[MAXGUI] Combobox with default text?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/[MAXGUI] Combobox with default text?

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#1]

I was wondering if it is possible to giva a combobox a default text, such as "Select your option in here".

The text is not a Gagdetitem itself. So the user cannot select this entry in the drop-down list!


SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#2]
The only way I could do it was to set the COMBOBOX_EDITABLE style and then using SetGadgetText$() as in the below example:
Global wndMain:TGadget = CreateWindow("Test",400,400,400,300,0,15)
	Global gadCombo:TGadget = CreateComboBox(5, 5, 200, 20, wndMain, COMBOBOX_EDITABLE)
	Global gadButton:TGadget = CreateButton("OK",210,5,40,20,wndMain)

' Adding example items to the combobox

For Local a:Byte = 0 To 20

	AddGadgetItem(gadCombo,"Item " + a)


'Setting default text

SetGadgetText(gadCombo, "Please Select an Option...")

'Main Program Loop


	Select WaitEvent()
	End Select

Is that any good?


P.S. The problem with that is that the user can write anything into the box unless you write a validation routine yourself.

Update: I attempted to write for you a sample validation routine but it wouldn't work as I can't find a cross-platform way to retreive what the user has typed into an editable combo box. TextFieldText$() doesn't appear to update itself when a user types something in. :-) Anyone else have this problem, I have BlitzMax 1.20 running on Windows XP with latest SyncMods...

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#3]
Thanks for your help.

That is (without the edit thiggy) the exact behavior I would like to see.

Get the event with Eventhooks maybe? - Don't know how though.

SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#4]
A bit more information for you... If you call SelectedGadgetItem() with the default text in the box, it returns -1. I tried using the InsertGadgetItem() with an index of -1 to see if we could set the text in a different way however it says that the "index is out of range" with Debug Enabled and without Debug it says "Unhandled Memory Exception" if I remember correctly.

If EventHooks are needed then I won't be able to help, as I'm pretty useless with them.
