CallBack Method?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/CallBack Method?

Thareh(Posted 2010) [#1]
I'm wondering if it's possible to CallBack a method?
Couldn't get it working so I'm not sure it's implemented.

Something like this :)

Htbaa(Posted 2010) [#2]
Nope, it's not supported.

Czar Flavius(Posted 2010) [#3]
It's awkward, but you can do this.
Type MyType
    Field MyCallBackFunc:Int(me:MyType)
    Field num = Rand(0,100)
    Function TestMethod:Int(me:MyType)
        Print me.num
    End Function

End Type

Local A:MyType = New MyType
A.MyCallBackFunc = MyType.TestMethod

Dreamora(Posted 2010) [#4]
or use reflection and create kind of a "delegate model"

Brucey(Posted 2010) [#5]
Well, something like what Flavius says... but I think his example isn't so clear.
Type BaseType

	Method myCallback:Int()
		DebugLog "Please Implement me!"
	End Method

	Function callback:Int(ref:BaseType)
		Return ref.myCallback()
	End Function

End Type

Type MyType Extends BaseType
 	Method myCallback:Int()
		Return 100
	End Method

End Type

' somewhere that calls a user-callback :

Local A:BaseType = New MyType

Print BaseType.callback(A)

This way, the "user type" only needs to implement a callback method.
I use this a lot in many places, where a 3rd-party (C++) library can make a callback into user code. It completely hides the underlying complexity (of data conversions and pointers) from the user.
For example, a typical callback would pass Byte Ptrs, which should be hidden from the exposed API :

   Function doCallback(obj:BaseType, param1:Byte Ptr, param2:Byte Ptr)
      obj.myCallback(_convertToTypeA(param1), _convertToTypeB(param2))
   End Function

As Dreamora mentions, there are many ways to do it.

My Qt event model uses some Reflection magic to build on top of a signal/slot system, which allows for a different variation of callback methods.