Sanctus's problem's topic

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Sanctus's problem's topic

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#1]
Since I always have problems I decided not to fill the forum with stupid questions and insted to put my questions and problems here
So here is the first one:

Global terrain_img:Timage 
Type Tmap
	Field xtiles:Int
	Field ytiles:Int
	Field map:Ttile[,]
End Type

Type Ttile
	Field x:Int
	Field y:Int
	Field img:Int ' just the frame for the terrain_img
End Type

Global map:Tmap = New Tmap
map.xtiles = 128
map.ytiles = 128 = New Ttile[map.xtiles , map.ytiles]

Local i:Int
Local t:Int

For i = 1 To map.xtiles
	For i = 1 To map.ytiles[i , t].img = 1

Atempt to acces field of null object...
Can anyone help me and tell me how to avoid these things in the future?

klepto2(Posted 2006) [#2]
For i = 0 to map.xtiles-1
    For t = 0 to map.ytiles[i,t].img = 1

First failure 'i' in the second loop should be 't' ;)
Second Failure: Arrays in Bmax are zero related, that means you create an array like this MAP:TTiles[256]. So the size of the array is 256, but not as in BB the index doesn't range from 1 to 256. instead it goes from 0 to 255.

fredborg(Posted 2006) [#3] = New Ttile[map.xtiles , map.ytiles]
Only allocates the array, but not the type instances, you have to create those seperately, so your loop could look like this:
For i = 0 Until map.xtiles
	For i = 0 Until map.ytiles[i , t] = New Ttile[i , t].img = 1
And as mentioned above, the indices of an array go from 0 to size-1, you can use 'Until' instead of 'To' in a loop to skip the last number.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#4]
For i = 0 To map.xtiles-1
For t = 0 To map.ytiles-1[i, t] = New TTile

Which I told you yestrday

Perturbatio(Posted 2006) [#5]

Global terrain_img:Timage 
Type Tmap
	Field xtiles:Int
	Field ytiles:Int
	Field map:Ttile[,]
End Type

Type Ttile
	Field x:Int
	Field y:Int
	Field img:Int ' just the frame for the terrain_img
End Type

Global map:Tmap = New Tmap
map.xtiles = 128
map.ytiles = 128 = New Ttile[map.xtiles , map.ytiles]

Local i:Int
Local t:Int

For i = 0 To map.xtiles-1
	For t = 0 To map.ytiles-1[i, t] = New TTile[i , t].img = 1

You need to initialise each item in the array as a TTile before accessing them.
And arrays are zero based

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#6]
yeah thx but why don't they store some object????
I modified it like this
For i = 1 To map.xtiles-1
	For i = 1 To map.ytiles-1[i , t].img = 1

srry till i finished posting there where 4 more replys :D

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#7]
I found a article about exttreme programming and its way better that I was doing...
The ideea of not making the program expadable saves me a lot of time and its easyer to fo like that...
why define all the types from the beginning when I will use some only at the end...

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#8]
Added a few things and Im again in problems

Graphics 800,600,1
Global terrain_img:Timage = LoadAnimImage("gfx\terrain.bmp",32,32,0,4)
Type Tmap
	Field xtiles:Int
	Field ytiles:Int
	Field map:Ttile[,]
End Type

Type Ttile
	Field x:Int
	Field y:Int
	Field img:Int ' just the frame for the terrain_img
	Method drawself()
		DrawImage terrain_img , x * 32 , y * 32 , img
	End Method
End Type

Global map:Tmap = New Tmap
map.xtiles = 16
map.ytiles = 16 = New Ttile[map.xtiles , map.ytiles]

Local i:Int
Local t:Int

For i = 1 Until map.xtiles
	For t = 1 Until map.ytiles[i , t] = New Ttile[i , t].x = i[i , t].y = t[i , t].img = 1

While Not KeyHit(key_escape)
	Local i:Int
	Local t:Int
	For i = 1 Until map.xtiles
		For t = 1 Until map.ytiles[i , t].drawself()

the thing is that is doesn't draw anything...
any ideeas of why that happens?

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#9]
pls help me....
I'm still in need of help

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#10]
thats why there was a problem...
I din't think it might make a diference if I change the order of those 2

H&K(Posted 2006) [#11]

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#12]
O'm not totaly beginner...
Just that I din't changed the order of cls and flip(never)
So by doing that I didn't think that was the problem(I didn''t even noticed)

Warren(Posted 2006) [#13]
Before posting anymore bugs or problems, please start using SuperStrict. It will lead you halfway home.

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#14]
I didn't really get the oin in using superstrict instead of strict....but if you say so....

Warren(Posted 2006) [#15]
Superstrict fixes the compiler to work more like it should.

I'm being a bit of an ass about that, but it's true on many levels. Superstrict will catch a lot of the ludicrous errors that Blitz lets you make by default.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#16]
@Sanctus, skip the first chapter

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#17]
Heck no!!!!!! its 60 usd!!!!!!way to much for me(I'm 14)

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#18]
can bmax load gifs?(i never tryed and to ber shure that thats the problem in my code)

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#19]
found out that It can not...
where is a tutorial with readdata(the maps from the source)
In my ther pacman I used a lvl editor and now i wanth to load them from the .exe

Brendane(Posted 2006) [#20]
Sanctus, you're a brave lad, welcome to the world of Blitzmax documentation :-

"ReadData : Read classic BASIC style data."

Now, that should be enough according to BRL. Next question?

