Keycodes to Keyname

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Keycodes to Keyname

Volker(Posted 2009) [#1]

for my key settings I use a function which detects the keycode
of the pressed key.
Then I want to display the name of the key (KEY_DELETE, KEY_UP..).
Is there a way to get the name of the key by the keycode?
For code 48-90 I could use "KEY_"+Chr(keycode), but for the other I would
have to create a table manually. Not really a problem, but perhaps there is a workaround?

jkrankie(Posted 2009) [#2]
here is what i used in Bullet Candy, i honestly can't remember if this was in the code archives or not.


Function getKeyCodeChar:String(inNum:Int)

If inNum=8  Then Return "Backspace"
If inNum=9  Then Return "Tab"
If inNum=12 Then Return "Clear"
If inNum=13 Then Return "Return"
If inNum=19 Then Return "Pause"
If inNum=20 Then Return "Caps Lock"
If inNum=32 Then Return "Space"
If inNum=33 Then Return "Page Up"
If inNum=34 Then Return "Page Down"
If inNum=35 Then Return "End"
If inNum=36 Then Return "Home"
If inNum=37 Then Return "Left"
If inNum=38 Then Return "Up"
If inNum=39 Then Return "Right"
If inNum=40 Then Return "Down"
If inNum=41 Then Return "Select"
If inNum=42 Then Return "'print"
If inNum=43 Then Return "Execute"
If inNum=44 Then Return "Screen"
If inNum=45 Then Return "Insert"
If inNum=46 Then Return "Delete"
If inNum=47 Then Return "Help"
If inNum=48 Then Return "0"
If inNum=49 Then Return "1"
If inNum=50 Then Return "2"
If inNum=51 Then Return "3"
If inNum=52 Then Return "4"
If inNum=53 Then Return "5"
If inNum=54 Then Return "6"
If inNum=55 Then Return "7"
If inNum=56 Then Return "8"
If inNum=57 Then Return "9"
If inNum=65 Then Return "A"
If inNum=66 Then Return "B"
If inNum=67 Then Return "C"
If inNum=68 Then Return "D"
If inNum=69 Then Return "E"
If inNum=70 Then Return "F"
If inNum=71 Then Return "G"
If inNum=72 Then Return "H"
If inNum=73 Then Return "I"
If inNum=74 Then Return "J"
If inNum=75 Then Return "K"
If inNum=76 Then Return "L"
If inNum=77 Then Return "M"
If inNum=78 Then Return "N"
If inNum=79 Then Return "O"
If inNum=80 Then Return "P"
If inNum=81 Then Return "Q"
If inNum=82 Then Return "R"
If inNum=83 Then Return "S"
If inNum=84 Then Return "T"
If inNum=85 Then Return "U"
If inNum=86 Then Return "V"
If inNum=87 Then Return "W"
If inNum=88 Then Return "X"
If inNum=89 Then Return "Y"
If inNum=90 Then Return "Z"
If inNum=96 Then Return "Numpad 0"
If inNum=97 Then Return "Numpad 1"
If inNum=98 Then Return "Numpad 2"
If inNum=99 Then Return "Numpad 3"
If inNum=100 Then Return "Numpad 4"
If inNum=101 Then Return "Numpad 5"
If inNum=102 Then Return "Numpad 6"
If inNum=103 Then Return "Numpad 7"
If inNum=104 Then Return "Numpad 8"
If inNum=105 Then Return "Numpad 9"
If inNum=106 Then Return "Numpad *"
If inNum=107 Then Return "Numpad +"
If inNum=109 Then Return "Numpad -"
If inNum=110 Then Return "Numpad ."
If inNum=111 Then Return "Numpad /"
If inNum=112 Then Return "F1"
If inNum=113 Then Return "F2"
If inNum=114 Then Return "F3"
If inNum=115 Then Return "F4"
If inNum=116 Then Return "F5"
If inNum=117 Then Return "F6"
If inNum=118 Then Return "F7"
If inNum=119 Then Return "F8"
If inNum=120 Then Return "F9"
If inNum=121 Then Return "F10"
If inNum=122 Then Return "F11"
If inNum=123 Then Return "F12"
If inNum=144 Then Return "Num Lock"
If inNum=145 Then Return "Scroll Lock"
If inNum=160 Then Return "Shift (Left)"
If inNum=161 Then Return "Shift (Right)"
If inNum=162 Then Return "Control (Left)"
If inNum=163 Then Return "Control (Right)"
If inNum=164 Then Return "Alt key (Left)"
If inNum=165 Then Return "Alt key (Right)"
If inNum=192 Then Return "Tilde"
If inNum=107 Then Return "Minus"
If inNum=109 Then Return "Equals"
If inNum=219 Then Return "Bracket (Open)"
If inNum=221 Then Return "Bracket (Close)"
If inNum=226 Then Return "Backslash"
If inNum=186 Then Return "Semi-colon"
If inNum=222 Then Return "Quote"
If inNum=188 Then Return "Comma"
If inNum=190 Then Return "Period"		
If inNum=191 Then Return "Slash"

End Function

GfK(Posted 2009) [#3]
Looks like there are some missing from that list, Krankie. I don't see the cursor keys, for example (200,203,205,208)

[edit] Never mind - found them now. Didn't realise they'd changed.

jkrankie(Posted 2009) [#4]
you're still right i think, there are probably some missing, and i guess it wouldn't work with some foreign keyboards either?


plash(Posted 2009) [#5]
Does Max even work with foreign keyboards?

This is from my duct.input module:

Warpy(Posted 2009) [#6]
Or if you prefer a one-liner:
Global keynames$[]=["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Backspace", "Tab", "", "", "Clear", "Enter", "Return", "", "", "", "", "Pause", "Caps Lock", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Escape", "", "", "", "", "Space", "Page Up", "Page Down", "End", "Home", "Cursor (Left)", "Cursor (Up)", "Cursor (Right)", "Cursor (Down)", "Select", "Print", "Execute", "Screen", "Insert", "Delete", "Help", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Sys key (Left)", "Sys key (Right)", "", "", "", "Numpad 0", "Numpad 1", "Numpad 2", "Numpad 3", "Numpad 4", "Numpad 5", "Numpad 6", "Numpad 7", "Numpad 8", "Numpad 9", "Numpad *", "Numpad +", "", "Numpad -", "Numpad .", "Numpad /", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Num Lock", "Scroll Lock", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Shift (Left)", "Shift (Right)", "Control (Left)", "Control (Right)", "Alt key (Left)", "Alt key (Right)", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Semi-colon", "Equals", "Comma", "Minus", "Period", "Slash", "Tilde", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Bracket (Open)", "", "Bracket (Close)", "Quote", "", "", "", "Backslash", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
Global mousenames$[]=["Mouse Left","Mouse Right","Mouse Middle"]

I actually checked this one a few times and got some that were missing in the documentation, and I made a spreadsheet.

Volker(Posted 2009) [#7]
Nice, everything I need. Thanks.