C equivalent to Eachin

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/C equivalent to Eachin

EOF(Posted 2009) [#1]
How would you do this in C?
Local fruit:String[]=["apple","orange","banana"]
For Local i:String=EachIn fruit
	Print i

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2009) [#2]
There's no equivalent of eachin. You would have to implicitly loop over an array are char pointers.


char* fruit[]={"apple","orange","banana"};
for (i=0;i<4;I++)

Zeke(Posted 2009) [#3]
int test() {
	char *text[]={"first","second","third"};
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<(sizeof(text)/sizeof(int)) ; ++i) {
		printf("%d - %s\n",i,text[i]);

EOF(Posted 2009) [#4]
Thanks both
Can String[] fruit be used instead of char* fruit[]?

Expanding on this, how would you mimic TLists which can contain various object types?
Type alien
	Field name$
	Field x:Int,y:Int
End Type
Global a:alien

Global alist:TList=New TList
a=New alien ; a.name="Zorb" ; alist.AddLast a
a=New alien ; a.name="Al" ; alist.AddFirst a

For a=EachIn alist
	Print a.name

Dreamora(Posted 2009) [#5]
If you #include <string> then yes
Otherwise string does not exist in C at all.

C / C++ as languages are archaic at best, most of the stuff modern languages offer come in through includes. Eachin and similar things commonly through the STL and alike.

Zeke(Posted 2009) [#6]
yea. but #include <string> is c++ only, not working in C. so when use C then that char* fruit[] is same as fruit:String[] in bmax.
and my C/C++ skill is so low so i cannot say anything about that TLists question.

Dreamora(Posted 2009) [#7]
regular c should eat #include <string> too, given we talk about current x86 platforms (ie anything on which BM runs), not some c 99 platform. But should they not eat it, there is always #include <string.h>

As for the char* fruit[] thing:
That sadly is not directly comparable to BM.
BM uses unicode strings which require 2 byte per character (WString), not a single one (CString).

Thats important to keep in mind if you should be considering using it outside the western language world.

Zeke(Posted 2009) [#8]
oh.. i forgot unicode thing...
but still i cannot use <string> or <string.h> (of course they works) but i cannot use string as variable type.

TommyH(Posted 2009) [#9]
String is not known in plain vanilla C.
The include of <string.h> just gives you some basic string manipulation functions like strcpy() or strlen() but that's pretty much it.
A class or type String is only valid in C++.

And in plain C there is no such thing as a list type. You have to create your own lists with using pointers in your struct definitions.

Something like
struct mylist {
  struct mylist *next;
  struct mylist *prev;
  char *name;

And of course you would have to malloc those structs and assign the pointers manually.
Oh, those were the days...

EOF(Posted 2010) [#10]
Great help all. Thanks

*(Posted 2010) [#11]

Oh, those were the days...

*goes all nostalgia eyed* *sniff sniff* :)

Dreamora(Posted 2010) [#12]
What am I happy that the "goto - spaghetti commit suicide code - hit your project comrades for their shit pointer hack code" days are gone ...
its worse enough if you are fired back into those stoneage days when using C++ ;)

Zeke(Posted 2010) [#13]
10 poke 53281,0
20 poke 53280,2
30 print "hello world This is C-64"

think about this time :P
sorry offtopic...

EOF(Posted 2010) [#14]
SYS 64738