Sending an object to a function

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Sending an object to a function

Farflame(Posted 2009) [#1]
Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm trying to work with Superstrict and trying to keep my code as clean as possible and am learning OOP as I go along...... anyway, here goes.....

I need to pass an object into a function to check it's X and Y fields and possibly update them. It could be one of 3 types of object, Player:PlayerType, Monster:MonsterType or Bullet:Bullettype..... they all have the X and Y fields.

So how do I pass them into the function and have the function update them? Bear in mind I'm using Superstrict.

To call the function would it be MyFunction(Player:PlayerType) ?

But I'm not sure what to put in Function MyFunction(TempType?... ?)

Of course I could just use Globals in the function, update those and then copy the values back into my object upon returning, but that seems rather messy. Is there a better way to do it?

gman(Posted 2009) [#2]
greetings :) you are on the right track. all your types would need to extend from a base type that has the common functionality. the function parameter would be of that base type. you can use any objects of a child type as the base (so anything extending the base type could be used as the base type). an example would be:
Type TPositionableObject
	Field x:Int
	Field y:Int

Type TMonsterType Extends TPositionalObject

Type TPlayerType Extends TPositionalObject

Type TBulletType Extends TPositionalObject

Function UpdateObject(game_object:TPositionalObject)
	If game_object.x = 0 And game_object.y = 0 Then
		game_object.x = 50
		game_object.y = 50

Local monster:TMonsterType = New TMonsterType
Local player:TPlayerType = New TPlayerType
Local bullet:TBulletType = New TBulletType


hope that gets you going :)

Farflame(Posted 2009) [#3]
Thanks Gman. Luckily I'd already extended them all from a base type which does include the X and Y coords, so I'd got it right so far. I wasn't aware that I could pass the base type, so that's what I needed to know. Thanks also for the example, it's much easier to see these things written down and then translate them into my own code :)

Czar Flavius(Posted 2009) [#4]
Type TPositionableObject
	'this list will hold all positionable objects in the game world, for ease of updating. so you can have multiple monsters, bullets, even players!
	Global all_objects:TList = New TList
	Field x:Int
	Field y:Int

	Method New()
		'this is automatically ran for you when a new object is created
	End Method

	Method remove()
		'there is a more efficent way, that won't need you to search the entire list, but i'll work on that tomorrow after sleep!
	End Method

	Function all_update()
		'go through all the objects in the list, and update them
		For Local obj:TPositionableObject = EachIn all_objects
	End Function

	Method common_update()
		'do all checks common to every object here
		If x = 0 and y = 0 Then
			x = 50
			y = 50
		End If
		'the update method will be unique to each kind of extended type! this is where OOP magic comes to play ;)
	End Method

	'Abstract means we're not defining the method here, it will be defined in extended objects
	Method update() Abstract
End Type

Type TBullet Extends TPositionalObject
	'possibility?? :-
	Field target:TPositionalObject

	Method update()
		'code here to aim and move the bullet, and check for hit
	End Method
End Type

Type TLiving Extends TPositionalObject
	Field health

	Method update()
		'update procedures unique to living things only!
		If health <= 0 Then
			remove() 'calls the method to remove from list
		End If
	End Method

	Method living_update() Abstract
End Type

Type TPlayer Extends TLiving
	Field score 'etc

	Method living_update()
		'..... player update code
	End Method
End Type

Type TMonster Extends TLiving
	Method living_update()
		'..... monster update code
	End Method
End Type

I forgot to specify the Ints, oh well I use Strict ;)
It's just a skeleton, to give you a general idea of the layout, but hopefully should give you some ideas.

Czar Flavius(Posted 2009) [#5]
As promised, I've devised a more efficient way of removing objects from lists. You can find it in my reply to this post: