Bmx call-by-value, cant update TList objects

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Bmx call-by-value, cant update TList objects

pappavis(Posted 2007) [#1]
I'm working on programming a "snakes" game in Blitzmax.

This is basic idea;
1. The snake can move on tile objects which represents a big chessboard. The tiles are added to a TList. Each tile itself is a Type ("class") with some properties X,Y, tilenumber etc etc.
2. When the worm moves, the tile on which it is located gets a flag set.
3. This flagged tile is (temporarily) flagged as occupied.
4. My code loops throught the Tlist-"Chessboard" calling an update on each tile, like this:

the code here was typed at work from my head in MS-Word, not in the compiler. it can contain (spelling) mistakes.
Type MySnakesGame
 Method manage()
  '//...add about 480 tiles (32x30 pixels) on 800x600 display..
   local chessboardList:TList = new TList;
   for Local count1:int = 0 to 470
      Local chessTile:clsTile = new clsTile;
      chessTile.X = 30;  '//ofcoz increments..
      chessTile.Y = 30;  '// same here
      chessTile.TileCounter = count1;
      chessTile.tiledOcuppiedBy = enumNobody;

   While not keyhit(key_escape)

    '//player moves, flag the tile as occupied
     '//handle keybord input, new X/Y is at 'tilenumber'.

     Local objOccupiedTile1:clsTile =  clsTile(ChessboardList.ValueAtIndex(tilenumber));
     objOccupiedTile1.tiledOcuppiedBy = enumPlayer; '//this is suppeds to call-by-ref, or not?

    '// the display will be filling up, visually showing where your player was.
    For Local objTile1:clsTile = EachIn ChessboardList:TList

 '// here sumthing strange happens, call by value?  Call-by-reference?

 type clsTile
    field myImage:TImage;
    Field x:int;
    Field y:int;
     '//stupid constructur emulated. call this in your code.. Blitzmax forum exmaple ;).
    function Create:clsTile()
       local objTile3:clsTile = new clsTile
       objTile3.MyImage = loadImage("snakehead1.png");
        return objTile3;

    method update()
       If(Self.tiledOcuppiedBy = enumPlayer)       
          DrawImage(Self.MyImage, self.x, self.y);
 end type

The above attempts to;
1. fill a tlist chessboard containing tiles.
2. aloow the player to move onto a tile.
3. Flag the tile as occupied.
4. Loop through all tiles in chessboard, updating it.

the clsTile.Update doesnt do anything. The tile isnt rendered. The reference obtained from the Tlist (probably) dont update the object it obtained. Is that true? How can i modify a object in Tlist by reference?

tonyg(Posted 2007) [#2]
This is going to be very tricky. Your clstile type doesn't have any X or Y attributes and isn't extended either. The same type doesn't have a TiledOccupiedby method or field either.
In short, I don't think the code you have posted gives much chance in suggesting anything.
How about waiting until you get home and posting the actual code?
<edit> In answer to your question you can take the clstile off the list exactly as you have done and then call its update method.

pappavis(Posted 2007) [#3]
Here is the complete program code. Out of the box it wont run coz it needs a few .png files, which ofcoz can be swapped for any other image file.

TIA for any help :)

Czar Flavius(Posted 2007) [#4]
Just a hint, use [codebox] instead.