Weird render bug

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Weird render bug

ragtag(Posted 2006) [#1]
I'm having a weird problem with my game. About one out of five times when I start it (compile and start it or just start an allready built version of it), all alphablending fails, pixels are either on or off, and the graphics become dead slow (about 1 fps). I'm guessing my machine is using software emulation, instead of hardware rendering. The game still works, but just looks ugly and is waaaaay too slow. I'm simply using Graphics 1024,768,32 to set the graphics mode.

Has anyone encountered this problem or know what it is? And is there a way to check if the graphics mode has been set correctly, and reset it if it has not.

I'm running the latest version of BlitMax on OS X on my iBook. I haven't had the chance to compile it on my Windows box yet as it's currently offline, but will test it there as soon as I've got the machine online again.

ragtag(Posted 2006) [#2]
Just a little update. I got my WinXP box online and updated BlitMax to 1.16 on it and compiled my game. After starting it about 15 times I got the exact same bug. :( The only difference was that there was no noticeable slow down, as my windows box is about umpteenth times faster than my iBook, but stil no alphablending.

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#3]
What is your program doing beside the mentioned. It is impossible from the theoretical point that this happens as long as you don't do something quite strange or stupid which breaks th inner working.

ragtag(Posted 2006) [#4]
Ok...I'll just post the entire code here. It's 25kb, so a bit long. The few strange things I'm doing is enabling swithching to windowed mode if W is pressed. Might be more, but I'm too new to BlitzMax to know what a strange thing is when I see one. :)

The SetDriver thing was just a test. Don't think it makes any difference either way.

Here is the code with the graphics (about 1mb).

If compiling this on OSX, un-comment the OSX specific code at the top and set the os:String Constant at the top to "osx".


Const os:String = "win"	' osx, win or linux. Change before compiling. Used to decide where to 
						' save your status in the game.
Const w:Int = 1024
Const h:Int = 768
Const wh :Int= w/2
Const hh:Int = h/2

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


' SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()

If GraphicsModeExists(w,h,32) Then
	Graphics w, h, 32
	Graphics w, h, 0
End If

AutoMidHandle( True )

Global SaveFile:String
' MAC OS X specific code.
If os = "osx" Then
	' Code posted on forum by Mark Sibly. Finds the current home directory.
	Const kUserDomain=-32763
	Const kVolumeRootFolderType=Asc("r") Shl 24 | Asc("o") Shl 16 | Asc( "o") Shl 8 | Asc("t")
		Function FSFindFolder( vRefNum,folderType,createFolder,foundRef:Byte Ptr )
		Function FSRefMakePath( ref:Byte Ptr,path:Byte Ptr,maxPathsize )
	End Extern
	Function HomeDir$()
		Local buf:Byte[1024],ref:Byte[80]
		If FSFindFolder( kUserDomain,kVolumeRootFolderType,False,ref ) Return
		If FSRefMakePath( ref,buf,1024 ) Return
		Return String.FromCString( buf )
	End Function
	SaveFile = HomeDir() +"/Library/Preferences/BlackjackPrefs.txt"
End If
End Rem

' Windows specific code.
If os = "win" Then
	SaveFile = "BlackjackPrefs.txt"
End If 

' Linux specifc code.
If os = "linux" Then
	Print "Linux specific code not implemented yet. I'll get around to it some day."
End If

