Various kinds of movements

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Various kinds of movements

christian223(Posted 2008) [#1]
Im in search of various kinds of algorithms or collections of ways to move sprites, like move an object from one point to another, or make it do weird movements, or make it bounce back and forth, make it follow a path, make it tremble and things like that, i would like to experiment with various kinds of movements for special effects in my game, not actual "enemy" or player movement or physics, and since im very bad with math some help will save my life, thanks in advance.

Jebbs(Posted 2008) [#2]
To simply move right,left, up, or down, you just have to tell your sprite to add or subtract from the x and y coordinates of the sprite.
For example:
(this isn't as long as it seems;it's mostly comments to make sure you understand it all the way.
if you already know how to do this, skip down to the next post on how to jump)

'****set graphics*****

Graphics 600,800,16 'fullscreen


Global x:Float=0 'x-coordinate variable
Global y:Float=0 'y-coordinate variable

'****start loop****

While Not KeyDown(key_escape) 'as long as you don't push the escape button, it will continue to make the loop

DrawRect x,y,10,10 'sprite = 10x10 square

'***input keys***
If KeyDown(key_left) 'if you want to say while key_left not down, you just say "keydown(key_left)=false

x:-1 'subtract one from x is now =to x; try changing the value of what you subtract x with.

If KeyDown(key_right)

x:+5 'add to x; going right 5 pixels; notice the speed of going right compared to left

If KeyDown(key_up)

y:-1 'this is going up 1; not down because if you look at the screen, 0,0 starts at the top left and is positive going down and right

If KeyDown(key_down)

y:+5 'this is going 5 down; faster than going up

If KeyHit(key_space) 'if you tap space; holding it down doesn't matter

x=300 'go to center;resetting what x and y equal

Flip 'this is just drawing the program onto the screen: the rectangle
'cls 'take out the first appostraphe in order to uncomment the cls(clear screen) to see what happens
'******End loop******


Try it out with the "cls" behind the apostraphe first. Try to spell your name with it. Then take out the apostraphe and see what happens.

Thareh(Posted 2008) [#3]
Hi :)
Just a question, since you wrote Sprite, Are you going to use 3D?
Else, Here's a quick Atan2 Point-to-Point waypoint movement thingie I wrote for you ;)

Jebbs(Posted 2008) [#4]
Here is an easy way to get a sprite to jump up and come back down.

'*******start code*********
Graphics 600,800

Global x:Float=0 'character coordinates
Global y:Float=400

Global jump:Int=0 'a flag; tells us if we are jumping or not (0=no jump,1=jump)
Global gravity:Float=0.5 'this affects the height of the jump
Global jumpheight:Float=7 'this is the max height of the jump; mess around with these numbers

While Not KeyDown(key_escape)

SetColor 192,0,0 'red
DrawOval x,y,10,15 'x,y,width,height of oval

SetColor 192,192,192 'white
DrawLine 0,415,600,415 'horizontal line from x1,y1 to x2,y2 right below the sprite

If KeyDown(key_space)

jump=1 'flag activated


this is wher you would add left and right movements
discussed in the first post by Jebbs (me)
that way you can move side to side while jumping
these were just copied to save time
If KeyDown(key_left)

x:-1 'this makes it seem like you are going against the wind when you go left; could be an idea?

If KeyDown(key_right)

notice how I took out the going up and down codes;
you don't need them in a jumping side to side scrolling game
howerver, you could add them to see what will happen after you jump at a higher altitude

Dojump() 'just a lable, when a function calls it up later, it will be activated

If y>=400 'y starts at 400 remember; once it gets back to 400 after jumping, it will stop falling
'*if y>=400 means, if y is greater than or equal to 350

jump=0 'now launch is over; inorder to jump again, must reset flag to 0

jumpheight=7 'later on, jumpheight will get changed; this just sets it back to normal again



Function dojump() 'goes to the line that says "dojump()" and processess through it

If jump=1 'if the flag says "yes" then jump; in otherwords, if spacebar, then flag = 1(yes), then actually jump

y:-jumpheight 'while jump=1, take the y coordinate and subtract it by height

jumpheight:-gravity 'basically widdles "jumpheight" until it starts to go the other way; kinda like a parabola!


If jumpheight<=-5

jumpheight=-5 'makes it so that jumpheight doesn't get lower than negative five



I give credit to Amon in one of his posts, "Jump Code for Kaisuo". They should be quite similar.

I still am trying to figure out some nice codes for moving sprites myself. I've been looking for a good way of adding momentum to my sprites so that when they hit a wall, they will take several steps back. And other things like that.

Well, I hope this helped you.

PS- Do you know how to insert images as sprites?
Like, substituting the ovals and rectangles with pictures?

Ex.: global Sprite:timage("sprite.png")
drawimage sprite,x,y

christian223(Posted 2008) [#5]
Thanks a lot!, Jebbs, i was mainly asking for something less specific than player movement, something more like Hule made, thanks a lot for taking the time though, really appreciated.

I mayde do some fake 3D by resizing in and out the sprite and adding some shadow, but no more than that.

I did a search on this subject of "movement algorithms" and i just could find anything, wich is very weird, it could be so usefull for so many programmers because we all need to move sprites in different ways, having a common library to choose what kind of movement we are looking for would save so much time and effort.

As an example, imagine i am doing a vertical shoot em up game, where the bullets and enemies all do very weird movements, some follow paths, some bullets go back and fort, the explotions move all in different ways, and so on, imagine if we all had a library of possible movements, we just copy and paste code, mix different ones, and then we have the movement done for our bullet/enemy/effect just a little tweaking here and there and thats it... thats what i had in mind :)

christian223(Posted 2008) [#6]
For anyone interested, i found this article on smooth spline path following thingie;tpstart=1 you can find other cool stuff on the site also.

Kistjes(Posted 2008) [#7]
A well known animation technique, but nevertheless worth to mention is the parametric animation technique.
With this technique you can easily do all kinds of (weird) movements, as well as using the same parameter for transparency, scale, rotation etc.
A very good tutorial can be found here: (the rest of the animation tutorial is very helpful and inspiring, too).

It's written for Director-programmers and the examples are therefor in Lingo but that's simple to convert to BlitzMax.

Jebbs(Posted 2008) [#8]
Ok, so you're trying to make a game kind of like galaga. Cool. I've been planning on making a verticle shooting game sometime, so I tried looking up some good ideas you might be able to use; I found a good code of a verticle shooting game where the aliens, or whatever, come down in squiggly lines and they randomly shoot. It might be helpful. I didn't try to read it so I really don't know how much use it will be to you.

I think waves of enemies would be a good idea just like in galaga. I'll keep an eye out for some codes like that.

christian223(Posted 2008) [#9]
No, actually i wanted to do a system for moving everything in my game, fx, buttons, enemies, ui elements, etc, so im thinking in making a system to be able to move all kinds of objects in many kinds of ways. Thanks for the links, they are really usefull to me.