Type problem

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Type problem

767pilot(Posted 2008) [#1]
Can anyone tell me why I get a memory unhandled exception when clicking the mouse 1 button please.

(Includes are built automatically as I am using Blide Plus so they are not coded directly)

Graphics(1280, 800, 32, 60)

SeedRnd MilliSecs()    'used for random number generator
Local timer:TTimer = CreateTimer(60) '60hz timer
Local fps:Int = 0
Local fpscounter:Int=0
Local fpstimer:Int=MilliSecs()

Local c:Int

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)


	If MouseHit(1)
		'create a shape
		 ShapeObject.Create(Rnd(1280), Rnd(800), Rnd(50), Rnd(100))
	End If
		c = ShapeList.Count()
		DrawText("count: " + c, 0, 0)
		'if shape list is not empty then update the shapes
		If c > 0 Then ShapeObject.Update
'fpstimer update
	If MilliSecs() > fpstimer + 1000
	fps = fpscounter
	fpscounter = 0
	fpstimer = MilliSecs()
		fpscounter = fpscounter + 1
	End If
	DrawText ("FPS: " + fps, 0, 20)
'#End Region 
	WaitTimer (timer)


	Date: 6/11/08
	Description: Global declarations
End Rem

Global ShapeObject:TShape 'object identifier for the shape, used to reference each shape object
Global ShapeList:TList = CreateList()

	Date: 6/11/08
	Description: Type class for the shape objects
End Rem

Type TShape
	Field x:Int								'x position of the shape on the screen
	Field y:Int								'y position of the shape on the screen
	Field h:Int								'height in pixels of shape
	Field w:Int								'width in pixels of shape

	'Method									: Create
	'Description							: Creates a new shape and adds it to the list
	Function Create:TShape(nx:Int, ny:Int, nw:Int, nh:Int)
		ShapeObject:TShape = New TShape
		ShapeObject.x = nx 'add the x 
		ShapeObject.y = ny 'add the y
		ShapeObject.h = nh 'add height
		ShapeObject.w = nw 'add width
		ShapeList.AddLast(ShapeObject)' this object to the list for tracking
		Return ShapeObject
	End Function
	'Method									: Draw
	'Description							: Displays shape at x,y, called in the update method
	Method Draw()
		DrawRect(ShapeObject.x, ShapeObject.y, ShapeObject.w, ShapeObject.h)
	End Method
	'Method									: Update
	'Description							: Perform draw and move methods
	Method Update()
		Local s:TShape
		'update each shape in the list
		For s:TShape = EachIn ShapeList
			s.Draw 'draw the shape on the screen
	End Method
	'Method									: Delete
	'Description							: Deletes all shapes in the list
	Method Del()
		Local s:TShape
		For s:TShape = EachIn ShapeList
			ShapeList.Remove s
	End Method
End Type

tonyg(Posted 2008) [#2]
Because it should be shape.create? You don't have a create method to be used by the shapeobject instance.

Jesse(Posted 2008) [#3]
instead of:
 ShapeObject.Create(Rnd(1280), Rnd(800), Rnd(50), Rnd(100))

should be:
 TShape.Create(Rnd(1280), Rnd(800), Rnd(50), Rnd(100))