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Incbin "images/n1.png"
Incbin "images/n2.png"
Incbin "images/n3.png"
Incbin "images/n4.png"
Incbin "images/n5.png"
Incbin "images/n6.png"
Incbin "images/n7.png"
Incbin "images/n8.png"
Incbin "images/n9.png"
Incbin "images/n0.png"
Incbin "images/arrow.png"
Incbin "images/arrow_glow.png"
Incbin "images/hitme.png"
Incbin "images/hitme_glow.png"
Incbin "images/hold.png"
Incbin "images/hold_glow.png"
Incbin "images/deal.png"
Incbin "images/deal_glow.png"
Incbin "images/bust.png"
Incbin "images/blackjack.png"
Incbin "images/win.png"
Incbin "images/loose.png"
Incbin "images/tie.png"
' The card images
Incbin "images/back.png"
Incbin "images/2_club.png"
Incbin "images/3_club.png"
Incbin "images/4_club.png"
Incbin "images/5_club.png"
Incbin "images/6_club.png"
Incbin "images/7_club.png"
Incbin "images/8_club.png"
Incbin "images/9_club.png"
Incbin "images/10_club.png"
Incbin "images/11_club.png"
Incbin "images/12_club.png"
Incbin "images/13_club.png"
Incbin "images/14_club.png"
Incbin "images/2_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/3_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/4_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/5_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/6_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/7_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/8_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/9_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/10_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/11_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/12_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/13_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/14_diamond.png"
Incbin "images/2_heart.png"
Incbin "images/3_heart.png"
Incbin "images/4_heart.png"
Incbin "images/5_heart.png"
Incbin "images/6_heart.png"
Incbin "images/7_heart.png"
Incbin "images/8_heart.png"
Incbin "images/9_heart.png"
Incbin "images/10_heart.png"
Incbin "images/11_heart.png"
Incbin "images/12_heart.png"
Incbin "images/13_heart.png"
Incbin "images/14_heart.png"
Incbin "images/2_spade.png"
Incbin "images/3_spade.png"
Incbin "images/4_spade.png"
Incbin "images/5_spade.png"
Incbin "images/6_spade.png"
Incbin "images/7_spade.png"
Incbin "images/8_spade.png"
Incbin "images/9_spade.png"
Incbin "images/10_spade.png"
Incbin "images/11_spade.png"
Incbin "images/12_spade.png"
Incbin "images/13_spade.png"
Incbin "images/14_spade.png"
' Load card graphics
Global Back:TImage	= LoadImage( "incbin::images/back.png", FILTEREDIMAGE|MIPMAPPEDIMAGE )	' Backside of cards.	
Global CardImg:TImage[52]
Global AllSuit:String[52]
Global AllValue:Int[52]
Local Count:Int = 0
Global Suits:String[] = [ "club","diamond","heart","spade" ]
For Local Suit:String = EachIn Suits
	For Local n:Int=2 To 14
		CardImg[Count] = LoadImage( "incbin::images/"+n+"_"+Suit+".png" )
		AllSuit[Count] = Suit
		AllValue[Count] = n
' Load the rest of the graphics
Global NumberImg:TImage[10]
For Local i:Int=0 To 9
	NumberImg[i] = LoadImage( "incbin::images/n"+i+".png" )
Global BetNumber:TNumber = TNumber.Create()
BetNumber.x = 56
BetNumber.Kind = 0
Global CashNumber:TNumber = TNumber.Create()
CashNumber.x = 910
CashNumber.Kind = 1
Global ArrowImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/arrow.png" )
Global ArrowGlowImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/arrow_glow.png"  )
Global HitMeImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/hitme.png" )
Global HitMeGlowImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/hitme_glow.png" )
Global HoldMeImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/hold.png" )
Global HoldMeGlowImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/hold_glow.png" )
Global DealMeImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/deal.png" )
Global DealMeGlowImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/deal_glow.png" )
' Make the main buttons.
Global ArrowUp:TButton = TButton.Create( "Arrow", ArrowImg, ArrowGlowImg )
ArrowUp.Pos = [ 70.0, 340.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
ArrowUp.Goal = [ 70.0, 340.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
ArrowUp.GlowPos = [ 70.0, 340.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
ArrowUp.GlowGoal = [ 70.0, 340.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global ArrowDown:TButton = TButton.Create( "Arrow", ArrowImg, ArrowGlowImg )
ArrowDown.Pos = [ 70.0, 428.0, 180.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
ArrowDown.Goal = [ 70.0, 428.0, 180.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
ArrowDown.GlowPos = [ 70.0, 428.0, 180.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
ArrowDown.GlowGoal = [ 70.0, 428.0, 180.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global HitMe:TButton = TButton.Create( "HitMe", HitMeImg, HitMeGlowImg )
HitMe.Pos = [ 512.0, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
HitMe.Goal = [ 512.0, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
HitMe.GlowPos = [ 512.0, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
HitMe.GlowGoal = [ 512.0, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global HoldMe:TButton = TButton.Create( "HoldMe", HoldMeImg, HoldMeGlowImg )
HoldMe.Pos = [ 512.0, 620.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
HoldMe.Goal = [ 512.0, 620.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
HoldMe.GlowPos = [ 512.0, 620.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
HoldMe.GlowGoal = [ 512.0, 620.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global DealMe:TButton = TButton.Create( "DealMe", DealMeImg, DealMeGlowImg )
DealMe.Pos = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
DealMe.Goal = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
DealMe.GlowPos = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
DealMe.GlowGoal = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global BustImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/bust.png" )
Global Bust:TButton = TButton.Create( "Bust", BustImg, BustImg )
Bust.Pos = [ 512.0, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Bust.Goal = [ 512.0, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global BlackjackImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/blackjack.png" )
Global Blackjack:TButton = TButton.Create( "Blackjack", BlackjackImg, BlackjackImg )
Blackjack.Pos = [ 512.0, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Blackjack.Goal = [ 512.0, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global WinImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/win.png" )
Global Win:TButton = TButton.Create( "Win", WinImg, WinImg )
Win.Pos = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Win.Goal = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global LooseImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/loose.png" )
Global Loose:TButton = TButton.Create( "Loose", LooseImg, LooseImg )
Loose.Pos = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Loose.Goal = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Global TieImg:TImage = LoadImage( "incbin::images/tie.png" )
Global Tie:TButton = TButton.Create( "Tie", TieImg, TieImg )
Tie.Pos = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
Tie.Goal = [ 512.0, 384.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global mpf:Int = 1000/60
Global Timer:TTimer = TTimer.Create( 300 )	' Interval between dealing cards.

