OpenURL and anchors

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/OpenURL and anchors

Warner(Posted 2008) [#1]
I'm trying to open an HTML file with OpenURL, which works good.
But now I want the HTML file to jump to a certain anchor, using the hash character.
For instance this:
It opens the html file, but the part from the hash character is missing.
I've tried using Driver.OpenURL directly, but with no success.
Is there something else I could try ?

Edit: I found this for a workaround:

It works, but I would still like to know what causes this problem, and if there is a better way to deal with it.

grable(Posted 2008) [#2]
It seems on Windows, ShellExecuteA() strips anything after # in file urls... strangly enough, it allows # in http urls ;)

I found an alternate way of doing it, but there is probably a better way:
Function OpenURL( url:String )
	Local dev:String,anchor:String
	If dev<>"http:" And dev<>"file:"
		Local h:Int=url.find("#")
		If h>-1
		Local f:String=RealPath(url)
		If FileType(f)
			url="file:"+f +anchor
		Extern "Win32"
			Function ShellExecuteW:Int( hwnd:Int, op$w, file$w, params$w, dir$w, showdmd:Int)
		Local params:String = "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler ~q" + url + "~q"
		ShellExecuteW( 0, "open", "rundll32.exe", params,Null, SW_SHOWNORMAL)

Warner(Posted 2008) [#3]
Ah, cool, it works on my PC. Yesterday, I tried using OpenURL on my Mac (ppc), but it didn't do anything. I used the system_ command instead, and it openend up an html file, but I didn't tried it with anchors yet.
Thanks, grable