FullScreen vs. windowed

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/FullScreen vs. windowed

Newbie(Posted 2007) [#1]
I have noticed that my graphics look smooth and nice in a Windowed mode, but in fullscreen it looks all "washed out". is it because i dont have -1 with loadimage? or what precisely happens when you do fullscreen, and the Windowed mode kicks away, what goes on behind the scene?

H&K(Posted 2007) [#2]

Maybe your window is 32bit and your full screen is only 16bit?

Newbie(Posted 2007) [#3]
how do I control that?
and is there a good example somewhere of the flags for loadimage? I cant seem to find any

H&K(Posted 2007) [#4]
Its nothing to do with the loadimage flags. Its to do with your Graphics command. If you are in windowed then you use the window bit depth, If you are in full screen then when you open the screen you select the bitdepth.

Graphics( width,height,depth=0), so try
Graphics( width,height,32) in release mode

Newbie(Posted 2007) [#5]
The graphics command has these parameters:
Function Graphics:TGraphics( width,height,depth=0,hertz=60,flags=0 )

can someone describe the options (values) for depth, hertz & flags?

the documentation only has the above. way to little information i think

H&K(Posted 2007) [#6]
0=Windowed, 16=16bit, 32=32bit (oh and 24=24Bit)
Hertz=Screen flip rate, just ignore it

The flags parameter can be any combination of the following: Flags/ Meaning
GRAPHICS_BACKBUFFER = Create graphics with a back buffer
GRAPHICS_ALPHABUFFER = Create graphics with an alpha buffer
GRAPHICS_DEPTHBUFFER = Create graphics with a depth buffer
GRAPHICS_STENCILBUFFER= Create graphics with a stencil buffer
GRAPHICS_ACCUMBUFFER Create graphics with an accumulation buffer

If you just scrol up from the graphics docs you will see more info

SpaceCowboy(Posted 2007) [#7]
What kind of screen are you using..lcd? and is the resolution your program uses the same as your screen's native res?

I ask because on my laptop, who's native res is 1024*768, if i run say a 640*480 game in fullscreen, it scales it up to fit the screen - and it ends up looking all blurry and washed out.

Somewhere I found an option to turn off upscaling, but i've forgotten where..

Sorry if this is obvious, just thought id mention it :)

xlsior(Posted 2007) [#8]
I have noticed that my graphics look smooth and nice in a Windowed mode, but in fullscreen it looks all "washed out". is it because i dont have -1 with loadimage? or what precisely happens when you do fullscreen, and the Windowed mode kicks away, what goes on behind the scene?

It could also be related to the gamma/color correction in the windows advanced graphics adapter settings...

My main computer had a similar issue, in that the colors look great in full-screen mode, but *way* darker in windowed mode. I had to adjust the gamma settings and color correction for things to look OK in both.
(Those settings are seperate for the 3D modes and the standard 2D windows desktop, so both should be calibrated individually for the best results)

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#9]
sounds to me that as nyarla says you have a TFT screen and you it interpolates in a lower res giving slightly blurry images. This is normal.

H&K(Posted 2007) [#10]
I dont think that interpolation is the problem, otherwise newbie wouldnt complain because everything would be doing it.
The specific problem is that Bmax does it, not that it happens with other programs.

Newbie(Posted 2007) [#11]
it was actually related to the fact described above; when i ran my code in Windowed mode, Max adopts the Windows desktop windows depth; when i ran in fullscreen mode, I did not ask for 32-bit, so got either 16 or 24-bit ... lesson learned? make sure if you need to run fullscreen and windowed mode that you explicit ask for 32-bit in the Graphics() command :-)

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2007) [#12]
With 24 bit you wouldn't see a change in color resolution, only in 15 or 16.