

ima747(Posted 2011) [#4]
regarding spawning, if they spawn from multiple locations just check the location before you spawn something to see if there's already something in the way.

To keep them from walking over each other you will want to do some form of collision checking. Bounding box may be sufficient since you might not need them pixel perfect, but if you want things tighter then imagescollide is what you want. See if the sprite image will collide where you would like to move it to, if it does then you don't move it. If it doesn't then you update it's position.

TomShep(Posted 2011) [#5]
Thanks mate Ill have look at what I can cobble together and see what happens!!

Nest(Posted 2011) [#6]
I'm a beginner myself, but you could try something like giving each object a circular radius, then check to see if they're too close. I just threw this together as a challenge for myself -

press the left mouse button to spawn enemy units

Graphics 400,400
Global GameObjectList:TList = CreateList()

Local player:TPlayer = TPlayer.Create()


For obj:TGameObject = EachIn GameObjectList


Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Or AppTerminate()

' * TYPES *

Type TGameObject
	Field x:Float 'x coord
	Field y:Float 'y coord
	Field r:Int 'collision radius
	Method updatestate() Abstract
	Method drawself() Abstract
	Method checkcollide()
	For obj:TGameObject = EachIn GameObjectList
	If obj<>Self
		If Sqr((obj.x-x)^2+(obj.y-y)^2)<obj.r+r
		End If
	End If
	End Method
End Type

Type TPlayer Extends TGameObject

	Function Create:TPlayer()
		Local player:TPlayer=New TPlayer
		ListAddLast GameObjectList,player		
		Return player
	End Function

	Method updatestate()
		If MouseHit(1) enemy:TEnemy = TEnemy.Create(x,y,Self)
	End Method
	Method drawself()
		SetColor 0,255,0
		DrawOval x-r,y-r,r*2,r*2
	End Method
End Type

Type TEnemy Extends TGameObject
	Field target:TGameObject
	Field speed:Int=2

	Function Create:TEnemy(x:Int,y:Int,target:TGameObject)
		Local enemy:TEnemy=New TEnemy
		ListAddLast GameObjectList,enemy
		Return enemy
	End Function

	Method updatestate()
		If target
		End If
	End Method
	Method drawself()
		SetColor 255,0,0
		DrawOval x-r,y-r,r*2,r*2
	End Method
End Type

TomShep(Posted 2011) [#7]
WOW that is awesome, and works perfectly. I will have to have a good solid look through the code now to get my head around it but Im sure I will get there.

If I could reach through screen and hug you.....I would