Re: Help please

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Re: Help please

Joe90bigrat90(Posted 2011) [#1]
Hi there. Im pretty new to programming and im writing a game.
This is my problem (using blitzmax)

I want to create several blocks on a screen at random positions.

ive declared 3 variables like this

Global numberofbuildings
Global buildingx
Global buildingy
number of buildings=rnd(50) 'sets a random number of buildings

later on in my code I have this:

For a=1 To numberofbuildings

buildingx=Rnd(1870) 'store random number in x upto 1870
buildingy=Rnd(970) 'store a random number in y upto 970
Cls 'clear the screen
SetBlend(lightblend) 'set the blend
DrawImage (building,buildingx,buildingy,0) 'draw the block to the screen

However when i run the program its not keeping the block on the screen. Im getting about 40 blocks depending on the number of buildings set all over the screen.

How can i get several random blocks to actually stay on the screen.

Im not that confident about arrays but if you could post some code on maybe how i create an array or how i can do this that would be great. Thanks lot

PS im very new to programming.

Joe90bigrat90(Posted 2011) [#2]
I figure i need to create an array and store the random number in the first element of array and then increase the array by 1 and store the next random number in the array but im not sure how to do this. Any help much appreciated.

degac(Posted 2011) [#3]

1. welcome
2. get a look to the 'forum codes' to post code... it's handy when you have many source
3. You need arrays (look at the BMax documentation)

Global numberofbuildings:int=20'
Global buildingx:int[numberofbuildings]
Global buildingy:int[numberofbuildings]

For a=0 to numberofbuildings-1 'see help for array

buildingx[a]=Rnd(1870) 'store random number in x upto 1870
buildingy[a]=Rnd(970) 'store a random number in y upto 970
Cls 'clear the screen
SetBlend(lightblend) 'set the blend
DrawImage (building,buildingx[a],buildingy[a],0) 'draw the block to the screen

degac(Posted 2011) [#4]
To be more precise you should separate Initialization (where you create x & y position) and Drawing (Cls, SetBlend and all the coords). This speed up things a lot
Global numberofbuildings:int=20'
Global buildingx:int[numberofbuildings]
Global buildingy:int[numberofbuildings]

For a=0 to numberofbuildings-1 'see help for array
buildingx[a]=Rnd(1870) 'store random number in x upto 1870
buildingy[a]=Rnd(970) 'store a random number in y upto 970


For a=0 to numberofbuildings-1 'see help for array
DrawImage (building,buildingx[a],buildingy[a],0) 'draw the block to the screen

Jesse(Posted 2011) [#5]
an alternative in case you decide to explore:

Type Tbuilding
	Field x:Float
	Field y:Float
End Type

Global list:TList = CreateList()					' create the list to store buildings
Global numberOfBuildings:Int = 50					' variable to store the number of buildings

For Local i:Int = 0 Until numberOfBuildings
	Local building:Tbuilding = New Tbuilding			' create building
	building.x = Rand(1870) 						' fill variables
	building.y = Rand(970)	
	list.addlast(building) 						' add it to the list 

Graphics 1024,768

	Cls ' clear the back buffer
	For Local building:Tbuilding = EachIn list  		' grab a building at a time from the list
		DrawRect building.x,building.y,10,10    		' draw the building as a rectangle of 10x10 to the back buffer
	Next 										' next building in the list
	Flip() 										' display the back buffer
Until KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)

Joe90bigrat90(Posted 2011) [#6]
thankyou degac and jesse

this is a strange situation. Ok ive copied the code and tested it and its working fine if i start a program afresh.

Thing is ive got a title screen and a while loop. Ill post some code here.
Variables and arrays go here.
SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()
Graphics 1920,1080

while not keyhit(key_1)
draw text to the screen using drawtext commands


load all my animimages

setclscolor 204,204,204

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	'SetAlpha 1
	'SetScale 0.5,0.5

draw my images if certain keys pressed


thing is when i put the code into a new program it works fine.
But for some reason when i put this code into my program i can sort of see the blocks randomly but everythings flashing. Ive tried an extra flip and cls but i cant actually see the blocks. I just get flashing whilte things. Do i put this code in a while loop???
You see my main game is in a while loop and until you press esc it allows you to play the game. Im not sure where i need t put this code in order for it to work.

But thanks a lot for your help guys. Really great!!! Cheers!!

shinkiro1(Posted 2011) [#7]
This doesn't answer your question, anyway:
In my opinion the best way to start with BlitzMax.

Also read other peoples code (the examples which come with bmax). There is nothing bad with 'stealing' other peoples ideas ... o_O

Last edited 2011

Joe90bigrat90(Posted 2011) [#8]
ive typed this code into blitz

SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()
Graphics 1920,1080
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
Global numberofbuildings:Int=10
Global buildingx:Int[numberofbuildings]
Global buildingy:Int[numberofbuildings]
SetClsColor 240,240,240 

	For a=1 To numberofbuildings-1
		buildingx[a]=Rnd(1870) 'store random number in x upto 1870	
		buildingy[a]=Rnd(970) 'store a random number in y upto 970
		SetClsColor 204,204,204
		DrawImage (building,buildingx[a],buildingy[a],0)


Anyone know why this is drawing only 4 blocks rather than 10???

I cant work it out

shinkiro1(Posted 2011) [#9]
Reduce the Rnd() values.
And also move the flip out of the loop. It only has to be called once after you draw everything.