' Initialize the game.
Global Game:TGame = New TGame		' Main object for the game itself. 
Global QuitGame:Int = 0			' Flag when sets to 1 that quits the game.
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Global Deck:TDeck = TDeck.Create() 	' Build a deck of 52 cards.
Global Human:THand = New THand		' Create a default object for the player.
Human.CPU = 0
Global Computer:THand = New THand	' Create an object for the CPU player.
Computer.CPU = 1

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


	Local now:Int = MilliSecs()
	Select Game.Mode
	Case "title"
	Case "game"
	End Select
	While MilliSecs() < mpf + now
	' Toggle between windowed mode and full screen.
	If KeyHit( KEY_W ) Then
		Local Depth:Int = GraphicsDepth()
		If GraphicsDepth() = 32 Then
			Graphics w, h, 0						
			AutoMidHandle( True )
		Else If GraphicsModeExists(w,h,32) Then
			Graphics w, h, 32
			AutoMidHandle( True )
		End If
	End If
Until QuitGame

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


' Class for the main game screen.
Type TGame
	Field ScreenButtons:TList = CreateList()

	Field Mode:String = "title"
	Field Stage:String = "init"
	Field WinLoose:Int = 10
	Field TickCount:Int = 0
	Field ButtonTimer:Int = MilliSecs()
	Field BetTimer:Int = MilliSecs()
	Field Flush:Int = 1
	Method Main()
		Select Stage
		Case "init"
		Case "deal"
		Case "reset"
		Case "hit"
		Case "hold"
		Case "result"
		Case "ready"
		Case "broke"
		End Select
		If KeyDown( KEY_ESCAPE ) Then QuitGame = 1
		If Flush
		End If
		DrawText( "MouseX "+MouseX(), 10,50 )
		DrawText( "MouseY "+MouseY(), 10,70 )
		DrawText( "Computer "+Computer.Evaluate(), 10, 270 )
		DrawText( "Win loose is "+WinLoose, 10, 300 )
		DrawText( "Human    "+Human.Evaluate(), 10, 330 )
		End Rem 
	End Method
	Method MouseWithin:Int(x,y,w,h)
		If MouseX() > x And MouseX() < x+w And MouseY() > y And MouseY() < y+h Then Return 1
	End Method
	' Updates everything on the game screen.
	Method Update()
		For Local Butt:TButton = EachIn ScreenButtons

