Can you have of file of Type?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Can you have of file of Type?

Arabia(Posted 2011) [#1]
I remember using this in Pascal and it was very useful. I have searched, and seem to recall that this isn't possible?

Pascal code which illustrates what I want to do:

I know I can do it manually, step through the array of type, save either string, byte, double etc. but this means the code has to be modified every time I modify my type.

_JIM(Posted 2011) [#2]
You can use reflection and only write it once :)

Arabia(Posted 2011) [#3]

_JIM (Posted 3 minutes ago) #2
You can use reflection and only write it once :)

Is there any example somewhere I look at? Even something very simple like the Pascal example I posted?

_JIM(Posted 2011) [#4]
This thread might help:

Sadly, there's no complete documentation on how to do this.

I'll try to dig up some of my old code. It used to parse every type that I chose in my editor and exported everything automagically as an XML. Loading was done the same way. I only needed to write them one :)

Arabia(Posted 2011) [#5]
Thanks. That would be great if you can find it :)

_JIM(Posted 2011) [#6]
Ah, found it!

Type TBasicSerializable
	Method SaveToXML:TxmlNode(node:TxmlNode)
		Local tid:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForObject(Self)
		Local itemNode:TxmlNode = node.addChild(
		For Local fld:TField = EachIn tid.EnumFields()
			If (Lower(fld.MetaData("Serialize")) <> Lower("False"))
				If (fld.TypeId().name() = "TList")
					Local fldNode:TxmlNode = itemNode.addChild(
					For Local obj:TBasicSerializable = EachIn(TList(fld.Get(Self)))
					Local strVal:String
					Select fld.TypeId()
						Case FloatTypeId, DoubleTypeId strVal = FloatToString(fld.GetFloat(Self))
						Case IntTypeId, ByteTypeId, ShortTypeId, LongTypeId strVal = String(fld.GetInt(Self))
						Case StringTypeId strVal = fld.GetString(Self)
							Local val:Object
							val = fld.Get(Self)
							If (val <> Null)
								Local fldNode:TxmlNode = itemNode.addChild(fld.Name())
								Local obj:TBasicSerializable = TBasicSerializable(fld.Get(Self))
								If (obj) obj.SaveToXML(fldNode)
					End Select
					If (strVal <> "")
						itemNode.addAttribute(, strVal)
				End If
		Return itemNode
	End Method
	Method LoadFromXML(node:TxmlNode)
		Local tid:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForObject(Self)
		Local objNode:TxmlNode = node
		If (objNode = Null)
		End If
		For Local fld:TField = EachIn tid.EnumFields()
			If (Lower(fld.MetaData("Serialize")) <> Lower("False"))
				If (fld.TypeId().name() = "TList")
					Local fldList:TList = objNode.getChildren()
					For Local n:TxmlNode = EachIn fldList
						Local fieldName:String =
						Local nodeName:String = n.getName()
						If (fieldName = nodeName)
							Local f:TList = New TList
							Local itemsList:TList = n.getChildren()
							If (itemsList <> Null)
								For Local itemNode:TxmlNode = EachIn itemslist
									Local nume:String = itemNode.getName()
									Local objType:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForName(nume)
									Local newObj:Object = objType.NewObject()
									objType.FindMethod("LoadFromXML").Invoke(newObj, [itemNode])
									If (objType.MetaData("onLoad"))
										Local mLoaded:TMethod = objType.FindMethod(objType.MetaData("onLoad"))
										If (mLoaded)
											mLoaded.Invoke(newObj, Null)
										End If
							fld.Set(Self, f)
						End If
					Select fld.TypeId()
						Case FloatTypeId fld.SetFloat(Self, Float(objNode.getAttribute(
						Case DoubleTypeId fld.SetDouble(Self, Double(objNode.getAttribute(
						Case IntTypeId, ByteTypeId, ShortTypeId, LongTypeId fld.SetInt(Self, Int(objNode.getAttribute(
						Case StringTypeId fld.SetString(Self, objNode.getAttribute(
							Local chldNode:TXmlNode = FindChild(objNode, fld.Name())
							If (chldNode)
								Local chld2Node:TXmlNode = FindChild(chldNode, fld.TypeId().Name())
								Local new_obj:Object = fld.TypeId().NewObject()
								fld.TypeId().FindMethod("LoadFromXML").Invoke(new_obj, [chld2Node])
								fld.Set(Self, new_obj)
					End Select
				End If
				Local tid:TTypeId = fld.TypeId()
				If (tid.MetaData("onLoad"))
					Local mLoaded:TMethod = tid.FindMethod(tid.MetaData("onLoad"))
					If (mLoaded)
						mLoaded.Invoke(Self, Null)
					End If
	End Method
End Type

It uses Brucey's tinyxml mod. IMHO this is too much of an overkill. I want to convert it to use MaXML mod instead, but got no time today.

Now, I think it's pretty neat.

All you have to do is extend it from your type:

Type myType Extends TBasicSerializable
   Field TooSexy# {Serialize = "False"}
   Field Sexy%
End Type

Local myInstance:myType = New myType
myInstance.TooSexy = 3.15
myInstance.Sexy = 2

Local pDoc:TxmlDoc = TxmlDoc.newDoc("1.0")
Local root:TxmlNode = TxmlNode.newNode("Root")
pDoc.saveFormatFile("the_cake_is_a_lie.xml", True)

Local pDoc2 = TxmlDoc.parseFile("the_cake_is_a_lie.xml")
Local root:TxmlNode = pDoc.getRootElement()
myInstance.LoadFromXML(FindChild(root, "myType"))

It's not perfect... could still be polished. But it works like a charm. It also handles TLists gracefully. However, it doesn't handle Arrays. Never needed them for this thing so far. Usually my arrays are internal-oly stuff, aka '{Serialize = "False"}'

Hope this helps ;)

Oh, you also have to use:

Import brl.reflection
Import bah.tinyxml

Happy coding!


I forgot to add this (not that it matters much). Code is useable any way one wishes. Credit is nice, but entirely optional.

Last edited 2011

ima747(Posted 2011) [#7]
Neat stuff. Just thought I'd pop in to remind you you can create a TList easily from an array (and vice versa) so it should be easy (though perhaps not truly elegant) to store arrays as well, just pump them through a list if you need to on the way to the file...

Arabia(Posted 2011) [#8]
Very nice. I will have a play with this code a bit later today and see if I can get my brain to comprehend it and use it in my program.

Thanks very much _Jim.

_JIM(Posted 2011) [#9]
I just noticed that it needs these two functions:

Function FloatToString:String(value:Float, places:Int = 3)
	Local sign:Int = Sgn(Value)
	Local i:Int = Round(Value * 10 ^ places)
	Local ipart:Int = Int(i / 10 ^ places)
	Local dpart:Int = i - ipart * 10 ^ places
	Local si:String = ipart
	Local di:String
	If dpart>0
		While di.length < places
	While Right(di,1)="0"
	If di="" di=".0"
	If sign=-1 si="-"+si
	Return si+di

Function Round:Float(val:Float)
	Local dec#
	If dec<0.5 Return Floor(val) Else Return Ceil(val)

I believe they're JoshK's work. They were in a PropertyGrid sample.