Brendane(Posted 2006) [#21]
Here's an example :-

For i=1 To 5
	RestoreData mydata	'reset the data pointer everly loop so we don't read past the end
	ReadData name$,age,skill
	Print "name="+name+" age="+age+" skill="+skill

#mydata	'program label that can be used with the RestoreData command

DefData "Simon",37,5000

There are 3 commands. RestoreData, ReadData and DefData.

Defdata is used to actually define your data. Usually you mark the start of your data with a label - see the # symbol in the code above. This label is so you can tell BM where to begin reading the data from the next time you do a ReadData. (You can have as many chunks of data as you like, each with their own label, so you can for example have each of your game's level data with it's own label)

ReadData is used to load that data into variables at run-time. Each time you read a peice of data, the current data pointer moves to the next peice and so on.

RestoreData is used to tell BM where to begin reading the next item of data the next time ReadData is called.

Warren(Posted 2006) [#22]
Sanctus, you're a brave lad, welcome to the world of Blitzmax documentation :-

"ReadData : Read classic BASIC style data."

Now, that should be enough according to BRL. Next question?

I LOL'd.

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#23]
@Brendane thx man
I think I'll get it working :D

Brendane(Posted 2006) [#24]
Sanctus, if you just want to know how to use those functions for the sake of learning, great. But if your aim is only to ensure that your exe contains the level data there is another way (presuming you already have the data files on disk).

Use IncBin to import files into your final exe. These files can then be loaded without any modification just by using "incbin::" before the file you wish to load.

Example :-

IncBin "level1.dat"

Global currentLevel:TLevel = LoadLevelData( "incbin::level1.dat" )

This can be much more flexible in the long run than using DefData for your level data. Why? Because you can create and modify your datafiles with a level editor - something you'll wish you could do if you end up needing to modify 1000 lines of DefData statements.

Remember, you can IncBin any kind of file - images, sounds, whatever. When you need to load the file just put "incbin::" before it (so the load routine knows where it lives).

Magic eh.

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#25]
nah it isn't that the reason but it takes a lot of time to make a lvl editor....
I will make it but later when the game will have some reasons to have playble lvls
thx cuz u helped me a lot... i mangaged to make it read the walls from data(and miracously when I wrote it I din't got any bugs in my code...for the first time)

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#26]
Oh here is the code(tell me if you see something that is not right)

Graphics 800,600,32
Global wall_img:Timage = LoadImage("gfx\wall.bmp")
Global pac_img:Timage = LoadImage("gfx\pacman_stand.bmp")
Global pac_left_img:Timage = LoadAnimImage("gfx\pacman_left.bmp" , 32 , 32 , 0 , 4)
Global pac_right_img:Timage = LoadAnimImage("gfx\pacman_right.bmp" , 32 , 32 , 0 , 4)
Global pac_up_img:Timage = LoadAnimImage("gfx\pacman_up.bmp" , 32 , 32 , 0 , 4)
Global pac_down_img:Timage = LoadAnimImage("gfx\pacman_down.bmp" , 32 , 32 , 0 , 4)

Type Tgame
	Field lives:Int
	Field points:Int
	Field lvl:Int
	Field map:Tmap = New Tmap
	Field player:Tpacman = New Tpacman
	Field wall_list:Tlist = New Tlist
	Method testload()
		RestoreData Map1_Wall
		ReadData map.xtiles , map.ytiles
		Local i:Int
		Local t:Int
		For i = 1 To map.xtiles
			For t = 1 To map.ytiles
				Local x:Int
				ReadData x
				If x = 1
				Local wall:Twall = New Twall
				wall.x = (i - 1) * 32
				wall.y = (t - 1) * 32
				End If
	End Method
	Method drawall()
		Local wall:Twall
		For wall = EachIn wall_list
	End Method
End Type

Type Tpacman
	Field x:Float
	Field y:Float
	Field dir:Int
	Field frame:Int
	Method drawself()
		Select dir
		Case 0
		DrawImage pac_img , x , y
		Case 1
		DrawImage pac_left_img , x , y , frame
		Case 2
		DrawImage pac_up_img , x , y , frame
		Case 3
		DrawImage pac_right_img , x , y , frame
		Case 4
		DrawImage pac_down_img , x , y , frame
		End Select
	End Method
	Method updateself()
		'/////////THE FRAME CODE/////////////
		frame = frame + 1
		If frame > 3
		frame = 0
		End If
		'/////////END FRAME CODE
	End Method
End Type

Type Tmap
	Field xtiles:Int
	Field ytiles:Int
End Type

Type Twall
	Field x:Int
	Field y:Int
	Field img:Timage
	Method drawself()
		DrawImage wall_img , x , y
	End Method
End Type

Global game:Tgame = New Tgame

While Not KeyHit(key_escape)




DefData 6 , 6

DefData 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
DefData 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1
DefData 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1
DefData 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1
DefData 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1
DefData 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1

Brendane(Posted 2006) [#27]
Looks good to me mate.

One thing I would suggest before you go any further is to use a 2d array to store your map (as opposed to your tlist of walls. Why? Because at some point you're going to need to perform checks on collision/available routes. That will be much more efficient by looking up your player position in a map array and comparing the value (is it a wall, or a power up, or a dot?).

You already have the 2d array in concept (look at your data).

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#28]
you meen to store my wall objects in a array?
I can do that...

Sanctus(Posted 2006) [#29]
Hmm.... this is not a problem but I posted some gfx of mine in tha gfx section pls go there and view it :D