		ArrowUp.Goal[5] = 0.0
		ArrowDown.Goal[5] = 0.0		
		ArrowUp.GlowGoal[5] = 0.0
		ArrowDown.GlowGoal[5] = 0.0
		If MilliSecs() > ButtonTimer + 300
			HitMe.Goal[5] = 0.0
			HitMe.GlowGoal[5] = 0.0
			HoldMe.Goal[5] = 0.0
			HoldMe.GlowGoal[5] = 0.0
			DealMe.Goal[5] = 0.0
			DealMe.GlowGoal[5] = 0.0
			ButtonTimer = MilliSecs()
		End If		
		For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Human.Cards
			Card.Goal[5] = 1.0
		For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Computer.Cards
			Card.Goal[5] = 1.0
	End Method
	' --- Title Screen Methods ---
	Method Title()
		DrawText( "BLACKJACK",360,280 )
		DrawText( "Press space to start",320,500 )
		If KeyDown( Key_Space ) Then Mode = "game"
	End Method
	Method Broke()
		DrawText( "You are BROKE!", 360,280 )
	End Method
	' --- Game Screen Methods ---
	Method Initialize()
		' Load in the last saved cash status.
		Local File:TStream = OpenFile( SaveFile )
		If File Then 
			Local TempStr:String = ReadLine( File )
			Human.Cash = Int(TempStr)
			CloseStream File
			If Human.Cash < 1 Then Human.Cash = 1000
		End If
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( ArrowUp )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( ArrowDown )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( HitMe )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( HoldMe )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( DealMe )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( Win )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( Loose )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( Tie )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( Blackjack )
		ScreenButtons.AddLast( Bust )
		If KeyDown( Key_Space ) Then Stage = "ready"
	End Method
	Method Deal()
		Timer.Wait = 300
		Select TickCount
		Case 1
			Computer.PutCard( Deck.PullCard() )
			Computer.GetCard().Face = 0
		Case 3
			Human.PutCard( Deck.PullCard() )
		Case 5
			Computer.PutCard( Deck.PullCard() )
		Case 7
			Human.PutCard( Deck.PullCard() )
			TickCount = 0
			WinLoose = Human.CompareHands( Computer, 1 )
			If WinLoose = 2 Or WinLoose = -2
				stage = "result"
				stage = "hit"
			End If
		End Select
		If Timer.Tick() Then TickCount:+1
	End Method
	' Resets the game and shuffles the deck.
	Method Reset()
		' Clear the table.
		Win.Goal[5] = 0.0
		Tie.Goal[5] = 0.0
		Loose.Goal[5] = 0.0
		Blackjack.Goal[5] = 0.0
		Bust.Goal[5] = 0.0
		Timer.Wait = 300
		If TickCount = 1
			For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Human.Cards
				Card.Goal =  [ 0.0, 896.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
			For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Computer.Cards
				Card.Goal =  [ 0.0, -128.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
		End If
		If TickCount = 3		
			For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Human.Cards
				Deck.PutCard( Human.PullCard() )
			For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Computer.Cards
				Deck.PutCard( Computer.PullCard() )
			TickCount = 0
			stage = "deal"
		End If
		If Timer.Tick() Then TickCount:+1
	End Method
	Method Hit()
		DealMe.Goal[5] = 0.0
		Local Hit:Int = 0
		Local Hold:Int = 0
		' Hit me button.
		If KeyDown( KEY_SPACE ) Then Hit = 1
		If MouseWithin(200,-1,624,300) Then
			HitMe.Goal[5] = 0.6
			For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Computer.Cards
				Card.Goal[5] = 0.4
			If MouseHit(1) Then Hit = 1
			'HitMe.Goal[5] = 0.0
			For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Human.Cards
				Card.Goal[5] = 1.0
		End If
		' Hold button.
		If KeyDown( KEY_H ) Then Hold = 1
		If MouseWithin(200,476,624,300) Then
			HoldMe.Goal[5] = 0.6
			For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Human.Cards
				Card.Goal[5] = 0.4
			If MouseHit(1) Then Hold = 1
			'HoldMe.Goal[5] = 0.0
			For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Human.Cards
				Card.Goal[5] = 1.0
		End If
		If Hit Then
			HitMe.Goal[5] = 0.9
			HitMe.GlowGoal[5] = 1.0
			ButtonTimer = MilliSecs()
			Human.PutCard( Deck.PullCard() )
			WinLoose = Human.CompareHands( Computer )
			If WinLoose = -3 Or Human.GetSize() = 5 Then stage = "result"
		Else If Hold Then 
			HoldMe.Goal[5] = 0.9
			HoldMe.GlowGoal[5] = 1.0
			ButtonTimer = MilliSecs()
			TickCount = 0
			stage = "hold"
		End If
	End Method

