Uhmm, I'm feeling pretty stupid right now.

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Uhmm, I'm feeling pretty stupid right now.

Sokurah(Posted 2009) [#1]
Okay, this goes into the beginners forum because it's probably me being very stupid. ;-)

I'm trying to generate a set of coordinates that doesn't overlap with any existing coordinates, but I've been rewriting it far too many times now, and it may just be because it's late, but it doesn't work and I just can't figure out what the devil I'm doing wrong.

I'm sure it can be a lot more efficient, but right now I just want the damn thing to work. Can anyone point out to me what the **** I'm doing wrong? :-)

Function AddEnemies(enemy)
Collission = 1
	While Collission = 1
		x = Rand(EnemyMinX, EnemyMaxX)
		y = Rand(500, 700)

		For Local test:Enemies = EachIn Enemies_list
				If Not RadiusCollision(x, y, test.x, test.y, 100) And Collission = 1 Then Collission = 0
	Local en:Enemies = New Enemies
	Enemies_list.AddLast en
	en.enemy = enemy
	en.x = x
	en.y = y
End Function

Function RadiusCollision:Int(x1, y1, x2, y2, r0)
	Local dx = Abs(x1 - x2)
	Local dy = Abs(y1 - y2)
	Return(Sqr(dX * dX + dy * dy) < r0)
End Function

Jesse(Posted 2009) [#2]
Function AddEnemies(enemy)
Collission = 1
	While Collission = 1
		x = Rand(EnemyMinX, EnemyMaxX)
		y = Rand(500, 700)
		Collission = 0
		For Local test:Enemies = EachIn Enemies_list
				If  RadiusCollision(x, y, test.x, test.y, 100) Collission = 1; Exit

	Local en:Enemies = New Enemies
	Enemies_list.AddLast en
	en.enemy = enemy
	en.x = x
	en.y = y
End Function

Sokurah(Posted 2009) [#3]
D'oh!...Just what I needed.

Thanks Jesse.

This is just proof that you should be sleeping and not programming at 4 in the morning. :-D