what actually does automidhandle true do

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/what actually does automidhandle true do

DREAM(Posted 2008) [#1]
I always though if this was on the image would be drawn from the midpoint of that image, no i am guessing when i use the setscale this if then messing things up here is what i have
Graphics game.DeskWidth, game.DeskHeight, 0

AutoMidHandle True

Global ring:TImage = CreateImage(80, 80, FILTEREDIMAGE) 
SetColor 20, 255, 100
DrawOval 40, 40, 40, 40
SetColor 0, 0, 0
DrawOval 42, 42, 36, 36
SetColor 255, 255, 255
GrabImage(ring, 0, 0) 

		If KeyHit(KEY_Z) Then Tring.Create() 
Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) 


Type Tring
	Field sc:Float, de
	Global ringlist:TList = New TList
	Function Create() 
		r:Tring = New Tring
		r.sc = 0.1
		ringlist.addlast r
	End Function
	Function update() 
		For r:Tring = EachIn ringlist
			r.sc = r.sc * 1.05
	End Function
	Function draw() 
	Local co = 0
		For r:Tring = EachIn ringlist
			co = co + 1
			SetScale 1, 1
			Local dx = game.DeskWidth / 2
			Local dy = game.DeskHeight / 2
			SetScale r.sc, r.sc
			SetAlpha 1
			SetColor 255, 200, 50
			DrawImage ring, dx, dy
		SetScale 1, 1
		SetColor 255, 255, 255
		DrawText "count of rings= " + co, 10, 60
	End Function

End Type

Type game
     Global deskwidth:Int = 1024
	Global deskheight:Int = 768
End Type

i am trying to get the rings to come straight forward towards viewer dead center....what am i doing wrong any ideas......

computercoder(Posted 2008) [#2]
AutoMidHandle True: sets the point for rotate at center (x,y) instead of the upper left corner. When you draw, its origin is still at the upper left corner of the image. You will need to accommodate for the center x,y yourself by centerx = image.width/2 and centery = image.height/2

Hope this helps :)

Floyd(Posted 2008) [#3]
AutoMidHandle is doing what you expect but DrawOval is not.

Note that the arguments to DrawRect specify a location for one corner and also width and height.

DrawOval, contrary to what you might expect, is exactly the same. The oval fits into the rectangle that would be drawn with DrawRect.

DREAM(Posted 2008) [#4]
does imagewidth(image:timage) return the actual scaled value of the image as it is at that point or the original imagewidth

DREAM(Posted 2008) [#5]
fixed it
Graphics game.DeskWidth, game.DeskHeight, 0

AutoMidHandle True

Global ring:TImage = CreateImage(80, 80, FILTEREDIMAGE) 
SetColor 20, 255, 100
DrawOval 40, 40, 40, 40
SetColor 0, 0, 0
DrawOval 42, 42, 36, 36
SetColor 255, 255, 255
GrabImage(ring, 0, 0) 

		If KeyHit(KEY_Z) Then Tring.Create() 
Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) 


Type Tring
	Field sc:Float, de
	Global ringlist:TList = New TList
	Function Create() 
		r:Tring = New Tring
		r.sc = 0.1
		ringlist.addlast r
	End Function
	Function update() 
		For r:Tring = EachIn ringlist
			r.sc = r.sc * 1.05
	End Function
	Function draw() 
	Local co = 0
		For r:Tring = EachIn ringlist
			co = co + 1
			Local dx = game.DeskWidth / 2
			Local dy = game.DeskHeight / 2
			SetScale r.sc, r.sc
			SetAlpha 1
			SetColor 255, 200, 50
			DrawImage ring, dx - (ImageWidth(ring) * r.sc) / 4, dy - (ImageHeight(ring) * r.sc) / 4
		SetScale 1, 1
		SetColor 255, 255, 255
		DrawText "count of rings= " + co, 10, 60
	End Function

End Type

Type game
     Global deskwidth:Int = 1024
	Global deskheight:Int = 768
End Type


KristoDJ(Posted 2008) [#6]
Hi, the 1st version of your code worked well, but maybe you misunderstood how does DRAWOVAL work, since it draws the oval starting from the upper-left corner of its ideal bounding rectangle and not from iots center...
I made a couple of changes and also added a line to remove rings when they beacome no more visible (you know, for preventing the program becoming too slow)

Graphics game.DeskWidth, game.DeskHeight, 0

AutoMidHandle True

Global ring:TImage = CreateImage(80, 80, FILTEREDIMAGE) 
SetColor 20, 255, 100
DrawOval 0, 0, 80, 80 '<----- Line modified
SetColor 0, 0, 0
DrawOval 2, 2, 76, 76 '<----- Line modified
SetColor 255, 255, 255
GrabImage(ring, 0, 0) 

		If KeyHit(KEY_Z) Then Tring.Create() 
Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) 


Type Tring
	Field sc:Float, de
	Global ringlist:TList = New TList
	Function Create() 
		r:Tring = New Tring
		r.sc = 0.1
		ringlist.addlast r
	End Function
	Function update() 
		For r:Tring = EachIn ringlist
			r.sc = r.sc * 1.05
			If r.sc>15 ListRemove(ringlist, r);co:-1 '<----- Line added
	End Function
	Function draw() 
	Local co = 0
		For r:Tring = EachIn ringlist
			co = co + 1
			SetScale 1, 1
			Local dx = game.DeskWidth / 2
			Local dy = game.DeskHeight / 2
			SetScale r.sc, r.sc
			SetAlpha 1
			SetColor 255, 200, 50
			DrawImage ring, dx, dy
		SetScale 1, 1
		SetColor 255, 255, 255
		DrawText "count of rings= "+co, 10, 60
	End Function

End Type

Type game
     Global deskwidth:Int = 1024
	Global deskheight:Int = 768
End Type

DREAM(Posted 2008) [#7]
i see what you mean i didnt get thats what it was doing thanks for clearing it up.

makes more sense now....

Thanks again

GfK(Posted 2008) [#8]
Just to clarify, AutoMidHandle True will centre the handle of images which are subsequently loaded. It does not affect the handle of images that you've loaded already.