	Method Hold()
		Timer.Wait = 600
		Computer.GetCard().Face = 1
		Local hisHand:Int = Computer.Evaluate()
		Local myHand:Int = Human.Evaluate()
		If TickCount Then
			TickCount = 0
			If myHand > hisHand And Computer.GetSize() < 5 Then
				Computer.PutCard( Deck.PullCard() )
				WinLoose = Human.CompareHands( Computer )
				Stage = "result"
			End If
		End If
		If Timer.Tick() Then TickCount = 1
	End Method 
	' Move cash around.
	Method Result()
		If WinLoose > 0 Then Human.Cash:+ Human.Bet
		If WinLoose < 0 Then Human.Cash:- Human.Bet
		If Human.Bet > Human.Cash Then Human.Bet = Human.Cash
		' Save cash to file.
		Local File:TStream = WriteFile( SaveFile )
		If File Then
			WriteLine File,Human.Cash
			CloseStream File
			Print "Failed to open file "+SaveFile
		End If
		' Check if you're broke.
		If Human.Cash = 0 Then Stage = "broke" Else Stage = "ready"
	End Method
	' Displays the result of one round.
	Method Ready()
		Select WinLoose
			Case 3
				For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Computer.Cards
					Card.Goal[5] = 0.4
				Bust.Pos[1] = 148.0
				Bust.Goal[1] = 148.0
				Bust.Goal[5] = 0.8
				Win.Goal[5] = 1.0			
			Case 2
				For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Human.Cards
					Card.Goal[5] = 0.4
				Blackjack.Pos[1] = 620.0
				Blackjack.Goal[1] = 620.0
				Blackjack.Goal[5] = 0.8
				Win.Goal[5] = 1.0
			Case 1
				Win.Goal[5] = 1.0
			Case 0
				Tie.Goal[5] = 1.0
			Case -1
				Loose.Goal[5] = 1.0
			Case -2
				Computer.GetCard().Face = 1	
				For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Computer.Cards
					Card.Goal[5] = 0.4
				Blackjack.Pos[1] = 148.0
				Blackjack.Goal[1] = 148.0
				Blackjack.Goal[5] = 0.8
				Loose.Goal[5] = 1.0
			Case -3
				For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Human.Cards
					Card.Goal[5] = 0.4
				Bust.Pos[1] = 620.0
				Bust.Goal[1] = 620.0
				Bust.Goal[5] = 0.8
				Loose.Goal[5] = 1.0
		End Select

