Which blitz product is best for me?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Which blitz product is best for me?

DCI(Posted 2007) [#1]
I bought ALL of the main blitz programs, blitz3d, blitzplus and blitzmax.. Im trying to learn to program.. but.. i dont know which of these i should begin my adventure in.. 14 years ago, i was a pro with Basica, but, its been a while :) WHat are the pros and cons, of each of the 3 products? which one should i begin learning, and taking to heart? I've been told there are gigantic differences in the programs.. please.. which would be the right one for me, and why?

FlameDuck(Posted 2007) [#2]
BlitzMAX. Because it's object oriented, which makes programs easier to visualize. It also has the most (that is more than 1) built-in data structures, and the flexibility to allow you to chose how to use them, rather than have them thrust upon you.

Also if there's something you don't understand how it works, and that you find is poorly documented, you have access to the full source code, allowing you to look it up.

Whoever told you there were gigantic differences is bending the truth a little, and/or doesn't properly understand one language or the other.

Abrexxes(Posted 2007) [#3]

The best product for you is a tutorial how to post in a forum. 2 triple cross posting in 5 minutes is not funny.


H&K(Posted 2007) [#4]
Let me guess, did the Bmax forum say Bmax, the BPlus forum say B+ and the B3D forum say b3d
1) Dont triple post
2) Dont post at all when you could use search instead. (This is more about the database question)

Dreamora(Posted 2007) [#5]
Don't post at all, if all 3 have trial versions you could test.

If you have no idea what you want, how shall we have.

Brucey(Posted 2007) [#6]
BlitzMax is also cross platform, which is a plus point for some people.

FlameDuck(Posted 2007) [#7]
BlitzMax is also cross platform, which is a plus point for some people.
And it also has Brucey churning out a ridiculous amount of boilerplate code, allowing you to use other peoples wonderful software with it - which in my opinion is the definitive nail in that coffin.

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#8]
BlitzMax because:

- It's OOP
- It's cross platform
- It can use fancy 3D card effects in 2D
- There's lots of 3D modules for it.
- There's lots of other modules/code for it.
- You can tweak it's inner workings (if you want)
- It has a large and growing user base
- It's the best supported of the Blitz products right now.

Anything else? Probably...

Abrexxes(Posted 2007) [#9]
- it has the best IDE ever seen
- it has his own 3D engine with support and framework from BRL
- it has a GUI better than every .net language
- .....

ok, come down. ;)

Brucey(Posted 2007) [#10]
I could never get Blit3D to run on my Powerbook...

Czar Flavius(Posted 2007) [#11]
I bought ALL of the main blitz programs, blitz3d, blitzplus and blitzmax..

sswift(Posted 2007) [#12]
What a nice welcome you guys give this fellow who's supporting Mark by buying all the Blitz products, by complaining about something as trvial as a couple crossposts. Jeez!

It's hard to decide which language to suggest, taking into consideration you being a beginner. I grew up programming in procedural languages, so I don't know how easy it would be for a beginner to pick up an object oriented language, which is what BlitzMax is.

At the same time, Types in Blitz3D and BlitzPlus can be hard to grasp. BlitzMax has the advantage there because it doesn't do anything behind the scenes.

Then there's 3D stuff to consider. Learning how to do 3D games might be something you're interested in. If that's the case, BlitzPlus is right out. BlitzMax can do 3D if you use additional libraries that are available (some free).

BlitzMax's memory management setup could be confusing for a beginner too. Or may encourage poor programming practices later for other languages which don't automatically free stuff. That's another thing to consider.

BlitMax is however the future of the Blitz language. It's more powerful, it's cross platform, and it's what practically all future development of the Blitz languages will be on.

Another thing to consider is that BlitzMax allows you to use SuperStrict to force you to declare variable types. I'd enable that right off the bat so you learn to do things the right way. It will avoid bugs, make your code easier to read, and you'll likely need to do that in other languages should you choose to use them later.

So all things considered... that you'll want/need to learn Max eventually, that you can program procedurally in it if you wish, that you can do object oriented programming if you want, that you have Superstrict variable typing available, that you can do either 2D or 3D, that Max's 2D can do all sorts of effects seen in 3D games cause it's 3D accelerated, and because you can do cross platform development with Max, I would suggest BlitzMax. I use it excluseivly myself now, and I probably won't be going back to Blitz 3D or BlitzPlus.