		' Raise bet.
		If MouseWithin(20,290,100,90)  Then
			ArrowUp.Goal[5] = 0.9
			If MouseDown(1) Then
				If Human.Bet < 100 And Human.Bet < Human.Cash And MilliSecs() > BetTimer + 75
					BetTimer = MilliSecs()
				End If
				ArrowUp.GlowGoal[5] = 1.0
				Flush = 0
			End If 
			ArrowUp.Goal[5] = 0.6
		End If
		' Decrease bet.
		If MouseWithin(20,388,100,90)  Then
			ArrowDown.Goal[5] = 0.9
			If MouseDown(1) Then
				If Human.Bet > 1 And MilliSecs() > BetTimer + 75
					BetTimer = MilliSecs()
				End If
				ArrowDown.GlowGoal[5] = 1.0
				Flush = 0
			End If
			ArrowDown.Goal[5] = 0.6
		End If
		If Not MouseWithin(50,280,100,70) And Not MouseWithin(50,410,100,70) Then Flush=1
		DealMe.Goal[5] = 0.1
		Local DealNow:Int = 0
		If KeyDown( Key_Space ) Then DealNow = 1
		If MouseWithin(250,270,500,230) Then
			DealMe.Goal[5] = 0.2
			If MouseHit(1) Then DealNow = 1
		End If
		If DealNow Then
			DealMe.GlowGoal[5] = 1.0
			DealMe.Goal[5] = 1.0
			ButtonTimer = MilliSecs()
			TickCount = 0
			Stage = "reset"
		End If
	End Method
	Function Create:TGame()
		Return New TGame
	End Function
End Type

' Base class for anything that can hold cards (i.e. the deck, players hands etc.)
Type TDeck
	Field Cards:TList = CreateList()

	' Returns one card from the TDeck.
	Method GetCard:TCard( Number:Int = 0 )
		Local n=0
		For Local c:TCard = EachIn Cards
			If n = Number Then Return c
	End Method
	' Returns the number of cards in a deck.
	Method GetSize:Int()
		Return CountList( Cards )
	End Method
	' Pulls (draws) the top card from the TDeck.
	Method PullCard:TCard()
		Local TempCard:TCard = GetCard()
		If TempCard Then Self.Cards.RemoveFirst()
		Return TempCard
	End Method
	' Puts a card last in the deck.
	Method PutCard:TCard( inCard:TCard )
		Self.Cards.AddLast( inCard )
	End Method
	' Shuffles the cards in the TDeck. Shuffling is done by setting the order
	' field to a random value and then sorting the TDeck by that.
	Method Shuffle()
		For Local c:TCard = EachIn Cards
			c.Order = Rnd(0,65000)
	End Method
	' Creates a deck of cards. By default it contains 52 cards, but you can decide
	' to start it from a higher number, such as seven and up. Useless for this game,
	' but handy if I decide to create a different game later. :)
	Function Create:TDeck() Final
		Local TempDeck:TDeck = New TDeck
		For Local i:Int=0 To 51
			TempDeck.Cards.AddLast( TCard.Create( i ) )
		Return TempDeck
	End Function	
End Type

' Base class for a hand of cards and the player holding that hand. Used for human and CPU players.
Type THand Extends TDeck
	Field CPU:Int					' Human = 0 or CPU = 1
	Field Cash:Int = 1000
	Field Bet:Int =1
	' Adds a card To the bottom of the TDeck.
	Method PutCard:TCard( inCard:TCard )
		Self.Cards.AddLast( inCard )
		Local CardCount = Cards.Count()
		Local FirstCardPosition:Float = (CardCount*(-100))+100+wh
		FirstCardPosition:+ 200*(CardCount-1)
		inCard.Pos[0] = FirstCardPosition

		If CPU Then 
			inCard.Pos =   [ FirstCardPosition, 0.0, -90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
			inCard.Goal =  [ FirstCardPosition, 148.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
			inCard.Face = 1
			inCard.Pos =   [ FirstCardPosition, 768.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
			inCard.Goal =  [ FirstCardPosition, 620.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
			inCard.Face = 1
		End If 
	End Method
	' Updates the positions of the cards on the screen.
	Method Update()
		Local CardCount = Cards.Count()
		Local FirstCardPosition:Int = (CardCount*(-100))+100+wh
		Local i:Int = 0
		For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Cards
			Card.Goal[0] = FirstCardPosition
			FirstCardPosition:+ 200
	End Method
	' Draws the hand on the screen.
	Method Draw()
		For Local Card:TCard = EachIn Cards
	End Method
	' Figures out the value of a hand. Returns two values in case you havea an ace.
	' Returns -1 if you're bust.
	Method Evaluate:Int()
		Local TotalValue:Int[2]
		Local Ace:Int = 0	' Has an ace on hand.
		For Local myCard:TCard = EachIn Cards
			Local Value:Int = myCard.Value
			If Value > 10 And Value < 14 Then Value = 10
			If Value = 14 Then
				Value = 1
				Ace = 1
			End If
			TotalValue[0] = TotalValue[0] + Value
			If Ace Then
				TotalValue[1] = TotalValue[0] + 10
			End If
		If TotalValue[1] < 22 And TotalValue[1] > TotalValue[0] Then 
			Return TotalValue[1]
			Return TotalValue[0]
		End If
	End Method
	' Compares two hands, returns 1 if the owner wins.
	 3 - Computer is bust.
	 2 - You got a Blackjack with two cards.
	 1 - You win.
	 0 - It's a tie.
	-1 - Computer wins.
	-2 - Comptur got a Blackjack with two cards.
	-3 - You are bust.
	End Rem
	Method CompareHands:Int( inHand:THand, Initial:Int=0 )
		Local winner:Int
		Local myHand:Int = Evaluate()
		Local hisHand:Int = inHand.Evaluate()
		If Initial Then
			If myHand = 21
				Return 2
			Else If hisHand = 21
				Return -2
			End If
		End If
		If myHand > 21 Then Return -3
		If hisHand > 21 Then Return 3
		If Self.GetSize() = 5 And myHand < 22 Then Return 1
		If inHand.GetSize() = 5 And hisHand < 22 Then Return -1
		If myHand > hisHand And myHand < 22
			Return 1
		Else If myHand < hisHand And hisHand < 22
			Return -1
		Else If myHand = hisHand And myHand < 22
			Return 0
		End If
	End Method
End Type

' Base class for each playing card.
Type TCard
	Field Suit:String			' club, diamond, heart, spade
	Field Value:Int			' 2..14  ( 11=jack, 12=queen, 13=king, 14=ace)
	Field Order:Int			' Used to shuffle the cards with.

	' Array fields for positioning and moving the card. The index in the array is as follow:
	'[ 0=PositionX, 1=PositionY, 2=Rotate, 3=ScaleX, 4=ScaleY, 5=Alpha ]
	Field Pos:Float[] =   [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
	Field Goal:Float[] =  [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
	Field Speed:Float[] = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
	Field Face:Int = 1		' If the card should face up 1 or down 0.
	Field Front:TImage		' Main image to display.
	Global lag:Float = 8.0

	' Overrides the TList function to make cards be sorted by the Order field.
	Method Compare(Obj:Object)
		If TCard(Obj).Order < Order Then Return 1 Else Return -1
	End Method

	' Updates the position of the card.
	Method Update()
		For Local i:Int = 0 To 5
			Local Distance:Float = Goal[i] - Pos[i]
			Local Acceleration:Float = (Distance - Speed[i]*Lag)*2/(Lag*Lag)
			Speed[i]:+ Acceleration
			Pos[i]:+ Speed[i]
	End Method
	' Draws an image of the card on the screen at x,y.
	Method Draw()
		SetTransform( Pos[2],Pos[3],Pos[4] )
		SetAlpha( Pos[5] )
		If Face Then
			DrawImage( Front, Pos[0], Pos[1] )
			DrawImage( Back, Pos[0], Pos[1] )
		End If
		SetTransform 0,1,1 
		SetAlpha 1
	End Method
	' Create a single card.
	Function Create:TCard( inCount )
		Local Card:TCard = New TCard
		Card.Suit = AllSuit[inCount]
		Card.Value = AllValue[inCount]
		Card.Front = CardImg[inCount]
		'MidHandleImage( Card.Back )
		Return Card
	End Function
End Type

' Used for the graphic representation of buttons.
Type TButton
	Field Pos:Float[] =   [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
	Field Goal:Float[] =  [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
	Field Speed:Float[] = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
	Field GlowPos:Float[] =   [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
	Field GlowGoal:Float[] =  [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
	Field GlowSpeed:Float[] = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
	Field Image:TImage
	Field GlowImage:TImage
	Field Name:String
	Global Lag:Float = 8.0
	' Updates the position of the button.
	Method Update()
		For Local i:Int = 0 To 5
			Local Distance:Float = Goal[i] - Pos[i]
			Local Acceleration:Float = (Distance - Speed[i]*Lag)*2/(Lag*Lag)
			Speed[i]:+ Acceleration
			Pos[i]:+ Speed[i]
			Distance = GlowGoal[i] - GlowPos[i]
			Acceleration = (Distance - GlowSpeed[i]*Lag)*2/(Lag*Lag)
			GlowSpeed[i]:+ Acceleration
			GlowPos[i]:+ GlowSpeed[i]
	End Method
	' Draw the button.
	Method Draw()
		SetTransform( Pos[2],Pos[3],Pos[4] )
		SetAlpha( Pos[5] )
		DrawImage( Image, Pos[0], Pos[1] )
		SetTransform( GlowPos[2],GlowPos[3],GlowPos[4] )
		SetAlpha( GlowPos[5] )
		DrawImage( GlowImage, GlowPos[0], GlowPos[1] )
		SetTransform 0,1,1
		SetAlpha 1
	End Method
	' Create a representation for a button.
	Function Create:TButton( inName:String, inImage:TImage, inGlow:TImage )
		Local MyButton:TButton = New TButton
		MyButton.Name = inName
		MyButton.Image = inImage
		MyButton.GlowImage = inGlow
		Return MyButton
	End Function
End Type

Type TNumber
	Field Active:Int = 1
	Field Kind:Int		' 0 = Bet, 1 = Cash
	Field x:Int = 100
	Field y:Int = 384
	Method Draw(  )
		If Active
			Local Number:Int
			If Kind Then Number = Human.Cash Else Number = Human.Bet
			Local NumberString:String = Number
			Local Digits:Int = NumberString.Length
			Local FirstNumberPosition:Int = (Digits*(-12))+25+x
			For Local i:Int = 0 To Digits-1
				Local OneDigit:Int = NumberString[i]
				SetAlpha 0.9
				DrawImage( NumberImg[OneDigit], FirstNumberPosition, y )
				SetAlpha 1.0
				FirstNumberPosition:+ 25
		End If
	End Method
	Function Create:TNumber()
		Return New TNumber
	End Function
End Type

' Timer function. Use [ If Time.Tick() Then something... ]
Type TTimer
	Field Start:Int		' Start time.
	Field Ticks:Int		' The number of times the timer has clicked.
	Field Wait:Int		' Number of millisecs to wait between ticks.
	' Returns true if the timer ticks. Add's one to Tick count.
	Method Tick:Int()
		If MilliSecs() > Start + Wait
			Start = MilliSecs()
			Return 1
			Return 0
		End If
	End Method

	' Creates a timer. Takes time to wait between ticks as input.
	Function Create:TTimer( inWait:Int = 60 )
		Local Time:TTimer = New TTimer
		Time.Start = MilliSecs()
		Time.Ticks = 0
		Time.Wait = inWait
		Return Time
	End Function
End Type